But at this time, Gong Qianshan's all-out blow also came behind Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng made a faint voice, but the voice spread throughout the entire space, as if it was said in the ears of everyone.

Li Changsheng didn't dare to be careless, who knows what treasures in the great world of Xuanhuang could break his body.

With a flick of his left hand, Li Changsheng directly knocked the two blood awns into the air. It was only then that he could see clearly that the blood awn was a colorful little snake. It looked extremely sinister. Burst open,

A half-step human immortal with a sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks, who doesn't look like a good person at first glance, leaned in front of Li Changsheng and said cautiously.

When the storage bag was collected, Li Changsheng directly set up the demon and left.

"That's good!"

When the shot was launched, the demonic energy was rolling, and those who didn't know thought it was an old demon who had come out of the mountain.

Most of the people who stopped were loose cultivators. They had been able to stay in the Chaos Star Territory for so long, and they knew better than others about the survival of the weak.

"I'll fight with you!" Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, Gong Qianshan turned his head sharply, and a bloody glow the size of a slap shot out of his hand and took Li Changsheng directly in front of him.

The people present were like mourning concubines, and their faces were as ugly as a dead mother!

"Damn, don't you take the words of this demon king to heart?"

Li Changsheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and muttered.

He is now playing a gentle and kind-hearted demon. Naturally, it is not good for him to use the immortal aura like a jade boat to hurry on the road. He travels fast, and the demonic energy is soaring into the sky. It is not until he is far away from this planetary belt that he will use the demonic energy. Convergence, use the gods and demons nine turns, change the shape and breath, turn the head and go in the opposite direction from just now.

"Grandpa Niu is a good demon, hand over the storage bag and don't kill it!"

Everyone was speechless for a while, but they didn't dare to show the slightest expression on their faces.

The bull demon in front of him obviously only has the cultivation base of the fairyland, but his physical body is very strong, but now he takes advantage of the bull demon to deal with Gu Yuan with all his strength, and he cuts out a sword with all his strength, but he only slightly injured the bull demon.

"Come on, so many people fled, I don't believe he can catch up with them all!"

After a dozen breaths.


Void Killing Sword Art!


"It's still not the fault of Xianyu!"

"Senior Niu, I have some friendship with the Great White Rat Immortal in the Void Mountain. Do you think I can...?"

After seeing the destruction of the flying boat that fled at the front, all those who escaped decided to return and stood obediently on a fragment of a broken planet in front of Li Changsheng.

Some people stopped directly. Although their faces were ugly, they also knew that it was impossible for them to escape when a powerhouse in the Heavenly Wonderland pursued them with all their strength.

The immortal sword appeared in his hand, blocked it lightly, and then swiped.

It just so happened that it was not easy to grab Xiao Hanyue and a few people, but let it go. With the power of Xiao Hanyue's sect, I am afraid that it will not be able to stop Moyan Mountain and Ruoshui Palace!

If he had Immortal Jade, he wouldn't have to make the choice to join the Golden Lion Mountain so early, to avoid this battle and just spend some time in Chaos Star Territory.

"Dog thing, grandpa almost got your way!"

"Just hand over the storage bag honestly!"

"Damn it!"

"how is this possible?"

The phantom shattered, and the sword beam was castrated, hitting Li Changsheng's body directly.

On a flying boat, an old man in the early stage of Earth Immortal shouted loudly.

The giant hand took it.

And you just cut down three immortal powerhouses in a row, and wiped out the people on a flying boat, you dare to say that you are a good demon?

From beheading Gu Yuan to beheading Heipao Tianxian, it only took a dozen breaths.

But in this short period of time, the monks of Moyan Mountain and dozens of loose cultivators have fled.


Li Changsheng's eyes showed disdain in your eyes, and he slapped Gong Qianshan's back with a palm.

The dozen or so people who didn't escape just now had happy expressions on their faces. As for the others, their faces were full of regret. If they didn't escape just now, wouldn't they have to be robbed now?


Although they slandered secretly in their hearts, these people did not dare to hesitate, and they all obediently handed over the storage bags on their bodies.


Li Changsheng frowned, slapped the man out, and said lightly:

"Men on the left and women on the right, stand up for Lao Tzu!"

The direction to go is the direction of the Golden Lion Mountain!

"Why did you go early?"

It's definitely a famous alien beast, but he doesn't know it.

Li Changsheng shouted loudly.

The blood awn was directly split into two, but it still rushed towards Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng patted the shoulder of the monk who was the first to hand over the storage bag, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Afterwards, Li Changsheng quickly shot and killed all the remaining monks in Moyan Mountain and Ruoshui Palace!

Li Changsheng glanced at these people and said indifferently: "As for the others, hand over the storage bag quickly, if I find it hidden, hehe!"

In just three breaths, Gong Qianshan appeared not far from Gong Qianshan. Seeing this, Gong Qianshan's face changed greatly, and he shouted loudly:

Those who didn't escape just now were all people with low cultivation, except for Xiao Hanyue who gave him the fairy jade just now, there are not many people.

"I said it's just a robbery, and I don't want your life!"

Gong Qianshan's eyes showed an extremely horrified look, and he didn't care about the Ruoshui Palace disciples on the white giant boat, and fled towards the north without turning his head.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to hand over the storage bag, and please spare your life, Your Majesty!"

Are you still a monster?


Now that the strength is exposed, it will definitely attract the attention of people who are interested, and still need to find a backer!

The flying boat shattered, and all the people on the flying boat were photographed into blood mist. When the big hand came back, he did not forget to bring back the storage bag on the flying boat.


You can't even break the defense, how the hell can you fight?

"If I can escape in the hands of this demon king, I don't believe in cows!"

The black robe Tianxian of Moyan Mountain was also tight in his heart, and fled in the opposite direction of Gong Qianshan.


If he hadn't taken the risk of exposing himself, these people would have already died under the hands of the monks of Moyan Mountain. Now he asks these people to hand over the storage bags, but only asks them to dedicate the immortal jade with gratitude. That's it.

Before Gong Qianshan's words were finished, Li Changsheng slammed it directly on his head, like a watermelon, smashing Gong Qianshan's head into a mess, not even escaping his soul.

"I didn't run away just now. Grandpa Niu is in a good mood today, so I won't rob you!"

After a few breaths, Li Changsheng caught up with the already seriously injured Demon Flame Mountain Heipao Tianxian, and smashed him into powder with a punch.

Li Changsheng looked at the group of lambs to be slaughtered in front of him and said extremely arrogantly.

There was a loud noise, and Li Changsheng was directly slashed by the sword and flew hundreds of meters away, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

A big hand suddenly appeared above the flying boat.

Li Changsheng appeared directly beside Gong Qianshan.

Exactly for this reason!

"Damn it!"


Li Changsheng slapped it with a palm, and directly staggered Gong Qianshan, who was escaping quickly.

Thousands of feet of white sword light slashed on the ghost of the demon cow.


The immortal essence in the body was injected into the flying boat, and the speed of the flying boat was a little faster, leaving the other flying boats far behind.

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