Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

The 434th chapter is cloudy, the deep diver legion! 【Subscription】

When the darkness spread to the world, Dai Xianzhong, who was far away in the main city, rushed towards the destination with his team.

Along the way, Dai Xianzhong destroyed five of the Evil God Church alone.

Demi god.

In a certain sense, he is already one of the strongest people in the world at the top of the golden tower.

Along the way, Rao was Dai Xianzhong, Que Chao, and Jiu Zhan, who was the evil god before, but he was still a little shocked.

Inheriting the identity of human beings naturally also bears the karma of being a human being.

Different from the supreme beings who were in the god realm in the past.

After becoming a human, Dai Xianzhong's soul rarely showed a touch of humanity.

So much so that He was deeply shocked by the "scenery" along the way.

It's not just the Cyclops that devours the compatriots, this kind of twisted "six-nine-zero" dimensional monster.

In addition, some very hungry humans will also focus their attention on the same kind.

In addition, there are endless betrayals.

Dai Xianzhong saw with his own eyes that in order to compete for a piece of strange fruit that fell from the dimension, two people who originally belonged to the same faction had a life-and-death confrontation on the wasteland.

Different from being in the main city of the Breaking Dawn Alliance, Dai Xianzhong's cognition of the world is still in the cognition of order.

But when he really set foot in the wasteland, Dai Xianzhong learned one thing, that is, this human land that seems to be nurturing order has long since become a terrifying ruin comparable to the abyss under the influence of unknown energy. .

According to the data, the city at the foot of the original belonged to the Moon Dragon Alliance. It was once rich, and even hundreds of thousands of human beings lived there.

But now, there is no sign of prosperity here at all.

There are dead bodies everywhere.

The flies that gathered together were buzzing like a tornado.

It seems that the residents of the entire city have died tragically, so that this place has completely turned into a ghost.

Facing Dai Xianzhong's question, Lu Cheng, who thought he was dead, immediately collapsed to the ground.

Lu Cheng was breathing heavily, like a fish that had been caught on the shore for a long time without oxygen. Without Dai Xianzhong's rescue, he would have turned into a corpse now.

The air like a knife was poured into his trachea.

Lu Cheng lost his soul and said in pain:

"What happened here?"

"Dead, everyone is dead!"

And when these words fell, it was like draining Lu Cheng's last remaining strength.

So much so that Lu Cheng didn't care to hide his face, and burst into tears:

"The disaster came too suddenly, and no one knew what happened. We saw from the surveillance that unpredictable monsters broke into the city to kill and kill.

"Everyone is dead, including my companions.

"The night watchman was our only support. We thought that if we waited, the guardians of those cities would definitely clear the city and restore everyone's safety, but...

"We didn't wait.

"We finally, just waited, this life-devouring monster.

Perhaps due to too much mental shock, Lu Cheng's consciousness seemed to collapse, so that the other party's speech became incoherent.

But despite this, Dai Xianzhong captured some useful information from the other party's mouth.

That is, the dark forces he knows have already captured this place.

Not only ordinary people have suffered annihilation, but even the night watchmen have long since perished!

what does that mean?

Dai Xianzhong, who used to be one of the night watchmen, knew that those selfless people who prided themselves on guarding would stick to the last moment of their lives.

This shows that the defense of the city has been completely destroyed.

As one of the reinforcements, although it is difficult to accept, Dai Xianzhong must realize that the night watchmen in this city have been killed and injured, and they cannot be trusted at all.

At this moment, all they can rely on is themselves!

"Countless monsters? 35

But even so, after being simply surprised, Dai Xianzhong's face was covered with a cold and sinister expression again.

The purpose of his coming here was not originally to rescue the city residents who were suffering.

Humanity and the Virgin are two concepts at all.

Dai Xianzhong will have a lot of sentimental emotions because of human consciousness...

But in the face of right and wrong, Dai Xianzhong is still a pure egoist.

And there is only one reason for the other party to come here.

That is, to harvest more valuable and meaningful sacrifices for God.

And this piece of ruins undoubtedly satisfied all Dai Xianzhong's expectations for the sacrifice.

Thinking of this, Dai Xianzhong no longer even glanced at Lu Cheng, but raised his right arm:

"All troops, prepare for battle!"

"Encounter the enemy, leave no survivors, kill without mercy!"


Along the way, unlike the team of night watchmen in the main city, this team, under the leadership of Dai Xianzhong, can be described as growing rapidly.

Both men and women, everyone's face is full of determination.

Their hands are covered with the blood of the enemy!

Witness death.

It is one of the best growth experiences.

At this moment, Dai Xianzhong led the team and started to clear the dark members along the road along the street.

Demons, devils, and strange giant bugs all became Dai Xianzhong's hunting targets.

The southern corner of the city.

The dusky sunset has fallen, and at this moment, a group of distorted monsters slowly appeared on the edge of the city.

They have vaguely humanoid features, while 1.9's heads are spooky fish.

Legion of Deep Divers.

Instead of walking on the ground like human beings, at this moment, they are doing a jumping gesture, and that appearance is comparable to the so-called dark army.

And at this moment, the swallowing world stopped in place.

He felt the front, filled with extremely malicious dark energy and a strong smell of blood.

Obviously, the city has been breached and has become a lair for nourishing monsters.

Thinking of this, Tang Shi suddenly raised the Sealed Artifact in his hand.

Compared with the dry inland, the environment with sufficient rain is more suitable for deep divers to fight.

That is, at this moment, the sky was suddenly shrouded in a dark cloud.


Immediately afterwards, raindrops the size of beans poured down toward the city as if they were pouring down!

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