Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 430: The World Destroying Natural Disaster, the Greatness of the Dark Legion! 【Subscription】

At this moment, Wei Xun looked quite embarrassed.

The whole body was covered with thick blood plasma, and the right hand position was directly broken at this moment, leaving only a broken arm.

But even so, the other party's complexion has not changed in the slightest.

It seems that these injuries are nothing in his eyes.



And at this moment, a heavy footstep sounded in Wei Xun's ear.

【Is this guy still dead?】

【The big one is like a cockroach!】

"To shut up!"

"From now on, I don't want to hear you talk! 35

"woo woo woo woo………"

The voice of the corrupt body fell.

But I saw that the mouths of the two heads were closed one after another, so that, except for the muffled sound, there was no sound at all.

Wei Xun opened it and slowly raised his head, looked at the beast that was close at hand, and said in disgust:

"It's really noisy."

"Noisy makes people feel trouble at heart. 39

"Can't you just let me be quiet for a while?"

"Humble human beings, don't think that if you save me, you will be able to do a good job in front of me, otherwise, I will...

03 "Kill me if you have one!"

Wei Xun didn't care at all, he stretched out one hand to his arms, took out a cigarette, and lit it hard.


Wei Xun leaned against the ruins behind him and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

In the face of Wei Xun, who was not stingy, the depraved did not continue to refute, but opened the mouth and said:

"Are you all right?"

"If you die here, I can't explain it to the Lord God.

Wilson smiled.

He naturally knew that this was just a step that the corruption had found for himself.

Lord God?

How does that exist?

How can he let his mood fluctuate a little for the sake of a mere so-called believer?

But in the face of corruption's good intentions, Wei Xun was no longer aggressive.

The grievances of the past, as early as the moment he was promoted to a demigod, have vanished and ceased to exist!

He looked at the corrupt and said:

"In the end what happened?

“We came here on a plea for help, only to see a ruined city in ruins.35

"Don't you have four demigods when you go here this time?"

"You, Behemoth, Wu Zhichao, and the goddaughter of the Lord God, with such terrifying strength, can't you resist the attack of this dark army?"

compared to injury.

For Wilson, what really puzzled him was...

It is clear that such a terrifying combat force has been assembled.

But the city under his feet still collapsed so suddenly.

Are you too weak?

Do not!

Wei Xun had already seen everything by witnessing the previous methods of corruption and sacrifice.

These demigods came here for the purpose of obtaining sacrifices and thus gaining the favor of the main god.

The best way is to keep the city from being breached. Only in this way can we better target the enemy and hunt sacrifices.


The originally good situation has now fallen into such a chaotic battle situation.

Four demigods!

Among them are the head of the Church of the Evil God, the terrifying Lord of the Forbidden Land, and dimensional powerhouses such as corruption.

Such terrifying combat power can even destroy any human alliance.

It made Wei Xun feel unbelievable, guarding this small city, they fell into such a passive state.

The six pupils of the fallen rot were locked on Wei Xun's body:

"Everything was going well. 35

"But the only thing we didn't expect is that the goal of this dark army is not a small city or an alliance at all.

"But the entire human world!"

"The whole... the whole human world?"

Wei Xun also seemed to be taken aback by this sentence, so that, because of his shock, he even stood up from the ground regardless of the injury.

Wei Xun stumbled toward corruption, repeated it again, and said solemnly:

"What did you say?

"The other party's purpose is the entire human world?

The other two heads looked at Wei Xun with some contempt.



They wanted to ridicule Wei Xun, but it was just a human world being watched, and there was a possibility of destruction, and they were shocked to such an extent?

That's it?

Still a demigod?!

I bother!

But because of the restraint of the body, they could only swallow these words into their stomachs, and turned to whimper incompetently.

A terrifying evil god in the past.

The world of corruption and destruction is full of double digits.

It has also served as a predator, occupying the world of intelligent beings, and thus endows terrible disasters!

Although it can't feel the same, it also understands that Wei Xun, who was a human in the past, has the strength of a demigod, but has never really done interstellar travel.

I have never witnessed such a terrible turmoil that destroys the world.

It is reasonable for the other party to be so flustered.

The corrupt body nodded:

"In order to gather the fighting power to destroy the world this time, the dark coalition forces conservatively estimated that they carried out a blood sacrifice ceremony of hundreds of millions of souls.""

"Therefore, a passage that is enough to make more than ten gods descend to the world has been opened up.

"More than ten gods?"

Wei Xun caught a certain keyword, and at this moment, helpless ripples appeared in his eyes.

Corrupt answers truthfully:

"To be precise, it is fourteen vassals of the evil gods.

"Fourteen to four, although we resisted with all our strength, the city was still destroyed in an instant.""

"More than 90% of the human beings were killed or injured in the city. Even Behemoth was blown up and attached to a devil. Then he lurked and escaped by luck."

"Wu Zhichao, the master of the forbidden land, was caught by the Zerg, and his life and death are unknown. 35

"The goddaughter of the Lord God, the little guy named Lunar Eclipse, summoned the blood bat to reincarnate, which also caused the realm to plummet, and at this moment fell into a coma in an unknown corner."

"As for me, you also saw my situation.

"If it wasn't for your help, I would have turned into a corpse now."

"Totally annihilated in the human world. 35

The voice of the corrupted storytelling is smooth though.

But Wilson felt a terror he had never felt before.

For him, everything in front of him is a shocking event, and the slightest carelessness will lead to the death of all human beings...

World-class natural disaster!.

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