Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1085: The next book!

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There was an impulse rising in Liu An's heart, that is, he wished to rush up and split Wan Dong's head to see if there was any brain inside. Where is someone like him, who is dying, who cares about what door.

"Hum ... I kicked it, what can you do?"

Liu An was muttering in his heart, and a strong man walked beside Song Wen, staring at Wan Dong with provocation and contempt.

"How? Hum ..."

Wan Dong snorted several times in a row, and his figure suddenly started, just like a hurricane raging between heaven and earth. Before everyone could react, the brave man stood up and flew out.

Flying high and far away, directly from the top of the Song Mengmeng's head, flew out of the small courtyard, and fell far away more than ten feet outside the courtyard. After a few strokes, there was no movement, and I did not know whether it was dead or alive.

Okay! Before Song Meng had started, Wandong made a move first, and Liu An's heart seemed to sound a thunder, which made him a little dazed. But a moment later, Liu An woke up, and then remembered that the person who had just been kicked by Wan Dong seemed to be Song Mengzhong Xiu as Wang Chao, second only to Song Wen.

Liu An couldn't help but shivered a few times, and when he looked at Wan Dong again, it was clearly a little slower and more respectful.

Wang Chao's cultivation base is second only to Song Wen, and has reached the first stage of Xuan marks. Such a person was kicked. Liu An thought that there was no such skill, and it was only then that he realized that after a long time, Wan Dong was not a seizure, but a real daring artist!

At this time, Song Wen finally reacted, and the expression of consternation on his face was even worse than that of Liu An!

If it is said that Song Chai's broken leg by Wan Dong did not arouse Song Wen's alert, Wang Chao was kicked and flew, but it really scared Song Wen.

Ignoring Song Wen's face, Wan Dong glanced at Wang Chao, who couldn't stand, and chuckled, saying, "It's a man who dares to be a dare! I'll ask you again, I was just making a lot of noise here, let me Brother, who is the dead man who got out and died? "

When Song Wen heard this, he burst into a coolness when he was neutral, and subconsciously stepped back abruptly.

"Why, it's you?" Wan Dong's cold eyes immediately fell on Song Wen's body, and a light sentence made Song Wen feel like a falling ice cellar.

Song Wen was so puzzled, why is it that a kid who is so stinky and only looks like the peak of the yellow seed can give him such a sense of oppression? But this feeling is real, and it has become stronger from moment to moment.

But in the face of so many younger brothers, Song Wen couldn't express too much uselessness and had to scalp hard and said, "It's me Song Wen, how about that?"

"Your dog guts !?"

As soon as Song Wen's voice fell to the ground, he burst out of Wan Dong's mouth with a loud blast, not only suddenly, but also powerfully, Song Wen was caught off guard, his face turned wild, and even his body was like a sieve. Shivered.

Not only him, but one of his younger brothers, one is counted as one, but he was panicked and shaken by Wan Dong's heart, and his face was like earth!

Song Meng, who was incapable of life, was even drunk by Wan Dongsheng, and Liu An couldn't believe it unless he saw it with his own eyes. I was originally thinking of giving Wan Dong some protection and playing a round game. Unexpectedly, this was simply unnecessary.

On the one hand, Liu An let go of Wan Dong's contempt, but on the other hand, he couldn't help worrying about Wan Dong. Offended Lin Chengxu, Wan Dong has caused great trouble, and now he has torn his face with Song Meng, and Wan Dong will be struggling at the Lin family. The power of the Song League is not only limited to the outer door of the Lin family, but also the innumerable masters of the inner door, they are all going out from the Song League, and Song Wen ’s brother, who is among the second-line disciples of the Lin family, is in the Lin family Of all the foreign disciples, almost no one can compare!

"Why does this matter! Dare to be rude to our leader, I cut your tongue!"

Song Meng, led by Song Wen, was not all incompetent soft-hearted. In a rage, a few young people who were not as good as Wang Chao, but they could not miss much, came out and rushed towards Wandong. past.

It's just that these people rush fast and lose faster!

In fact, the vast majority of the people on the scene hadn't reacted yet, so they heard a thunderous noise, and a few "warriors" flew out in full. Although it is not as miserable as Wang Chao, it is not much better. It has to be helped by someone before it can stand up again.

Liu An was now 100% sure that Wandong was n’t the pinnacle of the yellow seed. This kind of cultivation was enough to laugh at the outside door of Ao Lin ’s house, even in the inside door.

"Does anyone want to take the lead for your leader?"

Liu An's heart was surging, and when he was agitated, Wan Dong's frosty words suddenly made the atmosphere on the scene solidify again.

Wan Dong's successive use of thunder means has already shocked people's hearts. As soon as he said this, as soon as he did the Song Meng disciples, he stepped back step by step. It was not a fool of the Song League disciples, but Wan Dong was too strong and so palpable.

At this time, Song Wen's complexion, even if it was described by dishes, was not an exaggeration. Unexpectedly, he had come to find Chen Jiping today, but he didn't expect to kick the iron plate.

Seeing Wan Dong hurt Song Meng's people, he did not intend to close his hand, and he directly found Song Wen again. Liu An's heart couldn't help but jumped wildly. Song Chai and Wang Chao are nothing, but if Song Wen also made a mistake, Wan Dong is even poked.

The so-called good tiger cannot hold the pack of wolves. Liu An didn't want Wandong to be planted in the hands of the Song family because he was happy. He hurriedly stood up and said to Wan Dongdao, "Yaoting Brothers, I think it's a misunderstanding. Everyone says it's open, even if I can't make it ..."

"No!" Liu Anman thought Wandong would give himself a little face, but he didn't know what to say before he was broke by Wandong. Ignoring Liu An's complicated expression, Wan Dong said coldly, "No matter who it is, if you dare to disrespect my brother, then you have to pay the price! The same is true for Heavenly King and Lao Tzu!"

"This, this, this ..." Wan Dong's words fell in Liu'an's ears, making him feel bitter in his heart, not knowing what to say at all.

"What ... what do you want?" Seeing Liu An came out to express his feelings, Song Wen felt very happy. He knew that he was planted today, and he was already thinking about how to get away and wait for the future. Unexpectedly, Wan Dong did not give Liu An face at all, which made him surprised and scared.

"How?" Wan Dongxie smiled, raised his eyebrows, and suddenly took a step towards Song Wen.

Song Wen was nervous, and when he saw Wan Dong pushing himself, he almost exclaimed a cry of exclamation, and at the same time his body burst back five or six steps. A pair of eyes staring round and round, let alone cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

Anyone can see that Song Wen is afraid, and is afraid to die!

"Hahaha ..." Seeing this situation, Wan Dongzhi couldn't help but laughed loudly in the sky, and the laughter went straight to the sky, filled with infinite pride!

Wan Dong's mad laughter was like an invisible slap. Song Wen's face was crackling and hot and painful.

"You don't worry, I'm not going to treat you."

Wan Dong rested his laughter and spit out a cold word. Song Wen's tense heartstrings relaxed immediately, and he could not help breathing out a long breath.

But before Song Wen could relax completely, Wan Dong's voice suddenly became cold again, and said, "You listen to me! I represent my elder brother Chen Jiping and write a war against you! You are playing fair! "

"You ... do you fight for Chen Jiping?" Song Wen froze a little, as if he could not believe his ears.

Liu An was also taken aback. Chen Jiping knew what he knew best. To deal with Chen Jiping, Song Wen didn't need to dominate the public. His cultivation base was only half a step away from Xuan marks. It is no exaggeration to say that Song Wen's cultivation practice is absolutely a must-have at the outer door of the Lin family, except for Wandong. If it were not for Song Wen to continue to control Song Meng, he would have been promoted to the inner door already.

But Chen Jiping, after three years of cultivation, is still the peak of the yellow seed, and it is not a little bit worse than Song Wen.

Liu An was very puzzled. He did n’t understand that Wan Dong was clearly protecting his elder brother Chen Jiping. Why did he fight Song Wen on his behalf and punish him?

"Why didn't you hear it clearly?"

"Okay! I accept!"

Today, with such a big loss, Song Wen is worried that he will not be able to find it back. Unexpectedly, Wan Dong will take the initiative to give him a chance. Does he have the reason not to catch it? Thinking in my heart, tomorrow I will call on my elder brother Song Xiu to sit down, and I will definitely abandon Chen Jiping on the spot.

"Also, tell me something! Anyone who took my elder brother Ning Qidan before, no matter who it is, will give it back 100 times! Otherwise, I Xu Yaoting will let him regret coming to this world!"

"It's such a big tone!" Song Wen really wanted to yell like this, but when it came to his mouth, he swallowed it back again. Heroes don't eat the loss in front of them. Song Wen still understands the truth.

With a wave of his hand, Song Wen led a group of Songmengs and walked away. Liu An hurried forward and took out the dozens of Ningqi Dan in the storage ring together. There are so many Qi Qi Dan in my body, you can take it back to Ji Ping first, and give me some time for the rest, I will make it up! "

Wan Dong glanced back at him and smiled slightly, and said, "What are you doing, Deacon Liu? What I said to Song Wen just doesn't include you. This Ning Qi Dan was given to you voluntarily by my elder brother. No refund is needed. "

"No no no! Brother Ji Ping's kindness, my heart is that these condensate pill, you still give him back for me."

After seeing Wandong's methods, Liu An felt awed by Wandong in his heart, and said that he would return Ning Qidan.

Wan Dong pondered for a moment, collected the dozens of Ningqi Dan, and then took out one of his refining Zidan and sent it to Liu An. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14536845->

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