Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 428 Fatal pollution, terrible mutation from chaos! 【Subscription】

When Cheng Shang started to pray, he never thought about surviving.

"Chaos... I recited the teachings of the evil god of chaos! 99

"I must have forgotten something important."

Flipping figure.

It can also be described as a human shape.

"Am I dead?"

"The city lord has already said that when you go back, I will reward you vigorously. I heard that the items rewarded this time also include a two-level sealed item."5

"We really miss you! 55

There were many images in his mind.

"Captain, you have once again saved Wuxiang City!"

"Captain, you are finally awake!

Cheng Shang had to recognize the fact that everything he had experienced was not an illusion at all, but the real world that really existed.

The other party is above all things, sleeping in the dead starry sky. Every time his body rolls, there will be a broken kingdom of God shattered.

But see...

"Everyone has been deceived by the Damn it guy, only you, captain, saw through the other party's conspiracy and tricks, and then destroyed the sacrifice.


"I saved Wuxiang City? 35


Cheng Shang saw a strange figure.

I don't know how long it took, Cheng Shang slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the surrounding surrounded by white sheets, and muttered to himself full of doubts.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Captain, not only am I still alive, but you are not dead either."


"It's fake, it's not real at all!"


And the "sea of ​​bitterness" that had already gathered in front of him actually retreated again and again at this moment.

A burst of sliding sound came from the ghost gate.

Starry ruins.


It's just that, different from the beautiful appearance before, at this moment, under the influence of strange energy, they have completely merged into one.

Where there is a human arm in the sleeve, it is replaced by...

Endless darkness.

"How do you hold the water glass in your hand when you place it a few meters away?"

At this moment, Cheng Shang seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly made a strange gesture.

The night watchman named Fang Cheng shook his head:

"Gui Yue, Gui Shu, come out, I have something to ask you."

Cheng Shang's memory was frozen in Chen Ligang's mouth, and a terrified picture of a woman's face emerged.

Not only that, there are many swinging and twisting tentacles floating on the opponent at this moment.

Obscure and sinister prayers kept pouring out of his mouth.

"You just take care of it, and the third team has me watching, so you can rest assured to recuperate here."

"Master, don't hit yourself..."

And just when Cheng Shang thought that he had already lost his life to Huang Quan, there was an extremely surprised voice from the side.

It has four hands and four legs, and on the chest is two familiar faces.

Cheng Shang's memory was like a paste, and it gathered together at this moment. He seemed to have experienced some very important things, but for some reason, he couldn't remember it anyway.

in a trance.

In the next second, in the ghost gate, a terrifying face appeared that Cheng Shang did not expect.

A scarlet portal slowly appeared behind him.

At this moment, his purpose is only one, and that is to destroy the ceremony of the coming of the evil god of bitter sea.

This is Cheng Shang's ability.

"The night watchman is too tired to die, but this time, he can finally rest and rest!"

Accompanied by a loud explosion.

"Captain, you have a good rest, everyone is waiting for you to go back!"

Cheng Shang turned his head to look.

"This is not true at all, I must still be in a coma, everything I am experiencing now is all a dream, all a false hallucination! 99

After that, the night watchman named Fang Cheng closed the door of the ward.

From ordinary players, to the mainstay of today.

Cheng Shang looked at his arm in awe, the next second, his pupils dilated, and his face was as white as a piece of paper, and there was no blood at all.

After that, his memory disappeared without a trace, as if erased by an eraser.

0... ask for flowers 0...

"The captain blames me, the doctor has said, let you rest well, I shouldn't talk about business here.

The familiar figure did not appear.

"Ghost Moon, Ghost Shu?""

"Okay, I won't talk anymore, I have to hurry back and return to my life. Luo

At this time, following Cheng Shang's call, the other party also spoke slowly:

"We are distressed!"

Ghost door.

"How did my ghost become like this?

In the empty room, only Cheng Shang was left.

Familiar voice, familiar thoughtfulness.


Cheng Shang sat on the bed stupidly. He felt a little thirsty, so he reached out and grabbed the water cup a few meters away.

Seeing Cheng Shang's appearance, Fang Cheng hurriedly said:

"Why, why does this happen?"

Thinking of this, Cheng Shang let go of himself completely, and his low voice turned into a harsh roar.

Cheng Shang's spirit was eroded by irreversible pollution, and with the erosion, his originally dusty memories slowly began to loosen.

"Is this hell?"

At this time, Cheng Shang tried to use the evil spirit to remind himself of everything he had experienced in the building.

At the same time, there was the sound of Chen Ligang's panic and anxiety, and Cheng Shang's consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.

It was Cheng Shang's first sign in his life, one person and two ghosts, who supported each other and stood out among the keepers.

And at this moment, a tentacle attacked quickly, and actually wrapped around Cheng Shang's right hand:

Cheng Shang swallowed a mouthful of water, which relieved his panic.

And right now...

"Do not!""

"To persecute the church, the evil gods come?

Cheng Shang seemed to have injured his head when he was fighting against the followers of the Heretic God, and therefore, part of his memory was lost.

The other person must be able to help him remember what happened that day.


A dark, creepy tentacle! Four.

Cheng Shang's spirit seemed to be polluted, he beat his head desperately, trying to get rid of this nightmare.

But then, he seemed to find something wrong, so that the hairs all over his body stood up.

"No! 35

But I saw a figure wearing a baseball cap and a sweater, pounced towards him.

Listening to the chatter of his subordinates, Cheng Shang was a little confused:

Cheng Shang froze in place.

"Hey! 35

"Fang Cheng? Are you dead too?

Cheng Shang felt a little strange and couldn't help but called out.

"No one thought that the conspiracy of the Bitter Sea Church this time turned out to be to summon the so-called evil god to come to Wuxiang City."

It was the ghost that he first subdued!

It was a pair of twin ghosts.

For a long time, these two ghosts were Cheng Shang's right and left hands.

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