Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 425 Legendary evil, depicting horror books! 【Subscription】

All medicines are sold in the world.

The book blinked twice, indicating that he couldn't understand it.

"Does he know what I did?"

But at this moment, a crack suddenly cracked on the cover.


Cheng Shang slowly collected the rest of the ghost stories, as for the last one...

Cheng Shang counted a total of sixty-three ghost stories with black and red fonts.

Cthulhu believers!.

A word, a flash of inspiration appeared in Cheng Shang's mind.

Cheng Shang had a hypothesis.

On a book, there is an eye that exudes the light of wisdom.

Cheng Shang's heart seemed to fall into the abyss.

It was clear that it could be opened before, but after killing the female ghost summoned from the ghost story, the book seemed to close itself.

The books that were originally dead objects began to tremble.

With grief and anger, the paper of the book gradually trembled, like the clothes that were taken off, and slowly opened the page.

What are you doing!

"As for the golden evil, there are nine heads. 35

Cheng Shang's threat worked.

Disregarding the eyes on the cover, there were tears of grief and condescension.


It is conceivable that if all the evil spirits in it are released, the whole city without phase will be in chaos in an instant.

Declined to watch.

Cheng Shang squatted down and ran his fingers lightly over the book cover:

"Okay. 39

It has always brought terror to the world.

One page, two pages, three pages...

Why does the book 507 record this story?


When reading this, Cheng Shang's voice was obviously hoarse.

But on the other side, Cheng Shang clearly felt a breath of life, not quite as cold as a ghost.

The twins were standing by the side to cooperate with Cheng Shang, and they were full of ghosts.


If he could continue to summon evil spirits over, Cheng Shang's ability would undoubtedly be magnified indefinitely.

"The slaughter has begun, and the Specters have completely gone berserk. Although it is possible to attract some powerful night watchmen, everything is under my control. The blood is gathered, and the sacrifices I need have begun to bloom for their own last. 35

Go out to a buffet.

Cheng Shang:

In addition, there were bursts of roaring between the lines.

Cheng Shang reached out and touched it, and indeed a drop of blood was stained on his finger.

"Really don't let me see?"

Cheng Shang's eyes reflected a ray of brilliance.

“This is an office building that spreads vitality. Everyone’s face is full of yearning for life. At five o’clock, they will get off work in half an hour and usher in their own relaxing life. 35

Evil is very obedient and very useful.

Just no regret medicine.

Cheng Shang was obviously pulled into the blacklist.

How many people died because of it?

Cheng Shang looked like he was giving up, then threw it to the ground and said to the evil spirit beside him:

Cheng Shang has another important achievement.

"Sad human beings, the ants living at the bottom, should be like fireworks, blooming the rest of their lives in the sky in an instant, so... I am here."

Cheng Shang walked up to the other party with great interest and said:

Cheng Shang asked a question and continued to try to open it, still the same, motionless.

Seeing the last sentence, Cheng Shang had goose bumps all over his body, and he looked up at the ceiling suddenly.

It was Cheng Shang's dinner at this time.

Cheng Shang was addicted and tried to open the book.

Cheng Shang began to recite the story.

A pair of bloodthirsty and infiltrative, Bai Ren occupies most of the pupils, and the black pupils are only a few scattered eyes staring at him motionlessly.

This time the mythical creature incident was not a natural disaster at all, but a planned conspiracy!

"I will do it myself and tear your cover off! 35

The font, which is like blood, is like a transparent pen writing, and it is slowly drawn on the blank page.

And the font used on the last page of the story is like real blood, and it has not even solidified.

"Tear it up!

He is not evil.

"Energy keeps gathering at the broken heart, is this the power I'm looking for? Wait a minute, why do I feel someone watching me? 99

"The breath seems to be downstairs, I... found you.

As if he had just woken up, his eyes even blinked.

"The evil spirits in the bronze rank will not attract the attention of the books. Among them, the weakest ones are silver-level ghosts with blood on their bodies and contaminated with several lives. There are sixty-three ghosts in total."

The harvest is huge.

But now...

"He seems to be spying on my story through the Necronomicon, where? Let me find it.

The culprit who made countless killings is a...

Where did anyone eat a bowl of fried rice with eggs first?

Cheng Shang couldn't help muttering.

How many night watchmen died in despair and hatred?

Behind several pollutions, there are traces of its infestation.

Who would have thought...

"And the last story depicted with blood has the same breath as the two around me, that is to say, this is a story about the evil spirits in the legendary realm.

At this time, Cheng Shang directly skipped the first few ghosts and focused his eyes on the last page.

Walking to the front, 03 opened his fingers and looked at Cheng Shang's order to tear up the book.

For Cheng Shang, this book is no less than a treasure.

Who is this human being in front of him?

Convenience is behind the scenes.

Cheng Shang stretched his voice, like a bully who robbed civilians:

"I'll give you two choices, one is to open it up for me, and the other is..."

At this time, the other party slowly walked towards the book.

Of course, it is not without gain.

Hearing being scolded, the book seemed to react, and the look of fear in his eyes became more intense.

"So weak?

"Can you understand me? I understand a blink, but I don't understand a blink."5

There are a total of nine scarlet fonts.

Cheng Shang's movements were very rude, he stepped forward and spread the book out in front of him.

Cheng Shang held up the book in front of him.

However, he found that the book seemed to be stuck, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lift it.

"Death is coming, hundreds of ghosts walk at night, and countless ghosts are attracted here, and this is also one of my plans. After absorbing my origin, they gradually began to go crazy. Unable to feel satisfied, they focused their eyes on the ants. ."

This is the last sentence, but the story is far from over.

Cheng Shang seemed to have seen a ghostly ghost river, in which countless ghosts roared and roared, not only that, but thousands of creatures were wailing and crying.

"I'm only one step away from promotion.

As for the ghosts sealed inside, it is the backhand prepared by the other party.

"Different fonts mean that the summoned ghosts have different strengths. 39

Simply horrible!

Gives a feeling of being tortured endlessly during his lifetime.

"I brought two gifts to the ants, killing and death. I cut my heart, and the ghostly aura contains the entire building. For the rest of the ghosts, this is the source of their elusive promotion.

The other party may be the original owner of the book.

A pair of sharp ghost claws, it seems that there are no items that are constantly split.

The female ghost who had just emerged from the toilet a second ago and greeted Cheng Shang gloomily, was brushed alone the next second, turned into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared in the world.

It's the book that can make ghost stories come true!

Of course, what is expensive to eat.

Books sadly found that he became the victim instead.

This is not the wisdom of a wicked man.

"They think they are extremely happy, but they don't know that they are all little ants pushed by life. They don't understand what real life is."

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Shang clearly saw that a black and white eye appeared on the cover.

Cheng Shang rubbed the scarlet font and continued to recite:

A pair of bright big eyes blinked.

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