
As he galloped all the way, Li Changsheng also stopped for a while in a big city he passed by, trying to get some news, but found nothing.

"And after Sun Wukong was occupied by that mysterious will, coupled with the body of the Holy Spirit, the speed of growth... unimaginable!"

"This was definitely a formation that was enough to kill Xuanxian and even Jinxian before, but the mountain range representing the White Tiger was beheaded by a sword, and the formation was broken."

And now, this black-clothed boy appeared in his cave, not only the formation outside did not respond in the slightest, but even the precious poisonous insect he put on his body did not move at all. Obviously, this is an old monster whose cultivation base far surpassed him. Can not offend!

When the matter of the Nine Orifices Mixed Primordial Stone Womb is resolved, go to those wild cultivators to inquire. Those wild cultivators have not been completely wiped out for millions of years, and they must have information that he does not know.

Without any hesitation, Li Changsheng chose one.

Li Changsheng took a deep breath!

The beauty of Zhongtiandi gathers the spiritual energy of millions of miles, and the four mountain ranges around the main line of Qimei Mountain coincide with the four elephants of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, as if they are guarding the main peak of Qimei Mountain.

The half-step real fairy has arrived!

A domineering immortal essence poured into his body, and a faint golden glow emanated from his body, and an invisible aura enveloped the entire palace.

"Four elephants raising spirit formation?"

One heart rushed towards Qimei Mountain.

Confused, Li Changsheng gave up.

Digesting the text on the simulator, Li Changsheng took a deep breath.



Li Changsheng passed by several cities with this kind of news. There are basically statues of gods among all ethnic groups. Li Changsheng also secretly checked and found nothing magical.

Now the monks in the Primordial Realm are all in danger. Except for the monks who are registered in the Tiangong and receive the dispatch of the Tiangong, other cultivators in the Primordial Realm belong to the wild cultivators, which is an illegal existence. Once they appear, they will be punished by the Tiangong. The beheading of a monk.


He finally came outside Qimei Mountain.



With this bottle of elixir, he will be able to transform into a god!



In the simulation, he is going to Qimei Mountain tomorrow, and he can do a little more preparation when he passes one day earlier.

Li Changsheng said directly.

Li Changsheng looked at the empty wasteland and whispered.

It is indeed the inborn Holy Spirit who was nurtured in millions of years. He was even stronger than him when he was born. He couldn't do a few tricks in the hands of the Golden Light True Immortal, but the Inborn Holy Spirit can fight against the Golden Light True Immortal, although it is not The opponent, but the strength is stronger than him, there is no doubt.

Thinking of this, Li Changsheng no longer hesitated, made a coffin with meteorite iron, gathered the bones of Senior Gu Changge, and then stepped into the teleportation array.

Qiandu Zhenren only felt a cold in his hand, and the map in his hand disappeared, replaced by a green porcelain bottle.

He opened the porcelain bottle, and a strong scent of medicinal herbs came out. His face showed ecstasy, and he directly put the medicinal herbs into the storage bag.

The main vein of Qimei Mountain is majestic and majestic and towering.

By chance, Senior Gu Changge found the nine orifices mixed essence stone embryo, and refined one of the stone embryos that did not give birth to the Holy Spirit!

Although the black-clothed boy in front of him looks only in his teens or twenties, and he doesn't have any cultivator's breath, he looks like a mortal, but outside his cave, there is a formation that can fight against the Nascent Soul cultivator, and it is even more nurturing. Countless poisonous insects, even if the spiritual cultivator trespassed in his cave, these formations and poisonous insects are enough for him to drink a pot.

"Why does this motherfucker look like a formation?"

Li Changsheng shook his head and murmured in a low voice.

It was just that something went wrong in the middle, and the formation was broken.

The Thousand Poison Realm fell to the ground and said in a low voice:

As soon as he arrived at Qimei Mountain, he felt the difference here. If he was just a ninth-order array mage now, he would definitely not see the magic here.


Qimei Mountain is also considered a big mountain range in the Primordial Realm. It is composed of endless mountain ranges that span hundreds of thousands of miles. There are countless hidden monsters, even the monsters in the fairyland. It has always been a forbidden place for the human race. one.

"Give me a copy of the map of the Primordial Realm."

Three days later.

"Could it be that the monkey was conceived in the stone womb of the nine orifices? Otherwise, with my upright, serious, and suave personality, I would definitely not have given him the name 'Sun Wukong'."

After observing for half an hour, Li Changsheng had a solemn expression on his face.

There are quite a few mortals, Li Changsheng withdrew his spiritual sense, stepped out in one step, and appeared in the cave where the Yuan Ying cultivator was retreating.

He is now a thirteenth-order peak formation mage, and he is definitely a top-notch formation mage in the lower realm. Even if he wants to use the terrain of Qimei Mountain to arrange a formation, he cannot do this.

Qiandu Zhenren felt a burst of heart palpitations, and suddenly opened his eyes, he saw an extraordinary handsome, immortal black-clothed young man standing in his cave, Qiandu Zhenren still knelt directly on the ground.

He can now cover an area of ​​10,000 li with a swipe of his divine sense, but within the 10,000 li area, he has not even found a cultivator with a level higher than that of a god.

"Is this the Primordial Realm?"

"There are two more simulation opportunities, which will be used after Qi Meishan."

And the strongest monster on this wasteland is only Jindan.

Li Changsheng stands at the head of the cloud, overlooking the Qimei Mountains.

What he has to do now is to constantly temper himself and constantly break through himself, until he can condense the body of a Rank 7 or even Rank 9 true immortal.

"I don't know what instructions the senior has to come to the junior's cave? If there is an order, the junior will make every effort to complete it."

Therefore, the monks who appeared in the city were all monks who had been recognized by the Heavenly Palace. Those monks who resisted the Heavenly Palace were all hiding overseas or in the mountains. Only occasionally there would be news of the Heavenly Palace's powerhouse exterminating Ye Xiu.

"Give it to me."

Holding the map, Li Changsheng found Qimei Mountain on the map and galloped directly towards the location of Qimei Mountain.


"Senior and junior have been staying on this wasteland. This map was also exchanged from outside cultivators. I don't know if it is completely accurate."

The endless wasteland of the Primordial Realm.

"Choose one."

A space fluctuation was generated, and a figure in black appeared above the endless wasteland.

time does not wait,

Could it be that someone is nurturing those two nine-orifice Hunyuan stone embryos with the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth in the millions of miles around Qimei Mountain? Even the two stone embryos may not have been born in Qimei Mountain at first, but they were just transported over by someone to arrange a big formation and want to breed them.

When Qiandu Zhenren heard this, he was stunned for a moment. He quickly took out a map and handed it to Li Changsheng, and said in a low voice:

Li Changsheng whispered.

"I am now the Great Bull Demon King, plus the Golden Lion Mountain is overturned by the sea, and now there is another Monkey King, am I about to gather the Seven Saints to form a righteous union?"

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