"How to do!"

"Mr. Mo is still in retreat, he has been notified, and he should be leaving soon." A shopkeeper at the headquarters said quickly.

"Do you think Hundred Herbs Hall can survive this time?"

The faces of the more than 20 senior members of the Hundred Herbs Hall were solemn, and some people even paced anxiously in the lobby, looking anxious.

And the master of human immortals in the Baicao Pavilion that has been reported in the past hundred years is Mr. Mo, but they know that the strength of that manager Li is definitely not bad.

The major branches of Baicao Pavilion began to gather things and rushed towards Mingzhou,


In the headquarters of Baicaotang,

At this moment, Mo Chengkong walked in from the door.

"Mr. Mo, no way!"

"Two hours ago, a golden beam appeared over Pearl City and entered the headquarters of Hundred Herbs, do you know?"

"Sir, what do you think about this matter? Although our Baicao Pavilion is not as powerful as the Nanli Dynasty, it is not something that other forces can bully at will."


"These white-eyed wolves, if our headquarters had not been supporting his Kyoto branch all these years, would the Kyoto branch be able to develop so fast?"

"That's right, fight with them!"

Someone witnessed a golden light shot into the Hundred Herbs Hall headquarters.

Although the people in the hall were unwilling, Mo Chengkong was the only immortal in the Hundred Herbs Hall. They didn't dare to refute his words and could only do it.

Everyone was anxious when they heard what Mo Chengkong said. For the past 100 years, Baicao Pavilion's industry has spread over half of the Nanli Dynasty. It is a pity to give up now.

Xuantian Sect Director Wu and two old men, one black and one white, were sitting in the box of a restaurant.

But Li Chunyang and others have seen Li Changsheng's shot in the magic abyss.

'Young master really expected things like God. ' Mo Chengkong sighed inwardly.

A tribulation peak cultivator asked in a low voice.

For a time, half of the Nanli Dynasty was a little precarious!

Zhenbeihou Mansion.

In a hundred years, these monks who were not able to return to the virtual body before have improved their cultivation level again. There are only three people who have only completed Mahayana. Among them, Li Chunyang, who has the highest cultivation level, has already reached the late stage of Mahayana.

"Not only is the big butler here, but also another immortal from the Prince's Mansion."

And these two dozen people are only people from the Hundred Herbs Hall branch near Mingzhou. Some shopkeepers from farther places are also heading towards the headquarters, but they are still on the way.

Mo Chengkong reached out his hand to block the excited crowd, and said lightly:


Tang Xuangan, a well-known monk in Mingzhou, joined Baicao Pavilion because Mr. Mo saved his life a hundred years ago. The big troubles encountered by Baicao Pavilion in recent years were basically done by Tang Xuangan. No need for Mo Chengkong's hands.

"No, shrink the industry first, give up the industries in other states, and bring everything that can be taken back to the headquarters." Mo Chengkong said lightly,

The black-robed old man asked lightly.

Lin Ruoxi looked in the direction of the Hundred Herbs Hall headquarters and said in a low voice.

Only Ren Wu frowned slightly and said:

Before Li Changsheng left, he had instructed him that if the people from the Prince's Mansion attacked the Hundred Herbs Hall, they would just give up and keep the spirit stone.

When the people in the hall saw Mo Chengkong, they all got up and went up to meet him.

And the son also said that he will retreat for about a hundred years.


"Gather the power of our five immortals, and after three days, the Baicao Pavilion will be destroyed!"

three days later.

"The mountain and rain are coming and the wind is filling the building!"

"This matter, we don't have to worry about it, and we can't manage it..."

"First destroy a few hands-on forces, and kill the chickens to warn the monkeys!"

With the movement of Baicao Pavilion, the major forces also moved.

It can be said that the current Tang Xuangan is the most prestigious person in Baicao Pavilion except for Mo Chengkong.

Perhaps others are not optimistic about Baicaotang at all. After all, it is the prince who is about to ascend the throne of power.

"I heard that the people from the branch in Kyoto have taken refuge in the Prince's Mansion and announced that they have left my Baicao Pavilion!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Once the turmoil in Kyoto is swept over, I am afraid that other state branches will follow suit and it will be troublesome!"

"I am coming!"

"If the strength of that golden light is not weaker than that of Mo Chengkong, it would not be so easy to destroy the Baicao Pavilion."

Now count the time, the son is about to leave the customs!

"The Mo Chengkong of Baicao Pavilion is not simple. Even the big butler by the prince's side has not taken advantage of this person's hands several times in a hundred years."

"But even if there is a human fairy in that golden glow, it won't help much in the face of the general situation." The white-robed old man said with disdain.

According to eyewitnesses, the golden light was extremely fast, and even with his Void Return Realm cultivation base, he could not see what the golden light was, but he could vaguely recognize that the golden light was like a golden bird.

"Naturally know."

Song Feiyan stood by and served the three of them drinking.

In his heart, he was already looking forward to seeing the son after he left the customs. In those few years, he witnessed the growth of the son. In just a few years, he has grown from a cultivator of returning to the void to the point where he can't see it through. Now a hundred years have passed, Which step should we advance to?

The three of them exuded a terrifying aura, and the three of them were all cultivators in the human fairyland, but if Li Changsheng was able to detect it, the three of them had mixed auras, and it was obviously not a human fairyland that had been broken through by normal means.

"What does Mr. Mo mean?"

A hundred years have passed, but Lin Ruoxi's face has not changed at all.

As for Li Changsheng, before entering the cave, he deliberately weakened his sense of existence and did not show up much. Many people who joined Baicao Pavilion later only knew that Mr. Mo had a shopkeeper Li behind him, but he didn't know that at all. How old is Shopkeeper Li and what does he look like?

These people have high and low cultivation bases, among which the strongest have the transcending tribulation cultivation base, and the low cultivation base is only God Transformation.

Song City, thousands of miles away from Pearl City.

"Yeah, so our Baicao Pavilion's loss is too great!"

"Ha!" The white-robed old man sneered and said lightly:

"Mr. Mo."

"All right!"

Everyone looked at this tribulation cultivator with respectful expressions on their faces.

Tribulation cultivators and Mahayana cultivators are basically worshipped by the Hundred Herbs Hall, responsible for guarding the safety of each branch, and some cultivators who hold the position of treasurer are not very high-level.

Li Chunyang whispered.


It's just that one's cultivation base has reached the realm of Mahayana. At this time, many people gathered in Zhenbeihou Mansion, the arrogance of a hundred years ago, and the mainstay of the major forces now.

Just after Mo Chengkong gave the order,


Although the strength of the Baicao Pavilion may not be as good as that of the Prince's Mansion, as long as the prince does not inherit the throne one day and cannot use the true heritage of the Nanli Dynasty, winning Baicao Pavilion is not an easy task.

"Two fellow Daoists, don't be careless."

"This matter, it's just decided. When the young master comes back, they will spit out what they eat."

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