Cultivation Imitates Thousands Of Times, I Am Invincible In The World

Chapter 154 Immortal Jade, You Dare To Take It?

As everyone knows.

Shadow's heart was even more shocked. He was secretly cultivated by Yaoting since he was a child, and he practiced the Golden Crow Body Forging Technique, which was secretly passed down by Yaoting. Physically rivals Jinxian.

But now it is not as good as him in even one realm, and the training time is far less than that of his young people.

'This son must not stay! ’

Shadow's eyes were cold. He was the personal bodyguard of the third prince, Jin Xuan. He was both prosperous and damaged. Now that Jin Xuan had offended the bull demon with extraordinary potential in front of him, he should kill him in advance, otherwise it would be a disaster in the future.


Thinking of this, Shadow no longer hesitated, and slammed towards Li Changsheng with the Golden Crow Fighting Heavenly Technique in the Golden Crow Stage Technique. I saw that his whole person turned into a golden light, and the speed was extremely fast. Even the body of the earth immortal cultivator could not keep up with the moving speed of the golden light.

On Li Changsheng's side, the phantom of the Demon Cow appeared outside the body. After cultivating to the fifth level, the phantom of the Demon Cow was close to the real one, and the black demon clouds were rolling around the Cow. Changsheng is more like a great monster.


The golden light shines, and the demonic aura flies into the air.

The sky burst!

The place where the two were fighting was full of energy, and Jin Mang attacked dozens of times in an instant, and each blow was enough to kill the gods, but Li Changsheng, like the King of Unmoving Ming, tried his best to mobilize the powerful bull magic power. The virtual shadow stands proudly in the void, and every punch can accurately block Jinmang's attack.

The void exploded inch by inch, forcing everyone watching the battle to retreat, retreating into the formation of the Golden Lion Peak.


Above the Golden Lion Peak.

The third elder looked at the demon court elder Jin Yuan standing beside him, and said coldly:

"Jin Yuan, this is the Golden Lion Mountains, not the Demon Territory. You actually want the arrogance of my Golden Lion Mountain to pull the cart for Jin Xuan. Your Demon Court is so majestic!"

Jin Yuan's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly:

"If it weren't for the Golden Lion Mountain here, do you think that kid who killed my demon court's people would still be alive?"

"And now that bull demon is betting voluntarily, and don't you have confidence in your Golden Lion Mountain's arrogance?"

"Humph!" The third elder snorted coldly and stopped speaking.



Whether it was Tianjiao on the Yaoting side or the younger generation of Golden Lion Mountain, they all took a deep breath. The shadow was the personal guard of the third prince of Yaoting, and they could understand with such a strong strength.

However, the strength of the powerful Bull Demon King, who has only recently become famous, is far beyond their imagination.

I saw Li Changsheng standing in the field, motionless like a mountain, no matter how Jin Wuwei attacked, he could easily resolve it.

Moreover, the axe in his hand swung out with absolute strength. Every time he swung it, the surrounding void was cracked inch by inch. Even they couldn't help worrying about the guards around Jin Xuan.

If he was hit by that powerful bull demon king with an axe, even a true immortal would be injured.


in the field.

Li Changsheng's face was neither happy nor sad, slightly disappointed.

Although the black-robed man in front of him has the cultivation level of a half-step true immortal and his physical body is also very strong, he is still a little short. If he meets an ordinary half-step true immortal, he may be able to crush it, but for his kind of concurrent cultivation, it is very powerful. For those who have cultivated to a very deep level, they are still a little weaker.

Although the difference between the two is two small realms, as long as he is not a true immortal, he has the power to fight!


The dazzling axe mang directly broke through the void, and cut towards Jinmang accurately.

After fighting for so long, it was time to bring the six million immortal jade.

If Jin Xuan still has to force Lai Lai in front of him after he finishes beating the man in black robe, he doesn't mind, and even beats the third prince of the Yao Court together!

Jin Mang's speed suddenly accelerated, dodging the axe.

But Li Changsheng, as if he had expected it, turned his axe and slashed straight ahead.


The shadow's reaction speed is very fast, and the arms burst out with bright golden light, blocking the front.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The man in black robe was directly beaten out, the golden light on his body dimmed a little, and his arms were slightly bent. Looking closely, his fleshly body, which was comparable to a fairy weapon, was broken by the axe. The time could not recover.

Li Changsheng was unreasonable, stepping out with one step, the void trembled, each blow was full of strength, the force was enormous, the shadow of the demon bull became more and more solid, and every blow, it was like an ancient god and demon shot with all his strength.

Under the axe just now, the man in black robe was injured, and his actions were not as fast as before.

Now he is being targeted by Li Changsheng, and he can't escape, so he can only choose to fight Li Changsheng recklessly.

The people watching the battle only saw that the two figures collided with each other again and again. Every time they collided, the golden light dimmed, and the faces of the people on the side of the demon court gradually became ugly.

Even Jin Wuwei in Half-step True Wonderland is not an opponent of the powerful bull demon king?

Could it be that this rising star of the demon race is really that strong?

Finally, after fighting a dozen times, the man in black robe was hit in the back by Li Changsheng with an axe.


The black-robed man's arms exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood.


Heipao let out a muffled groan. Although his arm was shattered, the golden light all over his body became more prosperous. He quickly retreated and wanted to escape. He was now sure that his physical body was not as good as the monster in front of him.

If he goes on fighting, he will surely die.

However, Li Changsheng was unforgiving, holding an axe in one hand, raising it above his head, and slashing at the man in black robe.

"Niu Yao, you dare!"

"Old cow can't be!"

The first sentence was shouted from Jin Xuan's mouth, and the second sentence was shouted by Fu Hai.

However, Li Changsheng turned a deaf ear, and the long axe fell directly.

"The little doll has such a big killing intention!"

Just when Li Changsheng was about to slash the black-robed man, and even the black-robed man had a look of horror in his eyes, an old voice came from the middle of the Golden Lion Mountain, and a golden feather shot from the middle of the mountain. He went down and slashed directly on the long axe in Li Changsheng's hand.


A crisp sound came out.

The long axe in Li Changsheng's hand shattered.

But Li Changsheng's expression did not change, and he just turned his attention to the Golden Lion Mountain.

I saw an old man flying quickly from the middle of the mountain. The appearance of the old man was three points similar to that of Jin Xuan, but his cultivation base was obviously much higher, at least he was a great monk in a real fairyland.

The third elder was also following the old man. Seeing Li Changsheng looking over, the third elder nodded slightly towards Li Changsheng.

"Jin Yuan, this child has no demon court, it should be killed!"

When Jin Xuan saw the old man, there was no respect in his eyes.

When Jin Yuan heard the words, a look of displeasure flashed across his eyes, but he still landed on Jin Xuan's side and smiled slightly towards Li Changsheng:

"Boy, this is the end of the matter, what do you think?"

"So far?" Jin Xuan's face was full of dissatisfaction, and he said coldly: "He beat my person, which is a death penalty!"


The third elder snorted coldly, and said lightly, "I remember that this was just a bet between you and my younger generation at Golden Lion Mountain. Now that the bet is lost, do you still want to show off your power in my Golden Lion Mountain?"

"What if you lose?"

Jin Xuan said coldly: "I will put the fairy jade here, do you dare to take it?"

After speaking, Jin Xuan directly threw a gorgeous storage bag at Li Changsheng's feet and said lightly:

"You do have some strength, but after taking the immortal jade, you must think about it clearly!"

"Six million immortal jade is not a small amount..." Jin Yuan also stood aside and looked at Li Changsheng and said slowly, his eyes full of threats.

As a true immortal cultivator, the amount of immortal jade that he can receive from the Demon Court every year is less than 6 million. Even if Jin Xuan is the prince of the Demon Court, if he takes out 6 million immortal jade at one time, he will also have his family background. Almost paid.

The three elders came to Li Changsheng and said:

"Six million immortal jade is a lot. If you are short of immortal jade, I can give you some first. If you take the six million immortal jade, Jin Xuan will not let you go."

"In my Golden Lion Mountain, it can keep you safe, but out of the Golden Lion Mountain..."

The meaning of the three elders is obvious. In the Golden Lion Mountain, he can guarantee the safety of Li Changsheng, but outside the Golden Lion Mountain, Yaoting will not sell their face in the Golden Lion Mountain unless they are behind the Golden Lion Mountain. The one who spoke out could guarantee that Xuan would not dare to mess around.

But I want that senior to speak out, unless the ancestors come forward in person.

Jin Yuan and Jin Xuan also saw that the three elders were secretly transmitting their voices. Jin Yuan only shook his head slightly. If it were him, he would choose to settle down and not take the six million immortal jade.

Jin Xuan's face was full of pride,

What if you are a genius?

Do you dare to take my stuff?

The people around Jin Xuan also looked at Li Changsheng with playful eyes, and their eyes were full of playfulness.

Li Changsheng grabbed his right hand, grabbed the luxurious storage bag directly, and said with a light smile:

"Thank you for your fairy jade!"

"You really solved my urgent need."

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