Most of the people on the flying boat are Jin Xuan's guards. In addition to the angel guard who was killed just now, there are six angel guards, plus the shadow of a half-step true fairyland monk, and there are only a few in the chaos star field. A force with a true immortal in charge can deal with it.

The monks under the other gods even passed by the sword light, and they exploded into blood mist.

Shadow's eyes are solemn, and he whispers:


The guards looked at each other with solemn expressions in their eyes. The six of them stood in a sympathetic manner and approached Li Changsheng.

Wherever the heat wave passed, everything was on fire.

The rest of the people's faces changed greatly when they saw this, they were all urging the real energy in their bodies to fight against this heat wave.

If it weren't for the fact that the traces and qi on this person were not the same as the bull demon in the Golden Lion Mountain, he would have suspected that this person was pretending to be the Great Bull Demon King!


"Bang bang bang!"

The black-clothed figure in the field stood proudly with a three-pointed two-edged sword, and the six celestial cultivators who were fighting against him actually flew out under one blow and smashed on the meteorite flowing not far away.

"This son's strength is weaker than that of the bull demon, but it is enough to be on the list of people on the Xuanhuang list!"

When the others saw this, they no longer hesitated to shoot together and blasted at Li Changsheng.

When he was in the Golden Lion Mountain, the shadow was not his opponent who didn't use his full strength, not to mention that the shadow's injury has not recovered now. Although he still can't burst out with all his strength now, it is not something that the shadow can handle.

Even the six Heavenly Immortal guards died in just a dozen breaths, and there were more than a dozen monks under the dead Heavenly Immortals.

The strength of the black-clothed young man in front of him is too strong. If they face this person alone, they will only be killed in seconds.


If the strongest shadow adults have an accident, they may be destroyed!

Void tremors.

Li Changsheng smiled coldly.


The man in black holding a three-pointed two-edged sword is like a god of death walking in the void, reaping life in an understatement!

Jin Xuan faintly spit out two words, his eyes filled with coldness.

"Let me restrain him!"

Li Changsheng's voice was cold.

"This person is not something we can deal with..."

A few followers with a slightly lower cultivation level burned directly in the air, turning into powder in an instant, and even the residue could not be seen.

"Let's do it together!"

The two separated at a touch, and each flew out for thousands of meters, and then turned into two streamers again, colliding with each other.



Every time Li Changsheng swung his sword, a monk was chopped into powder.

Then his figure disappeared directly, and he appeared beside the shadow in an instant, and the three-pointed two-edged knife stabbed the shadow between the eyebrows.

A strong force came from the place where the weapons intersected, and the shadow was directly knocked out.

There are only 30 places on each list of the Xuanhuang List, and all the people who can make it on the list are the top talents in various realms. Even in the demon court, the status of such talents is no lower than that of several princes. Usually it is rare to see each other, but this time they came out and saw two of them.

He was not used to using weapons, but his arms had just been reborn, not as good as before.


Those monks on the flying boat who have not reached the heavenly fairyland are also taking action. They don't want to be a big help. They just hope that the attack they hit can stop the mysterious man in black.


Even the flying boat that Jin Xuan was in became wobbly. If you had a few monks desperately urging the true essence to stabilize the flying boat, this fluctuation could easily overturn the flying boat.

A look of shock appeared on the shadow's face. The physical strength of the black-clothed young man in front of him was in no way inferior to that of the powerful bull demon king. The three-pointed two-edged sword was obviously just a quasi-immortal weapon, but the blow just now actually knocked the knife in his hand away. The long sword of the fairy weapon has cut a crack,

The shadow let out an angry shout, and the whole body was shining with blood, and the blood in the body had begun to burn, fighting against Li Changsheng.

"Prince, what cards do you have, hurry up!"

Six people vomited blood,

As soon as the feather came out, the temperature of the entire void rose rapidly, and a heat wave centered on Jin Xuan swayed toward the surroundings.

The shadow was protecting Jin Xuan, with a trace of worry hidden in his eyes.


"You are the only one who protects the prince of Yaoting?"

Even the shadow couldn't help but make a sound. At this time, he was extremely miserable. He already had several wounds that could be seen deep in the bone. Although they were not fatal, but under the siege of so many people, he still suffered like this. The serious injury proves that this child is not something they can deal with at all.

Only monks above Heavenly Immortals can survive under his blow, but they will also be seriously injured.

Jin Xuan snorted coldly, and a golden feather appeared in his hand.

A three-pointed, two-edged sword in Li Changsheng's hand slashed the dazzling light directly.

A terrifying sword light emerged from his hand and slashed towards Li Changsheng.




"Brush brush."


I can only see a figure in black, moving in the void, disappearing into the void from time to time, and then appearing from another place, causing everyone's attacks to fail,

He is just an immortal, and he dares to attack and kill him. Do you really think that the prince of the demon court is made of mud?

Hearing the words, the shadow stepped out, a long knife appeared in his hand, and slashed towards the mysterious young man in black.

They are also good players in the demon court, but in the face of a young man in a fairyland and the shadow of adults, they can't even intervene.

Countless followers were terrified of being killed, and they dared not approach the battlefield at all, but even so, people were still beheaded from time to time.

Although he knew that the young master must have a hole card, but if Jin Xuan had an accident, his end would be extremely miserable.

The six heavenly guards stood not far away, their eyes full of shock.


Wherever he passed, all obstacles were cut to powder.

But still a step too late.

Fight against one another.


When the six heavenly guards saw this, they also forbeared the discomfort in their hearts.

Holding a three-pointed and two-edged sword, Li Changsheng directly attacked the six heavenly immortals who were surrounded by him. Although he did not intend to activate the Cang Qiong Sword Sutra and Vigorous Bull Demon Art, how powerful his physical body is now, even the most ordinary one. The attack is swung, and as long as it hits, it is enough to hit an immortal, not to mention that he has no other means.

‘Where did the perversion come from? ’

Shadow was startled and drew a knife to block it.


"My Qingyuan Miaodao True Monarch, Yang Jian, never does anything unsure. You want to stop me from killing people just because of you little rubbish?"

Sword beams erupted from the three-pointed two-edged sword, collided with the attacks of the six heavenly guards, and suddenly a powerful shock wave erupted, swept away in all directions, and shattered some of the surrounding planetary fragments.

"A bunch of trash!"

"Prince, I will solve it. After solving it, we should leave first. I am afraid that our whereabouts have been exposed and someone is targeting us."

Seeing that the second strike of the young man in black came again, Shadow let out a loud shout, and went up to him with a knife.

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