Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Looking at Ling Gang's face, he smiled, Ling Wushuang pleaded, and then look at Ling Tianhua's pair who didn't know that he was wrong, and still had a straight and sturdy expression, Wan Dong's annoyed heart, didn't know how to disappear all of a sudden. , Can not help but burst out bursts of laughter.

Ling Wushuang looked at Ling Gang with anxiety and said lowly, "What should I do, wouldn't he be stupid by my brother?"

As soon as Ling Gang heard this, he couldn't help but laughed on the spot and said, "What do you say is frost-free? This young man was the oldest person that the old man had seen in his life, and no one gave birth to your brother. Your brethren and sisters will stop rubbing, just go away and rub it down, they will all be here to explain to the fifth son. "

Ling Family's master of Tiange Realm fell one more. Under the distress of Ling Gang, it was really anxious, and the brothers and sisters urged repeatedly.

"Then ... then let's take a step first! Elder Steel, you old man must take care!"

Ling Wushuang said a few words to Ling Gang, then nodded to Wan Dong, and then crushed the transmission stone together with Ling Tianhua. Until he saw the two disappeared in white light, Ling Gang let out a long sigh of relief.

Chong Wandong clenched his fists, Ling Gang sincerely said: "Young man, your kindness to my Ling family is a kind and generous kindness. No matter what the young man has commanded in the future, our Ling family, even if they go to the chase, they will spare nothing! "

After talking, Ling Gang owed to Wandong again, and then he was like a mad dragon out of trouble, a tiger coming down the mountain, and rushed towards the blood-clothed man.

Ling Gang has only been watching from the beginning until now, but he can't get started, which is really uncomfortable for him. At this time, a brain's vent came out, and the offensive was as fierce as the thunder swept through the hole. Immediately, all the other six blood-clothed men were taken over.

With Ling Gang's shot, the few surviving survivors of the Tiange Realm were finally able to take a breath. No matter whether they were embarrassed or not, they sat straight on the ground, breathless.

The Ling family's dangerous situation was solved, but Wandong's trouble came.

In order to force the blood-clad man to retreat so that he can urge the teleportation stone, Wan Dong will not hesitate to consume a lot of Dao Qi to display the "blood slaughter thousand miles", but he gave the only teleportation stone to Ling Tianhua Faced with the crowds of blood-clothed people now, he suddenly felt a little bit powerless.

At this time, there were still half of the original blood-clothed men, dozens of which seemed to have red eyes, all surrounded Wandong, even if there was a true wind step as a relying, Wandong gradually began to feel , The space is constantly being compressed. (Book haha)

If I don't want a way to continue this way, I'm afraid Wandong will definitely die!

"Storm Sword Tomb?"

Just when Wan Dong's thoughts changed sharply, and he was thinking about good policies, these four big characters, like four bright lights, appeared in his mind.

There is a record in the ancient book "The Everlasting Wasteland" that the Sword Wind Mound is a grave mound buried by a famous swordsman in ancient times. It contains all the famous swords that he has collected in his life, and each one is a magic weapon. The windstorm sword mound, usually looks unsurprised, but once it is close to ten feet, it will blow up the wind flatly, no matter how high you are, you will also be torn and torn by this wind.

But something like wind may be a hindrance for others, but for a person who knows the rules of division in Wandong, no matter how strong the wind is, he can't help him. It's just from Wan Dong's position at that time to the location of the Wind Sword Tomb, not to mention hundreds of feet away. It is not easy to get close under the siege of the Blood-Clad Man. Just now, Wan Dong has no other choice, he can only give it a go!

With his mind set, Wan Dong put the true wind to the extreme when he was standing, not seeking to fight the enemy, only to dodge, and to save the morale to the greatest extent possible.

This process is easy to speak, but you will only understand if you are really in it. This is like dancing on a wire rope and turning your head on thin ice. As long as there is a slight negligence, waiting for Wandong will be an abyss. !


Just as Wandong moved to the windstorm sword mound with all his strength, there was a muffled sound, and suddenly came, Ling Wei thundered and threw a blood-covered man into a blood mist. Ling Wei couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He had been fighting with six blood-clad men until now. Only then did he seize a chance to successfully kill a blood-clad man, which was difficult. All that Lingwei experienced It was almost the first time in battle.

However, after killing a blood-skinned man, the cooperation between the blood-skinned people immediately showed flaws, and the rest was dealt with more easily.

"Second brother, what about Tianhua and Wushuang?" Until this time, Ling Wei had no time to care about the fighting situation around him. When he turned his head, he didn't find Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang. Suddenly the heart hung up.

Although Ling Gang is facing six blood-coat men at this time, these six blood-coat men have after all battled with the dozens of Tiange Realm masters of the Ling family before, and the combat power has been weakened a lot. Therefore, Ling Gang is not very difficult to meet them.

At this time, he was seizing the opportunity to launch an offensive to one of the blood-clothed men. Seeing this, if there is no accident, it will not take a quarter of a minute, and this blood-clothed man will die under Ling Gang's palm.

"Brother, rest assured, Tianhua and Wushuang have met nobles today and are already safe."

Ling Gang replied to Ling Wei while looking back at Wan Dong's position subconsciously, wanting to see if Wan Dong had also successfully broken through. However, when he saw this, he discovered that Wan Dongfei had not succeeded in getting out. At this time, he was caught in the heavy envelop of the blood-clothed people, and the danger was everywhere, and he would be dead at any time.

Suddenly, Ling Gang's heart thundered, and the original airtight offensive immediately revealed flaws, allowing the blood-stained man who had almost been killed to escape.

Ling Gang couldn't care about these, and hurriedly shouted at Wan Dong, "Young Master, why haven't you left yet?"

No matter how strong Wan Dong's fighting power is, he is only at the beginning of the earth wheel. After being besieged by these dozens of blood-clothed men, the pressure is almost beyond the limit he can bear. Straight in his heart, he regretted that he shouldn't be impulsive for a while, and gave Ling Tianhua the only teleportation stone on his body.

Facing Ling Gang's loud enquiries, Wan Dong simply had no time to answer. Ling Gang hurriedly shouted at the few Tiangejing masters who were sitting on the ground to rest and shouted, "Fuck things! Don't pretend to die there, don't shoot , Help the young heroes !? "

The Lingge masters of the Tiange Realm, though tired and choking at this time, could face Ling Gang ’s thunder rage and had to raise their spirits to attack the blood-clothed man who surrounded Wandong.

The thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse. With the help of these masters of Tiange Realm, the pressure on Wandong's body has really eased a lot. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and couldn't help but spit out a long sigh of gas. .

"Oh! I said Shaoxia, you should leave as soon as possible, you shouldn't delay here." Seeing Wan Dong's figure, she was a little shaky, Ling Gang couldn't help but say sadly.

"Leave? ***, do you think I don't want it? There is just a teleportation stone on me!"

If it is not really impossible to get away, Wan Dongfei can not give Ling Gang a middle finger!

"You ... that piece of teleportation stone on your body?"

As soon as Wan Dong's words came out, Ling Gang's heart was suddenly shaken, and his eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Ling Gang had always thought that Wan Dong had more than one teleport stone on his body, and it didn't matter to send Ling Tianhua one piece. Wan Wan did not expect that this was the only piece of Wan Dong's body. What does this mean? This clearly means that Wan Dong gave Ling Tianhua his only chance of being born. Such great grace and great virtue, even the loved ones may not be able to do it, but Wandong ...

For a time, Ling Gang didn't know what to say, but Wan Dong's image, in his eyes, was constantly magnified. In the end, it was like a huge mountain!

"Young man, don't say anything! Your love, even if others don't take it, I will also take Ling Gang! From now on, the old man's life is a young man's life. Take it away! "

"I said, it's all time, let's not talk about these nonsense? Would you hurry to cook the food on hand, Ben Shaoxia can't hold on for long!"

"Yes, yes! You must hold on, young man, I sent these blood-clad men!"

After Ling Gang had been busy with a few promises, his cultivation practice was extended to the extreme. The power of the Shinto realm instantly covered the realm of more than ten miles. Under Ling Gang's palm front, the six blood-clothed men instantly fell into a passive state.

Although Ling Gang and Ling Wei were awesome, but they needed to completely smooth the blood-clothed people on their hands, it obviously needed some time, but Wan Dong here, it was time to wait and see, the Lingge masters At a glance, Ling Gang did not know how to be grateful. At this moment, he is simply grinding foreign workers, just asking for self-preservation, regardless of Wandong's life and death.

In this big world where the mountains fall down and the world collapses every day, it is better to rely on yourself than anyone!

As soon as Wan Dong gritted his teeth, he almost mobilized all the qi in his body, and the wind blowing at his feet swooped toward the violent sword mound.

One hundred feet, eighty feet ... fifty feet!

Driven by the true wind pace, Wan Dong's body was like a phantom shuttle among the blood-clothed crowd. Wan Dong really wanted to get rid of the blood-clothed people and rushed directly into the violent wind sword mound, but these blood-clothed people seemed to see through Wan Dong The intention was to deploy a blockade line after another along the way, even if it had been thrown away by Wandong, it would grab the front of Wandong for the first time and regroup the defense line.

What it means to follow the shadows, Wan Dong has a real experience from these blood-clothed people.

Such a seamless cooperation, these blood-clothed people do not even need to communicate with each other at all, which seems incredible to Wan Dong. It feels as if these blood-clad men are acting under the command of the same brain, which is very strange! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14447759->

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