Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1022: A family reunion!

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Watching Xiao Gutao and Xiao Lang father and son walk into the inner door, Lotte turned and came to Luo Xiao and others, showing a kind smile, saying, "My name is Lotte, welcome you to the Xiao family!"

Lotte is not only similar in age to Xiao Lang, but also has very similar personalities. People like Lotte will never feel strange and estranged even if they are just first sight. What's more, Luo Xiao and others have also seen the sincere feelings between him and Xiao Lang, so they all have a good impression of him.

Luo Xiao and others hurriedly thanked Lotte for their salutes, and their respect was beyond words.

However, looking at Luo Xiao and others, Lotte thought more.

Today's Xiao family, with a clear eye, knows at a glance that it is the situation in which the two heirs take the throne, which is both delicate and dangerous. Whether it is Xiao Gutao or Xiao Linhu, the position of the head of the family is all determined to win. However, the current situation is obviously unfavorable to Xiao Gutao.

There are two reasons. In the first place, Xiao Yuanshan had a preference for Xiao Linhu. Second, Xiao Linhu's son Xiao Tengyun is now a recognized first-line disciple of the Xiao family. For the smooth handover of the next big position, he added a lot of points for Xiao Linhu to take over as the head of the family. In such a situation, one can imagine how huge pressure Xiao Gutao was under.

But now Xiao Lang is back, and still returning strongly, the situation has suddenly changed. It is hard to say whether Xiao Tengyun's first-line disciple status can be maintained anymore.

In the eyes of Lotte, Luo Xiao and Wang Yangde are the wings and class of Xiao Lang. Do n’t look at their current cultivation, but in the future it is likely to be the mainstay of the entire Xiao family. As Xiao Lang's **** brother, Lotte looked at Luo Xiao and others, really as if he was looking at his brother, comrade-in-arms, and his emotions were extraordinary and sincere.

Luo Xiao and others introduced themselves to Lotte separately. Lotte's face just didn't speak with a smile, but when he saw it, he already remembered the names of everyone including Luo Xiao in his heart.

"Brother Luo!" Lotte had already seen that among the heroes, Luo Xiao was the first to tell him directly, "I'm just a deacon outsider, I don't have much authority, I can only temporarily arrange a rudimentary settlement for you. Department, wait for Brother Xiao to come out from the inner door, and then reschedule. "

"Brother Le is polite, we did not enjoy the blessing when we arrived at the Xiao family."

Luo Xiao's words were concise but full of fortitude, which made Lotte listen to it, and he felt quite bright. I can't help but admire that Xiao Lang is Xiao Lang, and his insight is so unique!

Rakuten said it was a simple place to stay, but in fact, it was not so. Lotte specifically found a separate, secluded courtyard for Luo Xiao. Although it was not very spacious, it was definitely enough to live. What is more rare is that this courtyard is located beside a stream with a beautiful scenery. The scenery is everywhere, especially to make a group of girls happy.

"Brother Luo and all of you, I still have something to do and I can't stay with you all the time, so I'll leave." Settling in Luo Xiao and others, Lotte got up and clenched his fists.

Luo Xiao and others hurriedly sent him out of the door, Lotte turned around and walked a few steps, and then folded back, whispering to Luo Xiao, "Brother Luo, although this is the Xiao family, there is no lack of evil horses, especially at the outer door It ’s a mixture of dragons and snakes. When it ’s okay, you ’d better not walk around, so as not to provoke unnecessary right and wrong. ”

Luo Xiao hurriedly responded, "Brother Le, rest assured, we will never cause trouble to Brother Xiao."

When Lotte settled in Luo Xiao, Xiao Lang and Xiao Gutao stepped inside.

Compared with the outer door, the building in the inner door of Xiao's house is more magnificent and the scenery is more pleasing to the eye. The most important thing is that the inner door of the Xiao family is located near a spiritual spring. The spirit of the world is ten times stronger than the outside.

It's just that the inner door of the Xiao family is less lively and colder than the outer door. One reason is that few people dare to make noise at the inner door. Second, most of the disciples of the Xiao family are still working hard and focusing on cultivation. Few people like the outside disciples, huddle around and waste time.

However, the inner door of the Xiao family today is much more lively than usual. From afar, there was a burst of noise and shouts.

"It seems that it is not over!" Xiao Lang smiled at Xiao Gutao.

"Why, want to see it? Okay! Li Baiyi is among the six first-line disciples of the second-grade family. The cultivation base is considered to be excellent. I also want to see how far he has grown."

"Cunxin, you slow down!" Unexpectedly, when the father and son were about to move, a soft and tender voice came from the diagonal thorn.

When Xiao Lang heard the voice, the whole person trembles like an electric shock, and his eyes turned to the direction where the voice came from. There, a graceful and mature middle-aged beautiful woman with a pair of eyes, full of love, looking at a playful figure not far away in front of her, in Xiao Lang's eyes, this is clearly heaven The most beautiful picture underneath can't be seen enough.

Of course Xiao Lang missed his father, but there is no doubt that he missed his mother even more. For many lonely and lonely nights, it was the smile that his mother frequently appeared in his mind, and told him to spend it with him. Children who have been away from home for many years have finally returned to their mothers. That feeling may only be felt by those who have truly separated from their mothers.

"Mother, hurry up! No matter how late, there will be no excitement to watch."

Xiao Cunxin, who is jumping like a little white rabbit, is still carefree. It is like a child who will never grow up. His youthful atmosphere is full of excitement.

"This girl is naughty again!" Xiao Gutao patted his head and looked like Xiao Cunxin couldn't help it.

Xiao Lang smiled, and his figure rose suddenly, like a falcon, flying through the sky and grabbing towards Xiao Cunxin.

I was anxiously rushing to Yanwuchang, waiting to see the lively Xiao Cunxin, but I didn't expect that someone would dare to move her little lady at the Xiao's house, and when she felt that the wind was approaching, her heart jumped and she kept busy The situation swept over and wanted to avoid the attack. The little girl is naughty and naughty, but the reaction is not slow.

Xiao Lang pursed his lips and smiled, and continued to post to her like a shadow. The little girl seemed to be annoyed, and gave a soft rebuke in her mouth, her palms raised, and then she shot three palms to Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang couldn't help but laughed aloud, his figure looked like a ghost, left and right, almost without effort, he avoided Xiao Cunxin's palm strength from the past, and at the same time his palms accelerated suddenly, bringing out a series of afterimages, Instantly, Xiao Cunxin's hands were choked.

The little girl was taken aback, and she drank softly, "Who is it !?"

"Who is it? Your brother and me!" Xiao Lang's words hadn't landed, so he waved his hand on Xiao Cunxin's round hips and patted him.

"Brother !?" The little girl shouted in surprise before she even got angry.

Looking back, could it be Xiao Lang? The color of surprise on the face of the little girl immediately flooded like a tsunami. "Brother, you ... you really come back! Great, great! Mother! Look, brother is back!" "

Where did Xiao Cunxin say that when Xiao Lang's figure swept in, Le Paner had already seen it, and was originally chasing Xiao Cunxin's figure as if he had been given a fixation method, and Huo's stiffness was there, Can't move. Only two lines of tears cleared her tears, rolling down her cheeks.

"Look at you, what's overjoyed, what are you crying for?" Xiao Gutao hurried to Lepan'er's side and wiped her tears away.

Le Paner took Xiao Gutao's hand tightly and whispered softly, "Gu Tao, I ... am I not dreaming?"

Xiao Gutao understood Le Pan'er's figure best and gently took her into his arms.

At this time Xiao Lang also took Xiao Cunxin's hand and walked quickly. When he was still three steps away from Le Pan'er, Xiao Lang puffed down and knelt down with a painful voice, "Mother, your unfilial child, come back!"

"Langer! My Langer! It's really you, the mother is not dreaming, it's really my good Langer!" Le Paner stumbled to Xiao Lang, looked and looked, suddenly He held him in his arms and burst into tears.

If not everyone at this time was attracted by the battle between Li Baiyi and Xiao Tengyun, such a scene would surely cause countless sighs. But that's fine. A family of four can reunite quietly without being disturbed.

"Mother, how are you?" Xiao Lang raised his head and looked at Le Pan'er again and again.

Although talking about the door, the aura is abundant, and people are aging very slowly, but on closer inspection, Le Pan'er still adds a few strands of white hair, which makes Xiao Lang's heart feel like the pain of being cut by a knife.

"Mother is okay, mother is very good! It is my Langer, who must have eaten a lot of crying in recent years, mother ..." Le Paner said more and more heartache, and couldn't help sobbing.

Xiao Gutao was on the side and said, "Xiao Lang is a man, man, he has to be tempered a little bit more so that he can grow up!"

"But who has been disciplined by our son? He was directly punched into Daotian Continent from Daomen. What is the difference from driving him into the eighteenth hell?"

Xiao Gutao was speechless by Le Pan'er, but only smiled bitterly at Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang hurriedly said, "Mother, where is it so exaggerated? Ascension is not as terrible as you said! There is a little thinness in the aura, except that everything is the same as the Daomen."

"Okay, you don't have to comfort Niang anymore. Niang swears that no matter what happens in the future, you won't let you suffer like this again!"

Look at Xiao Cunxin, Xiao Lang again, and then look back at Xiao Gutao, the world in Le Pan'er's heart is finally completely complete, an unprecedented happiness and down-to-earth, which made her unable to calm down for a long time.

"Master, be careful!"

Here, a family of four is talking about warmth, and on the other side, a burst of exclamation came suddenly.

Xiao Lang frowned, saying, "It seems that Xiao Tengyun is in a bad situation."

Xiao Cunxin snorted softly and said, "Can it be wonderful? That Li Baiyi is a genius resounding in the door, where is Xiao Tengyun's guy able to parry? By the way, let's go to see Xiao Tengyun's luck Let's go! "-By: dad856 | 55634 | 14402516->

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