Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1126: Broken Sky Steel!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Hey ... I knew you were going to make this trick" through the clouds ", and I was waiting for you!" Under Huang Fuxun's gun, Wei Shaoqing seemed to be at ease, and his wrists flicked in evil laughter The steel-bone iron fan flew up automatically, blocking the tip of the silver star gun. (Just love to read the book network)

I only heard the sound of a numbing scalp, the steel bone iron fan did not know what material it was made of, it was indestructible, even though the thorn of Huangfu Xun used all his strength, he failed. Pierce it. On the contrary, under the rapid rotation of the steel-bone iron fan, he simply pushed back the Huangfu smoked silver star gun.

"Hey ... I've seen enough of your Lingyun shooting technique, do you have any new tricks?"

"You are too wordy!"

Huangfu Xun finally got a little impatient, his wrist shook, and the tip of the silver star gun suddenly shook violently. A strong energy, spouting thinly from the point of the spear, turned into a strip of dragon-like fearful energy in the air and roared.

"It's barely interesting, but it's not enough!"

Wei Shaoqing's face finally became more dignified, and a low drink came out of his mouth. The steel-bone iron fan in his hand seemed to be alive. He flew in front of him automatically, stirring up the essence of the world. , Set off a terrifying storm,

After a loud noise, the two people's strength was extended once, and everyone was forced to retreat.

The fact that the two young descendants could fight to such a field was enough to describe the world of weeping ghosts and gods. Several elders of the Lin family hurriedly joined forces to form a qi barrier in the air, forcibly suppressing their strength in a certain range so that they would not hurt others.

when! boom!

The silver star gun and the steel-bone iron fan collided again in the air. Huang Fuxun and Wei Shaoqing shook their bodies together, and then took three steps back. It seems that there is a split situation, but Wan Dong's brows can't help but wrinkle up, Wei Shaoqing is obviously more relaxed than the two.

"Huangfu Xun, you're almost done. Now it's time for me to change!" Fang Caiwei and Shaoqing have been only defending, but at this time he sneered and let go offensive.

Compared with Huangfu Xun's wide-opening and opening, Wei Shaoqing's offensive is obviously more prone to softness and trickiness. A steel-bone iron fan is simply the letter of the viper, erratic and unpredictable. Huangfu Xun didn't dare to carelessly, and kept the silver star gun dance water intact. It seemed to be very brave. He refused Wei Shaoqing to thousands of miles, but in fact, his play was the most costly. Mind and spirit are never a good strategy. (This chapter is updated by Just Love Book Online 92Ks.Com)

"It's almost the same for a long time. Huangfu Xun, you realize it!"

While Huang Fuxun resisted Wei Shaoqing's offensive with all his strength, Wei Shaoqing's offensive suddenly changed, showing a burst of **** energy, and suddenly burst out from the iron fan, stacked one after another, and kept Huangfu Xun trapped. live. 77nt.Com Qianqian novel network and this **** vigor came out, Wei Shaoqing's whole person's momentum has also changed suddenly. If the feeling he gave before was just evil, then it makes people feel violent and cruel.

As a matter of course, Wei Shaoqing's sense of threat to people is soaring like a rocket.

Huangfu Qing couldn't help but opened his mouth and exclaimed, shouting with a trembling voice, "This ... what kind of move?"

There was a sneer in Wan Dong's heart. He had expected Wei Shaoqing to have reservations. As expected, he finally showed his hole card. It's just that this violent and brutal atmosphere, full of blood, is very similar to those of those in blood. Wan Dong suspected that there was any connection between the blood skeleton and the number of the World Extermination, and now it seems that it will not be wrong.

Surrounded by those energies of blood, Huangfu Xun only felt that he was the whole person, as if he had fallen into a thousands of enemies. Threats came to him from all directions, with almost no dead ends. In order to resist this ubiquitous danger, Huangfu Xun had to mobilize every trace of Dao Qi in his body and work with full strength. In fact, he was like a trapped beast trapped in a cage at this time.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yingyang suddenly became nervous, and if there was something missing in his house at Huangfu's house, he could not explain it. Although he deliberately intervened, the two purple-coated strongmen made him very afraid. Although the two people are inferior to him in terms of cultivation, it is not difficult to separate one person and entangle him. And as long as a breathing effort, another Ziyi can completely put Huangfu Kaoru to death. But it was because he did not follow the rules first, and he was afraid that he would not even be able to find justice.

"How about Huangfu Xun, how is my taste of" Ghost Fan Blood Prison "? This is the" big meal "I specially prepared for you, don't waste it! Hahaha ..."

Trapped Huangfu Kaoru in the 'Blood Prison', Wei Shaoqing didn't just talk about his mouth, and he didn't care about it. When the iron fan danced, several energies like stinger, and then slammed away towards Huangfu Xun's whole body, which was more damaging than the most vicious hidden weapon under the day.

Huangfu Kaoru left the right branch, the danger is not enough, he felt extremely useless. He and Wei Shaoqing have always been half a catty, and he was defeated by Wei Shaoqing, which of course he could not accept.

"Lao Tzu fights with you!" In a burst of roar, the silver star gun in Huangfu Xun's hand burst into a sudden, and the vitality in his body poured into the gun body almost instantly. A silver gun turned into the color of red gold in an instant, and the glory was magnificent, burning both eyes.

Huangfu Kaoru Tiange ’s mid-level practice, coupled with a "Martial Arts Lingling" method of martial arts, the power of this gun is not really amazing.

The golden light burst out, and the **** energy that filled the Huangfu Xun, like the snow under the blazing sun, was instantly evaporated. The whole person of Huangfu Xun was like a giant dragon who was out of trouble. With an uncontrollable shot, the body of the gun fluttered into a golden light, carrying a suffocating power, and struck Wei Shaoqing's heart at an amazing speed.

"Brother is so good!" Seeing Huangfu break through the shackles and launching a Jedi counterattack on Wei Shaoqing, Huangfu Qing shouted excitedly.

However, Wan Dong's mood suddenly became extremely heavy at this time. Unconsciously, Huang Fuxun seemed to be caught in Wei Shaoqing's gang again.

Sure enough, at the moment when Huang Fuxun's golden gun was about to stab Wei Shaoqing, Wei Shaoqing's somber voice rang again. "Huangfu Xun, do you know when a person is most vulnerable? "

"Who talks to you nonsense, let's die!" Huangfu Xunli ignored it, and the golden light formed by the silver star gun directly penetrated Wei Shaoqing's body.

"Well ... what !?" Huang Fuqing's cheers, before they were fully pronounced, turned into a deep shock.

Wei Shaoqing's body pierced by Huang Fuxun's silver star gun suddenly turned into a layer of mist, and soon dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Remnant image !?" Huangfu Xun also realized that at this time, he could not help but exclaimed.

"Hey ... Let me tell you that when a person is the weakest, he thinks he is the strongest, just like you now!"

Wei Shaoqing's evil laugh reappeared, but this time it appeared on top of Huang Fuxun's head. In Huangfu Xun's heart, Wei Shaoqing concealed his eyes and appeared on the top of his head, which for him was a little unimaginable.

But the facts are the facts. At the time of the great earthquake in Huangfu ’s heart, Wei Shaoqing was not idle at all. The offensive that had been accumulated for a long time erupted in an instant. The blood red light wrapped the steel bone iron fan, With a predominant attitude, he fell straight down towards Huangfu.

Huang Fuxun's hairs stood upright one by one, and he hurriedly hung the silver star gun in his hand, trying to support Wei Shaoqing's steel bone iron fan.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the Silver Star Gun and the steel-bone iron fan were about to intersect, Wei Shaoqing's steel-bone iron fan suddenly flashed a seven-color brilliance, which was very beautiful.

"Broken Steel !? Your fan ..."

The colorful brilliance lighted up and shouted Huang Fuxun in shock, his face full of horror. Even Lin Yingyang was obviously taken aback.

"Hey ... Huangfu Xun, I said you are a fool! It wasn't until now that I found this steel-bone iron fan recast. You are undefeated, what is the reason !?"

With a series of Yinxie laughter, Wei Shaoqing's steel-bone iron fan slashed **** Huangfu Xun's Silver Star Gun.

Huangfuxun's silver star gun was forged from extremely rare metal at a glance, and it was extremely solid, but no one thought that this silver star gun of Huangfuxun was even under Wei Shaoqing's iron fan. Suddenly, it was broken into two pieces.

Huang Fuxun stayed the whole person, staring straight at the silver star gun that had been broken into two pieces. For a long time, the gods could not be slowed down, but Wei Shaoqing took the opportunity and flew a foot, in the middle of Huangfu Xun. Chest.

Wei Shaoqing's foot was vigorously heavy, and he flew Huangfu Xun kicking out of his arms seven or eight feet, a blood arrow spurted from his mouth, and his face was instantly dim.

"This ... this is not true, not true ..." Huang Fuqing is totally unable to accept the defeat of Huang Fuxun, and even more unacceptable. From now on, he will become Wei Shaoqing's woman, and the whole person seems to be stunned. , Standing there, whispering non-stop.

"I didn't expect the blood skull to be found even in the legendary Broken Sky Steel, and it was perfectly cast in Wei Shaoqing's steel skeleton iron fan. Broken Sky Steel, even the sky can be broken, let alone the Silver Star Gun? Lin Yingyang shook his head repeatedly and sighed. Wei Shaoqing was clearly prepared, but Huangfu Xun was lured step by step. Is it unreasonable?

"Hahaha ... Huangfu Xun, you lost!" Wei Shaoqing fell to the ground, the iron fan combined, pointing at Huangfu Xun, with contempt and contempt.

"I ..." Huangfu Xun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when it came to his mouth, he swallowed it back again, with a frustrated expression.

"Why, you still want to deny? Even your silver star gun has been broken into two pieces. If your skin is really so thick, then I will let you deny it! Hehe ... but from now on, your Huangfu's house The face is completely swept away! "Wei Shaoqing smiled more and more crazy. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14940086->

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