"It's not in vain that I traveled through several star fields to find you."

"Why, you don't want to?"

Others think that the strongest pair of claws on his body is the pair of sharp claws that can destroy immortal artifacts, but they don't know that his tongue is better tempered than sharp claws, and even immortal artifacts can't hurt him. of tongue.

Fu Hai stood aside, frowning slightly.

Now he actually died on his predetermined mount?

The sharp claws shone with green light, and the sharp claws could withstand Yuan Kong's full-strength blow without the slightest damage, which was enough to demonstrate the strength of the sharp claws.

In addition, now that Dali Niu Mogong has also reached the fifth level, the physical strength has doubled, and the Tianxian cultivator can't stand his two punches.

The anger on Jin Xuan's face could no longer be suppressed. The salamander was not something that ordinary followers could compare with. As long as he grew up in the future, he would at least be a true immortal, and he would be one of his team members in the future.

"Stop him!"

Li Changsheng's face was also very ugly.


He was born in the Jiao Palace. Although he stayed in the Golden Lion Mountain after the destruction of the Jiao Palace, he never went out of the Golden Lion Mountain, but as the golden immortal son of the Jiao Palace, he often went in and out of the Demon Court. Tianjiao also knew about it.

Blood splattered all over the sky, and the tongue, which was enough to block the fairy, was cut into two pieces by Li Changsheng's axe.

Isn't this pure rudeness?

The faces of the Golden Lion Mountain monsters all showed a look of resentment.

Jin Xuan did not hide, with a light smile on his face.

After two cultivators from the peak of the Earth Immortals around him looked at each other, they suddenly rushed towards Li Changsheng who had already entered the arena.


"You are so brave!"

Although Dali Bull Demon King joined their Golden Lion Mountain for a short time, he was a genius of their Golden Lion Mountain, and now Jin Xuan was so humiliated.


Before Li Changsheng could speak, Sarukong couldn't help it.


Fu Hai's voice just fell.

The salamander's head turned into a lizard's head, and a long tongue was spit out directly from the mouth, and Yuan Kong was caught off guard by the tongue.

There was a hint of panic in the eyes of the salamander lizard, and its figure suddenly retreated.

Jin Xuan has a arrogant demeanor, and it seems that he has nothing in his eyes, even asking Li Changsheng to pull the car for him is like a charity.

Yuankong's golden hair stood up all over his body and burst out with all his strength.

Yuankong stepped on the ground abruptly, his body quickly sprang out, and appeared directly beside Jin Xuan. The long stick of the fairy weapon was held high, and it was smashed directly at Jin Xuan with the immortal light.

Uncle can bear it, and neither can my aunt!

A worried look appeared on Sarutobi's face.

"If you want to go, have you asked me?"


And his hands of flesh and blood were not hurt at all.

"Open it for me!"

Before the people present could see how Li Changsheng made his move, the two figures beside Jin Xuan flew out backwards, smashing heavily on the ground, their faces pale, and they no longer had the strength to fight.

A crisp sound came out.

The faster the two figures came, the faster they flew out.

"Am I pulling your car!"

Everyone only saw a black demon cloud covering the two, and then a scream came out.


The billowing black demon cloud rolled directly towards the salamander's body.

"And you have to pull the car for me obediently!"

And in the face of Jin Xuan, the dog who wanted him to be a mount, he had no intention of holding back.

"Dare to take action against the prince and court death!"

The long axe slashed over the tongue.

The two made a series of shots, Yuan Kong's strength is very strong, but the ugly man is already a monk in the early days of the fairy, and he is also the arrogance of the younger generation of Yaoting, and his strength is not comparable to those of ordinary angels.

"Yes, Prince." The salamander's face did not show the slightest expression, one claw grabbed Yuankong's long stick, and the other sharp claw slashed directly towards Yuankong's belly.

Originally looking at the text on the simulator, I thought this Jin Xuan was simply jealous of his current reputation, but he didn't expect that he wanted him to be a mount.


Seeing this, Jin Xuan showed a satisfied look on his face, and said lightly:

No wonder he couldn't help but hit Jin Xuan during the simulation.

If Yuankong is also in the fairyland, the salamander must not be the opponent of Yuankong, but unfortunately, Yuankong has just stepped into the fairyland of the earth, and he is hundreds of years younger than the salamander, and the salamander can still crush him now. ,

Facing Li Changsheng's aggressive punch, the salamander moved forward instead of retreating, and let go of Sarukong with its tongue, and then pulled it directly towards Li Changsheng.

Salamander's face turned cold. He didn't take this well-known powerful bull demon king in his heart. How could a wild monster who ran out of nowhere be the opponent of Tianjiao, who was cultivated by the demon court since he was a child?

The demon cloud dissipated, Li Changsheng stood with an axe, and a lizard body with golden scales fell to the ground. The head of the lizard had already exploded, and it could be vaguely identified from the body that the salamander was killed by the powerful bull demon king with a powerful axe. Shoot the salamander to death.

Li Changsheng was arrogant, bullied him, and smashed the back of the axe directly at the salamander's head.

"Big brother!"

"Salamander is one of the masters around Jin Xuan. He has already stepped into the fairyland, and if he fights again, Yuankong will lose." Fuhai said in a low voice.

He doesn't even know how strong he is now. After cultivating the 9th rank of the gods and demons to the peak of the 9th rank and then to the celestial body, the strength of the physical body alone is enough to rival the gods.

An ugly-faced man standing beside Jin Xuan flashed his figure and came to Yuan Kong. His hands turned into two sharp claws, and he grabbed directly at the fairy stick that Yuan Kong had smashed.


Only the depressed look on Saruto's face was swept away, and he shouted loudly:

The salamander let out a scream, and he was still full of confidence just now, but just as his tongue touched the long axe, a huge force like the opening of the world came, and then there was endless pain.

"It's all drool, get away from me!"

"Old cow, nice job!"

Li Changsheng said coldly.

Jin Xuan said coldly.

Li Changsheng glanced at the gleaming green tongue in disgust. A long axe appeared in his hand. This axe was only a half-step immortal weapon. He is now a powerful bull demon. Using the immortal sword he used before did not match his temperament. .

As long as he retreated to Jin Xuan's side, even if this powerful bull demon king had the courage, he would not dare to kill him.

The sharp claws shone with green awns, and the tongue returned very quickly, rolling up Yuan Kong's body and shrinking in the direction of the sharp claws. Even though Yuan Kong used all his strength, the distance between him and the sharp claws was still getting closer and closer.

Li Changsheng's speed continued, and he punched the salamander's tongue.


Jin Xuan looked at Li Changsheng and smiled contemptuously, "Believe it or not, as long as I speak, Jinshishan will obediently send you to the Demon Court!"

Obviously Jin Xuan did not take their Golden Lion Mountain in his eyes at all!

Just as Fu Hai was about to make his move, a figure had already crossed him and headed straight into the arena.

The people of Golden Lion Mountain are also nervous. After getting along with Lao Niu during this period of time, they feel that the rumors from the outside world are wrong. Lao Niu is very friendly no matter who he treats. Demon, dared to ask Lao Niu for advice, Lao Niu also gave some serious advice.

Hearing this, the good-natured Lu Ying and Lin Fan showed unpleasant expressions on their faces.

It was only today that they discovered that the rumors from the outside world were correct. The old cow became crazy and even dared to kill the geniuses of the Demon Court!

One shot is full force!

"Salamander, kill this monkey, I'll take care of it if something goes wrong."

The stick that Sarukong shot in anger was directly caught by the ugly man.

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