Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1137: The decisive Mulian!

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When Mu Tong mentioned Wan Dong, Li Baiyi was already depressed, but added a bit more heavy, shook his head and asked, "Tonger, I haven't come some days, is your sister all right? "

"Okay? What a ghost! In order to allow Mu and Li to get married sooner, my father has been a little tight on my sister this time. My sister may be in a hurry. Not only will she refuse to see my father again, but I also say that I Daddy forced her again and she committed suicide. "

"What, suicide? How can that be done?" Li Baiyi immediately anxiously heard it.

Mu Tong said bitterly, "Of course it won't work! But my sister's stubborn temper, you don't know it. Hey, my father is very upset these days!"

"I'll see your sister!"

Mu Tong's eyes showed some worry, saying, "I'm afraid this is not good? Although my sister's attitude towards you has been somewhat relaxed over the years, but my father forced her like this, she will definitely spread all her anger on you. , If you go this way, you will touch the nails! "

Li Baiyi smiled bitterly and said, "Is there too few nails I have touched with your sister over the years? It can be said that I am used to it."

Looking at Li Baiyi's miserable expression, Mu Tong couldn't bear it. He shook his head and said, "I really don't know what happened to my sister. How could she not know how to cherish a good man like Brother Li? It ’s worthless to the tortuous boy who tortured himself and Brother Li, too! Brother Li, you do n’t have to be too sad, if my sister does n’t want to marry you, then I will marry! ”

Seeing Mu Tong bulging his cheeks, Li Baiyi could only smile bitterly with a vowed look.

Bingxin Pavilion was originally Mulian's boudoir, but now it is Mulian's imprisonment place, surrounded by masters of Mu Family. Mulian is strictly prohibited from stepping out of Bingxin Pavilion. In the past few years, Li Baiyi has come here as soon as he has spare time, and is very familiar with it.

Before Li Baiyi and Mu Tong approached Bingxin Pavilion, from afar they heard a burst of insults. Mu Tong's complexion suddenly changed, and he felt sad and helpless and said, "Father is coming to force my sister!"

Li Baiyi's brow is also wrinkled, speeding up the pace!

Mu Lin's father Mu Yucheng is also the owner of the Mu family. With him standing high and calling for wind and rain, the days have been very pleasant. But God didn't want to let him relax. In the past few years, Mu Yucheng has been troubled for Mulian's affairs.

"Lian'er, Dad only asked you a word, in your heart, is there a dad for me!" Mu Yucheng persuaded Mu Lian for a long time today, but Mu Lian refused to let go, Mu Yucheng finally lost patience Asked angrily.

"Of course, Lian'er has father in his heart, but does Daddy have Lianer's daughter in his heart?" Mulian's voice came from the room, full of sorrow and despair, which made people hear pantothenic acid.

"What do you say? If you don't have your daughter in Dad's heart, you will lose the Mingshen Soul Jade, and I will kill you!"

"Then trouble me or kill me! You can't be with your loved ones, it's better to die!"

"Fuck! You are young, you know what love is? Also, you, as the eldest girl of my Mu family, fell in love with a common boy. This is a shame and shame for my Mu family. This family matter, father is whatever I wo n’t agree to it, you died this heart early! "

"Then please dad to die, even if I am dead, Mu Lin will not marry the Li family."

"You ... you ..." Mu Yucheng was trembling with Mu Lin's anger, and shouted sharply. "I don't understand. What is the ordinary boy better than white clothes? What medicine did he give you? You are so stubborn about him, obsessed with obsession? And, you should know that the ordinary boy is dead, and you should die! "

"No! He is not dead, he is alive, I can feel it!"

"Even if he is still alive, then I will break him to pieces!"

"Alright! As soon as he dies, I will kill myself. You can separate us alive, and you can't divide us if you die?"

"You ... you girl, it seems that you have eaten the scales and iron!"

"Dad is right! The daughter has made up her mind, even if it is dead, it will not destroy my love for Wandong!"

"Okay! In that case, then you die! But I tell you, even if you die, I will marry your body to the Li family! You can't be a Li family, you have to die. Family ghost! "Roaring, Mu Yucheng drew a short sword from his arms and threw it in front of Mu Lian.

Mulian apparently didn't expect Mu Yucheng to be so cruel, the whole person was stunned, and tears flowed from her eyes like tears. After a moment, Mu Lian made a sigh in his mouth, bent down, and slowly picked up the short sword on the ground.

Looking at the blade of the cold light of the Yanren, Mu Lian's eyes burst into tears, blood bleeds in his heart, muttered, "Xiao Dong, it seems that we really have no chance in this life, Lian'er must take a step today. May the next life, we can continue the unfinished destiny of this life ...... "

"Sister, don't!" Mu Tong had arrived outside the door, and was surprised when he heard Mu Lian's whisper. He rushed in and rushed in, robbing Mu Lian of the short sword in his hand.

"Tong'er?" Mu Lian froze for a moment.

Everyone in the family at the curtain is afraid of Mu Yucheng, but Mu Tong is not afraid. At this moment, he turned his head and stared at him in angrily, blaming it unabashedly, "Daddy, your sister is your biological daughter. Ruthlessly, to force her to commit suicide? "

"I ... I ..." Mu Yucheng really wanted to force Mulian to commit suicide? But this was to scare her, but I did n’t expect that Mu Lian was taken seriously, and without hesitation, she really wanted to commit suicide. She directly pushed Mu Yucheng to the wall, facing Mu Tong ’s blame. , I do n’t know where to start if I want to explain.

And his annoyance, in Mu Tong's eyes, immediately became a philosopher. He threw the dagger out of the room and turned his head to hold Mu Lian's hand. "Sister, dad, he's so confused, don't care he!"

"Tong'er, did you say your father's?" Mu Yucheng said pretendedly. Seeing this posture, if he doesn't say anything, I'm afraid he will be less majestic as a dad in front of Mu Tong.

Who knows, Mu Tong just ignored him, he sneered, and asked directly, “Do you treat your daughter like this? You forced your own daughter to punish herself, but you did it!”

"I ... well, I don't care anymore!" Mu Yu's idiom was irritated, and he simply snorted and walked out of his sleeve.

After walking out of the room, Mu Yucheng discovered that Li Baiyi had also come. Facing Li Baiyi, Mu Yucheng really didn't know what to say. He smiled and shook his head at him bitterly, saying embarrassingly, "Your nephew, here you come."

Li Baiyi hurriedly leaned down and bowed down, chanting in his mouth, "Li Baiyi visits the house owner."

Mu Yucheng personally lifted him up and said bitterly, "Whether the owner is the owner or not, I would like to hear you call me dad, but Lian'er girl ... Hey, sir nephew, I'm afraid I'll get you one more Fight hard! Okay, let's talk to Lianer again. I still have official duties. Let's go first! "

After all, Mu Yucheng hurried away in a hurry.

Li Baiyi looked at Mu Yucheng's back, and his heart was full of helplessness, saying that he was going to disappoint Mu Yucheng. After tidying up his clothes and taking a long breath, Li Baiyi stepped into the room.

Mulian was sobbing under Mu Tong's comfort at the moment. When he saw Li Baiyi, he immediately turned his back and wiped away his tears, revealing a cold expression. You made it clear, why should you be aggressive? Do I really punish myself, are you willing to give up? "

Worried about Li Baiyi's embarrassment, Mu Tong hurriedly round the field and said: "Sister, Brother Li is here to see you, don't you like this!"

"Humph! Who is rare to see me? If he doesn't come, Dad won't make me so tight!"

Mu Lian couldn't make Mu Yucheng what she did, but he spread all his anger on Li Baiyi's body. Mu Tong couldn't persuade him to persuade him, so he had to smile at Li Baiyi frequently.

Before the change, Li Baiyi will be particularly angry and depressed, but this time, everything seems to have changed. Li Baiyi didn't feel half annoyed or depressed, but looked at Mu Lian's haggard and sad face, and felt a pain in her heart.

I don't know if he changed his mood after meeting Wan Dong. Many problems that I hadn't been able to figure out at the moment seemed to pass through at this moment. To be honest, this made Li Baiyi feel a lot easier.

"Tong'er, you go out first, I have a few words to tell your sister." Li Baiyi Chong also Mu Tong said.

"What kind of whispering would you like to pay me?" Mu Tong said dissatisfiedly.

Li Baiyi smiled and said, "Obey, you will go out for a while."

Mu Tong reluctantly screamed, stood up, and walked out of the room step by step.

Closing the door, Li Baiyi's eyes full of compassion fell on Mulian.

But Mu Lian didn't appreciate it. Emei's eyebrows were tight, and she said frostly. "What else do you have to say to me, say it quickly, and leave immediately after you finish, I don't want to see you!"

Li Baiyi took a breath and asked quietly, "Lian'er, you tell me the truth, if there is no Wandong among us, would you choose me?"

"No!" Mulian replied straightforwardly without any hesitation.

This answer obviously made Li Baiyi somewhat unacceptable and asked anxiously, "But why?"

Mu Lian looked up at Li Baiyi and said, "Li Baiyi, do you think Wan Dong is the only obstacle between us? You are too confused! You don't want to think about it, when I decided to escape marriage and go to the ordinary world, I We did n’t know Wandong at all. It was later that we fell in love and came together. "

Li Baiyi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it, and there was a lot of disappointment and frustration on his face.

When Mu Lian saw it, he gave a soft sigh and said, "Li Baiyi, do you remember? When we were young, our feelings were very good. I will always pester you and play with you. But I will be You are regarded as your own brother, that is a relationship between brother and sister, not love! "

"It turns out that ..." Li Baiyi shook his head, a very bitter smile on his face. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14940097->

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