
in the field.

Zuo Handong hurriedly offered a small shield to block the knife.

Jin Guang's eyes were cold and he opened his mouth slowly.

At the moment when the golden Tianpeng came, Li Changsheng suddenly turned into a giant thousands of feet high.


Tianpeng and Dharma body collided dozens of times in an instant.

"Although Zuo Handong is just a dog raised by my senior brother, if he died in front of me, it would be hard to explain to my senior brother."

If the Holy Spirit is captured by the people of the Heavenly Palace, after a thousand years, there will be an extremely terrifying monster in the Heavenly Palace!

Li Changsheng galloped down, lifted Zuo Handong who had been seriously injured in the deep pit, and threw it on the ground.

Jinguang stood at the bow of the boat, looking at Li Changsheng, and said lightly:


"Get out!"


The void was directly cut into two sections, and an incomparable white sword glow appeared without warning, tearing apart the void and appearing 100 meters away from Li Changsheng. The white sword glow split and instantly turned into countless white sword glows. , filled the entire void, and slashed towards Li Changsheng.

A dharma body with a size of 10,000 feet suddenly appeared, with three heads and six arms, and each arm held a weapon, which directly tore the sword qi tornado into pieces.

"kill him!"

They cooperated tacitly, plus the blessing of the battle formation, even if it was a monk in the late stage of the true immortal, it would take a while to break out of the siege, not to mention the palace master.

After finishing speaking, Jin Guang shook his head,

He has been in the Primordial Realm for thousands of years, and this is the first time someone dares to give him face like this.

Others in the Anti-Sky Alliance don't know, but he knows that there is a holy embryo in Qimei Mountain. Now that the holy embryo was born, plus so many years, the news that the Anti-Sky Alliance has investigated.

The small shield shattered, the three-pointed two-edged sword slashed across, and smashed heavily on Zuo Handong's body, smashing him out for dozens of miles, and fell heavily on a mountain that was several thousand feet high, smashing all the peaks out. Huge hole.

Jin Guang spoke indifferently.

The Sword Qi tornado directly drowned Li Changsheng!

Li Changsheng stepped on Zuo Handong's head with his right foot, his expression was indifferent, and he did not take Jin Guang, the master of the Heavenly Palace of the Primordial Realm, in his eyes.

"You step back!"

After dozens of collisions, Jin Tianpeng's body has shrunk by nearly a third.

Jin Guang stood on the giant boat, his face was full of coldness.

His answer was a sneer.

"So what?"

Jin Guang let out a cold voice.

I thought that these people under his command would be enough to kill this scorpion with the benefits of the battle formation, but he did not expect that he still underestimated this young man in black, but that was the end of it.

The black-clothed young man in front of him is really too strong. Although the young man in front of him is only in the early stage of true immortality, he feels that even if he smashes everyone out, he is not the opponent of the person in front of him.

When the people in Tiangong heard the words, their bodies were all shaken, and they looked at the figure in black with vigilance. Now that the master of the palace has taken action, does this person dare to be distracted?

There are millions!

Jin Guang's expression was indifferent. Although the black-clothed youth in front of him had the strength of the early stage of the true immortal, he did not take it to heart at all. In the lower world, if he could condense the body of a rank four true immortal, he could be regarded as a genius, and if he could condense a true immortal of rank five. The body can crush 99% of the true immortals.

As Jin Guang spoke, the four True Immortal cultivators shot at the same time, killing Li Changsheng.

"Shoot me and leave if you want?"

"However, it doesn't matter anymore. If you offend my Heavenly Palace, even if there is a golden immortal standing behind you, you must confess your sins obediently."

A sword light flashed!

At the same time, this thought arose in the Tiangong cultivator's heart.

"Are you the one who rose up after I came to the Primordial Realm?"


In the early stage of a true immortal, even if he has condensed the body of a rank five true immortal like him, how can it be worth his ten thousand years of cultivation?

Only a screeching sound was heard.

Even if this child is a Jinxian force from another big world, he is dead today!

The four true immortal monks who came with Jin Guang also led a team of people, and tacitly blocked all the escape routes of Li Changsheng.

And thousands of miles away from Qimei Mountain, Lin Baimei, who had just arrived, felt the power of the action in the distance, and his heart tightened.

'crazy! ’

"Still... a step too late?"

The four led tens of thousands of celestial soldiers to form a battle formation, which directly turned into a golden tianpeng tens of thousands of feet in size, and rushed towards Li Changsheng.

Although the power of each of these sword beams is not absolutely strong, there are too many.

"Since you are not from the Primordial Realm, there is still room for us to talk. Let him go first, explain your origin, follow me back to the Heavenly Palace, and wait for the elders in your sect to lead people."

Law heaven and earth!

Jin Guang shot very suddenly.

Although Li Changsheng's body was dozens of times smaller than the golden Tianpeng, every time he collided, a figure would fall from the golden Tianpeng.

Li Changsheng didn't even look at the golden light, the three-pointed two-edged sword slashed down!

Jin Guang flicked his sleeves, his face was cold, he looked up at Li Changsheng in midair,


Now they are slashing towards Li Changsheng at the same time, and the entire void is filled with a tornado of sword energy.

"How brave!"

"Don't try to resist. For a self-righteous genius like you, not a few die at my hands."


"Who are you? You dare to be an enemy of my Heavenly Palace. There is no character like you in the Anti-Heaven Alliance. Did you come from another great world?"

"Palace Master!"

"Which big world are you a disciple of? You have gathered the body of a true immortal at a young age. Even in the ten great worlds, you are not unknown, but I have never heard of you in the fantasy world. The rest You are not among the famous geniuses in the big world."

These True Immortal cultivators are all elites under Jin Guang, no weaker than the Zuo brothers.

Jin Guang laughed angrily,

"Get your feet off!"

The people on the Tiangong side saw the young man in black stomped on his right foot, and directly crushed the head of Zuo Handong under his feet, not even the soul could escape.

Even Li Changsheng didn't respond.


"Open it for me!"

No matter how strong it is, it is only a true immortal early stage!

The strength of Tianpeng, which was transformed by four real immortals with tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers, doubled the power of the Zuo brothers, enough to easily kill the real immortal cultivator.

The headed Zhenxian said with a pale face.

It's pointless to continue fighting!

A light drink came out from the sword energy tornado.

The three-pointed, two-edged sword in his hand slashed towards Tianpeng.

Li Changsheng's expression remained unchanged in the face of this earth-shattering blow.

The golden Tianpeng disintegrated and was about to flee into the distance.

But at this time, Li Changsheng's voice without a trace of emotion came from the air.

In the Primordial Realm, no one dared to refute their palace master's face.


"Good good!"

"Ha ha!"

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