Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1115: Rekindle the fighting spirit!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Why? Because you are too weak, the weak let me down! Since I met you that day, I have never wanted to be able to fight against you once and for all, and beat you vigorously. The tablet e-book, but I did not I thought that you are so weak now! Beating such a weak person has no meaning to me, and it is impossible to eliminate my hatred for you! "

Wan Dong laughed loudly and said coldly, the words were stern, and he did not leave Li Baiyi a face.

Li Baiyi's face was blue and purple, purple and blue, blue and purple, and the steel teeth of his mouth were crackling, as if they were about to crack at any time. Such a huge humiliation is almost beyond the bottom line that Li Baiyi can bear.

"I'm going to kill you! One day, I'm going to kill you personally!" Li Baiyi gritted his teeth and uttered a roar, hysterical, shocking the four fields!

If a person does not hate to the extreme, it will not be so! At this moment, the hatred for Wandong transcends everything, what shame is not humiliated, face is not face, it is worth mentioning again!

Watching Li Baiyi rekindle his fighting spirit a little bit, Wan Dong's mood is also quite complicated. He didn't know why he did it. Is it too soft after all? Looking at Li Baiyi's complete despair, he fell, and his heart would always be involuntary.

"Really? Then you should be careful from now on, if you fall into the hands of the blood skeleton killer again, you may not be as lucky as this time."

"Don't worry! I will never let myself do anything until I kill you!"

"I hope!" Wan Dong snorted softly.

Li Baiyi sorted out his clothes and gave Wan Dong a deep look. He was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly he paused again. After a moment of indulgence, he asked in a loud voice, "After you came to Daomen World, you have seen Lotus ?"

Listening to Li Baiyi's mention of Mulian, Wan Dong's mind twitched for a while, and his expression gradually lost his previous calmness, showing a trace of deep desire.

Li Baiyi sneered and said, "This is unnecessary for me to ask. Mulian is confined in Bingxin Pavilion. How could you see her? I think, you must really want to know Mulian's situation now?"

Li Baiyi said this, Wan Dong's heart beat faster, nodded involuntarily.

"It ’s okay to tell you, Mulian is in a bad situation now. Although I do n’t want to admit it, she is getting weaker and weaker because I miss you so much. I think the only thing that can make her renew right now The way to get better is to be able to see you, to see again ... to see the hope of being with you. Tablet e-books "At this point, Li Baiyi's handsome face convulsed for a while, anyone can see, he The heart at this time must be very painful.

"Wandong, if you are really a man, do everything you can to take Mu Lian away from the Mu Family and let her live a carefree and happy life!"

"What about you? Don't you love Lian'er too?"

"To love someone is to make her happy! Mulian's happiness can only be obtained from you. Wandong, you now know, why do I hate you like this?"

Wan Dong couldn't help but sigh. Even if he hates Li Baiyi, he can't deny that Li Baiyi's love for Mu Lian is definitely not less than him.

"It doesn't need you to remind me that the reason why I came to Daomen Dajie was to pick Mu Lian away."

Li Baiyi nodded and said, "I know that although your current cultivation is strong, it is still not enough! You can rest assured that before you have enough strength, I will try my best to let Mu Lian know that you have come to Daomen Da The world, let her cheer up again, well ... well waiting for you! "

Li Baiyi's remarks moved Wan Dong's heart a little. He raised his eyebrows and gave Li Baiyi a clenched fist, saying, "Just rush, I want to say thank you to you!"

"No thanks! I'm for my beloved one, it has nothing to do with you!" After all, Li Bai's head turned into a white light, and his figure was already dozens of feet away.

Outside the Lin Mansion, Zhang Xuefei ’s exclusive small courtyard, Zhang Xueru sat there as soon as he returned from the inner door, did not know what to think, and did not speak for a long time. Although Zhang Xuefei was anxious to know what happened after Wan Dong and Chen Jiping were brought to the inner door by Song Shixiong, they did not dare to disturb Zhang Xueru's contemplation easily, and he and Dan Ying anxiously scratched their ears and kept pace.

Finally, Zhang Xuefei couldn't hold back, pushing Zhang Xueru's hand forcibly, Zhang Xueru exclaimed with a cry, and woke up to God.

"Sister, you ... you are sitting here for a while without saying a word, what the **** are you thinking about?"

"It's an hour?" Zhang Xueru's face was amazed before he realized that time had passed so fast.

Zhang Xuefei shook his head and asked anxiously, "Sister, why are you coming back from the inner door alone? Xu Gongzi, Brother Chen, they won't be ... Yes ..." I can't say anything but just sweat forehead.

Zhang Xueru still do not know his baby sister's thoughts? He smiled and said, "You can rest assured that Xu Gongzi and Ji Ping are all right, but Song Shixiong fell out of bad luck. In the south of Linyang, more than 30 shops of the Song family have been confiscated, which is equivalent to the closure of the Song family. Son's wealth road, from now on, Song Shixiong might not dare to be as arrogant as before, giggling ... "

Recalling the scene of Song Shixiong trembling in front of the angry Lin Yingyang, Zhang Xueru couldn't express his energy, and his face was covered with a bright smile. One of these three Pinpin families in Linyang City is one, which one has not been bullied by the Song family? Even their Zhang family is no exception.

"There is such a thing ?! I knew that Mr. Lin was the most fair. He must have known the truth of the matter, so he would blame Song Shixiong so much." Zhang Xuefei said with great joy.

Zhang Xueru shook his head and said, "Although the old man is fair, if it is not Huang Fuqing coming out, Xu Gongzi and Ji Ping are afraid that there is no chance to tell the truth."

"Which Huangfu Qing? The eldest lady of Huangfu's family !? She ...... How could she come up for Master Xu and Brother Chen?"

Zhang Xueru said this, Zhang Xuefei was even more surprised, a pair of apricot staring round.

Zhang Xueru looked at Zhang Xuefei with a look of excitement, and his voice was full of excitement. "Xue Fei, it seems that we still underestimated Mr. Xu. You might not have dreamed of it. Mr. Xu not only knew Huang Fuqing, but also had a very close relationship. Under the pressure of Huang Fuqing, Mr. Lin not only blamed Song Shixiong, but also promoted the two of them directly from the outside disciple to the second-line disciple. Of course, both Xu Gongzi and Ji Ping have such strength, but if not because In relation to Huang Fuqing, Mr. Lin is afraid that he will not be so happy. "

"Xu Gongzi actually has a close relationship with Huangfu's young lady? He ... who the **** is he?" Zhang Xuefei was shocked in his heart, which could not be described by words at this time.

Zhang Xueru shook his head and said, "Now, I feel that Xu Gongzi is as unfathomable as the sea. But Xue Ru, no matter who Xu Gongzi is, I think our treasure is right. I want to go back now, Make a detailed report to Dad so that he can make an early judgment! "

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Xuefei hadn't recovered yet, and Zhang Xueru's figure had disappeared outside the door, leaving only Zhang Xuefei and Dan Ying, standing there, feeling disturbed.

"Lin Feng, you bastard, get out!"

While Sister Zhang was talking, Xin Wuhen entered the Lin Mansion with a whirlwind.

I don't know why. Xin Wuhen seemed anxious at this time. Without waiting for the Linfu people's announcement, he shouted all the way and rushed in. Several of the Lin's disciples along the way reacted slightly slower, blocking Lin Wuhen's road, and kicked them out directly. Xin Wuhen has a close relationship with Lin Feng. He often comes and goes in Lin Fu. Most people recognize that even if he is kicked, he dare not speak.

"Wuhen, why did you **** come?" After seeing Wan Dong, Lin Feng was in a good mood and greeted him with a smile.

"Are you still laughing? Damn things, and quickly say, when do you still want to hide me?"

Xin Wuhen rushed forward in one step, holding Lin Feng's hand, as tight as a pair of pliers, and frightened Lin Feng.

"Your kid is crazy!" Lin Feng hurriedly pulled his hand back, so as not to be ignomined by this guy, so that Sheng Sheng was cut off.

"Crazy? I'm crazy! I didn't respond to the last time in the Vango Wilderness. After I went home, I felt that your kid was obviously abnormal that day! You tell me the truth, Yao Ting him ... how is he?

After Xin Wuhen went home, he had been thinking about this matter. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Especially when Lin Feng ’s red eyes were clearly crying, he said that he was narrowed by the sand Xiao Lang, but never wanted to hide him.

In addition, Wan Dong left alone without saying hello, which made Xin Wuhen strange. Wan Dong is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. What can be more important than reunion with his brothers? Thinking about it, Xin Wuhen only came up with an explanation that makes sense, that is, something happened to Wandong!

So Xin Wuhen then hurriedly came to question Lin Feng.

If it were not just the reunion with Wan Dong, the question of Xin Wuhen, Lin Feng would show his guilty conscience on the spot, but now, Lin Feng's heart is very well-founded, very down-to-earth.

Looking at Xin Wuhen, who was in a hurry, he felt very interesting. Thinking of Xin Wuhen playing with him repeatedly, isn't it a great opportunity for revenge now?

"You ... why are you asking this?" Lin Feng asked with a look of panic as he panicked.

"Less nonsense! My damsel grew up wearing a pair of pants with you since childhood. What kind of virtue are you? I don't know? When you lie, you feel guilty. When did you hide it from me? Ah, what happened to Yao Ting? "

"Wuhen, I ... I did n’t mean to hide you, but I knew how important you are. I was afraid that you could n’t think about it for a while, and I found shortsighted ..." Lin Feng's acting skills were really amazing. After the sentence, tears flashed in his eyes ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14859449->

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