Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 442 The game is upgraded, and the system will join in the fun?! 【Subscription】

Even in a dream, Chen Feng didn't intend to suffer.

Soon, Chen Feng cast aside his extra thoughts, only to see that in front of him, Siflin, who had a blushing face, turned pale at the moment.

"The master-servant ceremony has begun!

Chen Feng reached out and touched the five senses.

The realm is divided, one step at a time.

On that day, Chen Feng personally picked a fruit from the potted plant and handed it to the other party.

As the last character fell, Chen Feng's eyes were plunged into chaos, as if wrapped in mist, and there was no image at all.

Chen Feng's tentacles became weaker and weaker, just as he was thinking sadly about his shriveled appearance in the future...


Therefore, Chen Feng did not hesitate in the slightest, like a galloping falcon, waving its sharp claws towards Siflin's neck and grabbed it.

In addition, Chen Feng also felt a burning sensation in his body.

Smooth one.

[Strength: Silver]

Chen Feng struggled to raise his head, but saw that Siflin had come to him.

"It's just a bronze realm, there are ten tentacles, such a tentacle monster with extraordinary talent is a fatal temptation for any succubus.

[Ability: Nightmare Erosion, Fear Strengthening]

- Nightmare Corruption!

But in an instant, Siflin, who was still trying to resist, froze in place for a moment.

"From now on, you are mine!"

[They have whale-like smooth and oily skin, a pair of nasty horns that bend inwards, bat-like wings that flap silently, sharp tails, and the ability to pierce everything. 】

Chen Feng fluttered his wings and flew into the air, his face without facial features locked onto Siflin's body, and then, a strange light wave passed from that cheek.

0.・・Ask for flowers・

"The system has been dreaming?!

At this moment, the other party even bit his pink finger, and drops of bright red blood immediately fell on the ground.

"Successful ingestion of demon genes, have you completed the novice advancement?"

Under the analysis of the source code of the evil god, Chen Feng actually obtained the ability to transform into a night terror.


A scarlet text appeared in front of Chen Feng.

And the back and tail vertebrae also have a pair of wings and a flapping tail!

But at this time, Chen Feng couldn't help but think too much, he immediately roared in his heart:


Chen Feng swiped his tentacles randomly, trying to prevent this tragedy from happening, but there was nothing he could do.

"While you are sick, I will kill you! 35

"The source code of the evil god?"

And just as Severin was stunned, Chen Feng launched a counterattack without hesitation.


Just when he was about to become a complete tool beast, Chen Feng finally waited for the so-called system.

Compared to tentacle monsters with a lower bloodline level, the succubus girl in front of her already has the realm of silver.

"Night demons?"

But for Severin, at this moment, she was facing the most terrifying picture in her life.

Chen Feng, who blocked with his tentacles, was instantly like being hit by a tornado. He was instantly blown away more than ten meters away, and stopped until he hit a stone.

"Accept! Year

"System! 99

As if she saw something that made her unacceptable, her entire body trembled involuntarily.

But what really shocked Severin was that because the other party had no face at all, the entire face was smooth, as if it had been erased.

In the end, he was still touched by his palm, and a strange pattern began to appear on Chen Feng's body.

[Metamorphosis Race: Nightmare]

"Congratulations to the host for ingesting blood, obtaining demon genes, and awakening the evil god's source code system. 35

Chen Feng took the time to use the new ability he acquired from Dire.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Sifflin's eyes were full of surprises...

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for successfully binding the Heretic God source code system and analyzing the blood of the devil

But even though he lost his eyesight, Chen Feng found that he could still perceive everything around him.

Inheriting Tentacle's memory, Chen Feng knew that the bottomless abyss was extremely dangerous.

Bronze versus silver, there is no chance of victory.

It seemed that some pictures had come to her mind, but it was just a hearsay, and the face of Severin, who had not really implemented it, had already turned a little red.

In the face of happiness and life, Chen Feng decisively chose the latter.

After saying that, Siflin raised her finger and pressed it towards Chen Feng's head.


In the dream, Chen Feng narrowed his eyes.

The voice fell.

“What an amazing experience!”

The other had the smooth skin of an aboleth, a slender humanoid body, inwardly curved horns, and a barbed whip-like tail.

But she still tried her best to erase those obscure pictures from her mind, and then the bat wings behind her slammed!

Chen Feng only felt that at the moment, he was like a plasticine that was squashed and reorganized, and his whole body had undergone an unimaginable and terrifying qualitative change.

When Siflin breathed, the gas flowed, and immediately drew a terrified face in Chen Feng's mind.


In just a short moment, the other party seemed to be thrown into the most desperate and terrifying place, so that the whole person seemed to be boneless and immediately fell to the ground.

"This bitch is not a good person, it's really hard to start!"

Bean-sized beads of sweat fell on the ground, and it didn't take long for them to become yellowish water stains.

Looking at the tentacles constantly brushing in front of him.

"Ding! 95

For some reason, the image of a homeless man appeared in front of his shop.

——Dark night breeze!

But see...

And on the delicate face, there is also the ultimate horror expression.

Only increases the risk of death.

Hesitate and you will lose!

"It's over, it's completely over!"

The dark tentacles swayed like a poisonous snake that devoured people, full of strange and terrifying aura.

"There are many night dreams, sign a contract with this guy now..."

"Successful analysis of the demon bloodline, congratulations to the host for obtaining a new ability: Nightmare!

The bronze monster that originally looked like tentacles had undergone a terrifying sudden change in its body.

"Never mind, self-protection is the most important thing!"

Let go of each other?

"Don't come here!

[But what's most disgusting is that they never talk or laugh; they never smile at all, because they don't have a face to smile at all, they just have a face where it should be symbolic blank]

With all the memories of the tentacle monster, he knew very well that nothing related to the evil god was simple.

"This dream is really getting more and more interesting. 35

Siflin looked at Chen Feng and said:

A blush appeared on the face of the girl named Sifline:

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