Cultivation Imitates Thousands Of Times, I Am Invincible In The World

Chapter 138 The 1 Experience Of The New World Is Very Bad

Li Changsheng let go of his spiritual sense and saw a dozen people walking not far from his cave. They were wearing uniforms and their cultivations were not high. Only the leading woman in a long goose-yellow dress has the cultivation base of the middle stage of tribulation.

And there are fleets around to prevent someone from breaking the barrier of the fairy to escape.

"Gu Yuan, are you really going to have a fight with me?"

"It's a little troublesome!"

It's just that everyone's faces are not good-looking at this time.

And these people can avoid the pursuit of those top powers, naturally they have their ability, and these people act ruthlessly, if there is not a spiritual medicine in this ruins that must be used to treat their masters, she It will definitely not come to Chaos Star Territory.

Some other people looked at the black giant boat and their faces were not good.

This is a chaotic star field, no more than their bright moon star field. Among the chaotic star fields, there are many people who have committed heinous crimes in other star fields and are wanted by top forces.

Watching the group leave, Li Changsheng didn't go over to chat to inquire about the news, but quietly left the cave and carefully checked the ruins.

"All right!"

"Give me all the jade on your body, and I will keep you safe."

The girl who was reprimanded didn't take the reprimand to heart, and looked indifferent.

Apart from looking at the giant whale in the outer sea, Li Changsheng was the first time he met a powerhouse of this level, but there was a big hole in the giant boat. The faces of the people above are also full of horror, as if something is chasing them.

Hearing the conversation between the two, many people's expressions changed.

Li Changsheng muttered.

Everyone scrambled to reveal their identities, hoping that the gathering of so many powerful people would make Gu Yuan fearful.

"Gong Qianshan, hand over the things, and I will leave you a whole corpse!"

He has already noticed that there is an immortal powerhouse in this fleet. If he makes a full shot, he can still escape, but if he makes a full shot, it will inevitably reveal that he has cultivated the celestial body.

They were also a little depressed in their hearts. Obviously, the people from Moyan Mountain were trying to trouble the people on the giant boat, and they were obviously affected.

A streamer passed by Li Changsheng.


Except for Li Changsheng, other people's faces were also very ugly.

On the few flying boats that were stopped, there were powerhouses above people and immortals, and two of the flying boats had powerhouses from earth immortals.

Li Changsheng returned the same way with a gloomy face. Like Li Changsheng, there were more than a dozen flying boats and hundreds of lone monks who were forced back. These monks were all different. Those who have crossed the star field, but these people all have one thing in common, that is, there is no weak person, and the weakest group of people have the cultivation level of the integration realm, and there is even a monk in the fairyland.

Xiao Hanyue, who was wearing a long goose-yellow dress, scolded a girl with a charming face in a low voice.

"First mix up the names, and then join the Golden Lion Mountain, and develop a wave."

The entrance to the ruins is very remote, and it is in a broken star field in the chaotic star field, as if someone violently beat this small star field into this.

five minutes later.

He has been in the ruins for more than ten days. This ruin should have been left by a powerful force. It has been discovered for hundreds of thousands of years. Many formations are still in operation, and after hundreds of thousands of years of development, A unique world is almost formed inside.

"In the great world of Xuanhuang, my growth rate should not be too slow."

Li Changsheng walked around the ruins, killed two madmen who didn't have long eyes, and found a few good elixir, but unfortunately these things didn't work much for him.

The middle-aged cultivator also has the cultivation base of the peak of human immortals. On his giant boat, there is a middle-stage cultivator of earth immortals sitting in charge, but in the face of these hundreds of black giant boats, he does not dare to have the slightest inconsistency. Respectfully.

And there was no immortal jade in the storage bags of the two people he killed.

Li Changsheng also ignored the cautiousness of several people and said lightly:

It is definitely not easy to chase down the power of the giant boat with angels in charge, so don't be affected by Chiyu.

Li Changsheng shook his head slightly, stepped out, and appeared on the flying boat of Xiao Hanyue and the others.

seventeen days later.

"Still stay away."

Not far from Li Changsheng, Xiao Hanyue and his group who met in the ruins were also among them.

Although this ruin is located in a remote location, people pass by from time to time on the star road. During this half-day, the Earth Immortal cultivator saw both of them.

"Which day will one or two angels die in Chaos Star Territory?"

Xiao Hanyue's quasi-immortal sword was half-sheathed, and she looked at Li Changsheng nervously.

Li Changsheng was also among the loose cultivators' team, looking gloomily ahead.

But now, a powerhouse of Heavenly Wonderland appeared on the giant boat.


No one answered at all on the flying boat in Moyan Mountain, only an old man in gray walked to the bow of the black giant boat, looked directly at the white giant boat with a broken hole, and said coldly:

On the white giant boat, an old man with white hair and beard stepped out of the giant boat and stood above the void, his face ashen.

Every time the ruins are opened, a large number of cultivators will pour in, but after hundreds of thousands of years of searching, the truly valuable things inside have been scavenged long ago, but they still can't stop the enthusiasm of these cultivators.

Ruoshui Palace and Moyan Mountain are both giants in Chaos Star Region, and Gong Qianshan and Gu Yuan are both famous Heavenly Immortals in Chaos Star Region.

Li Changsheng pinpointed a direction and drove the jade boat at a very fast speed, heading in that direction.

"Don't be too busy, think about where this place is."

"Heh!" Gu Yuan smiled coldly, "As long as you kill all of you, who knows that I did it?"

"If you dare to kill me, Ruoshui Palace will never give up!"

"Everyone, why do you want to stop me from leaving?"

Li Changsheng came out from the entrance of the ruins and stopped to survey the surrounding environment.


He also couldn't guarantee whether any of these people knew about the existence of the Cang Qiong Sword Sutra. If it were exposed, he would not be able to deal with any of Gu Lao's enemies.

"What are you going to do?"

"The concentration of spiritual energy is indeed much higher than that of the Cangqing Realm."

"I'm from Luohe Sect..."

On one of the gorgeous flying boats, a middle-aged fat monk stood up, bowed slightly towards the black giant boat, and said:

"I'm from the Egret Chamber of Commerce..."

As soon as Gu Yuan's words came out, the expressions of the people present changed greatly. Gu Yuan forced them back, but he wanted to kill them all!

The damaged flying boat that escaped just now was also forced back. The people on the flying boat were full of anger, staring at the fleet of black giant boats slowly approaching in the distance.

Li Changsheng felt the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth outside the ruins, and murmured:

Dreaming of getting rich overnight.

Li Changsheng muttered, urging the jade boat under his feet to retreat in the other direction.

"Gu Yuan, we belong to the Divine Sword Sect!"

Originally, he didn't want to participate in this matter, but when he wanted to leave just now, he found out that the tens of thousands of miles of stars were blocked by immortal weapons.

Many people have recognized that the black giant boat is the giant boat under the command of Moyan Mountain. Moyan Mountain is one of the top forces in the Chaos Star Region. Among them, there are Xuanxian powerhouses, and they are not something they can provoke.

Li Changsheng also looked at this fleet cautiously. Every giant boat in this fleet is a top-quality spiritual weapon, with countless formations blessing on it. The monks can also face it calmly.

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