Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 411: Devouring life, the polluted kingdom of God! 【Subscription】

Heretic life, appeared in one's own mind?

But what if it really corrodes?

At this moment, the inside of Wei Xun's body is like a damp jungle, covered with dense "vines"

After all, within the city of Lingzhou, Wei Xun had already witnessed countless images of demigods and even gods falling.

However, like a drop of water passing through a stone, the other party is indeed slowly reducing the life of heresy.

But knowing that hard resistance will hurt, but Wei Xun will not sit still.

Wei Xun's eyes widened, a little surprised for a while.

It will take years, decades to complete.

However, in the darkness of the night, as the energy rolled, a strange figure was slowly drawn behind the Eternal Mantis.


At this moment, the decoration on the opponent's body turned into countless twisted tentacles.

A clear voice suddenly came from the side.

The appearance of heresy life made the Eternal Mantis feel a hint of crisis, and the opponent instinctively slashed backwards, but this attack was like sinking into the sea, and it did not affect it at all.

Wilson opened his eyes again.

At the same time, Wei Xun suddenly felt (Li's) that there was a lot of life coming from his body.

Wilson also held some flukes.

Even if the peeling process is extremely long.

One day, it will be eroded by resentment and become a demented existence similar to Azazle.

Moreover, this instead inspired the violent side of heresy life.

In the next second, the rotten water will ripple again, and then, new tentacles will appear from it, entangled in the periphery of the heretic life.

The opponent waved the sharp blade in his hand, like a guillotine, and slashed towards Wei Xun's neck.

This time, the voice was not in Wei Xun's mind, but sounded from behind the Eternal Mantis not far away.

Just like tentacles, after seeing the benefits that heresy life gave him.

Rao is the eternal mantis struggling desperately, but to no avail.

How many tentacles are parasitized in the right eye?

Those tentacles that emerged from the eyes actually bound and sealed the heretic life directly, and the place used for suppression was not elsewhere, but in his right eye!

Left on the ground, a piece of blood-red meat mud was extremely dazzling.

Just showing a head, the other's twisted mouth is still chattering:

Even, the other party has the ability to shuttle.

Even if the body of a demigod can resist this fatal blow, it will also aggravate some injuries.

It was clearly visible that the tentacles sticking to the opponent's body could not even bear it for a minute, and it would turn into a pool of rotten water and fall to the ground.

He saw a picture that he could not bear.

The tentacles kept looking at Wilson.

With just one glance, Wei Xun broke out in a cold sweat.

Wilson has begun to try to "accept" the other side.

At this moment, the power of resentment of the heretic life is like sulfuric acid, constantly corroding the tentacles that bind him.

His guesses were not out of line.

But Wei Xun knew that all those vines were made of tentacles.

It was a mantis that was countless times larger.

The other party spread out his [hands] again, but in the next second, the heretic life with tentacles was densely raised with tentacles like a tsunami, directly wrapping the eternal mantis layer by layer.

This is the first time that He has truly peeked into the inside of his body.


Wei Xun's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that after imprisoning a heretic life, he had inadvertently mastered the opponent's ability.

Unlike before, the other party has thousands of changing shapes.

In a kingdom of gods located in the purgatory of Baator, they encountered a very strange and cruel scene!

- Inside view!

Wei Xun can't just watch the opponent approach, because he still has the strength to find the scattered teammates!

Consciousness has returned to reality.

Wei Xun suddenly felt cold.

Not even Wilson could answer.

In this way, Wei Xun watched helplessly as the opponent was drowned by the tentacles, and then disappeared without a trace.

If it can't be weakened, such a top curse will always be imprisoned in his body.

"々 Hug..."

Most of the injuries caused by the previous fight against Azazle have recovered after swallowing the Eternal Mantis.

"Eternal Zerg?"

Wei Xun's pupils widened, and then he saw an incredible scene.

But Wei Xun's eyes were already attracted by the scene ahead.

At this time, Wei Xun was in a weak state.

Wei Xun was determined to stop it, but he also knew that his words would not have any effect at all.

Wei Xun saw carefully that the sacrifice of those tentacles was not without effect.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Wei Xun.


It seemed that the tentacles were also surprised by Wei Xun's arrival. At this moment, a thin line was split open at the top position. Immediately, each scarlet scorpion was locked on Wei Xun's body.

The tip of the tentacles seems to have extremely corrosive toxins, and every time it is contaminated with heretical life, the opponent's body will peel off.

This city is like being pulled into a bottomless abyss. First, the demigods, and then the eternal zerg, attacked one after another, causing Wei Xun to fall directly into a state of isolation and helplessness.

"If the other party appears in this form, I am not unacceptable. 35

Does it mean that the other party will become a part of his own body?


Just like that, it goes on and on and on.


Wei Xun looked at the heretical phantom not far away, and slowly exhaled a turbid breath:


At this time, Wei Xun closed his eyes and put his consciousness into his mind.


Wei Sen was immediately taken aback by the thought.

"Life intake?"

Demigods are not immortal.

And the mantis in front of him actually has a body of three meters, and the other side flutters its wings, and the speed is even faster.

Just when Wei Xun clearly felt that his hair had been shattered by the insect blade...

But at this moment, a ray of afterimage suddenly flashed in the distance.

And one family is happy and one family is sad, just when Wei Xun is still thinking about encountering more enemies, so he can rely on devouring to completely restore himself to the peak state...

The right eye became the tentacle's nest, which already made Wei Xun a little overwhelmed, and now, if there is another top-level resentment, let alone a demigod, even if the true god descends, it may not be able to bear it.

He secretly ruthless, once the eternal mantis in front of him is close to him, it will be the pain of breaking his arm again, and he will also make the other party pay some price.

However, I saw that the heretical life with countless bodies was actually wrapped in layers by layers of tentacles at this moment.

This is not a dream, but a real existence.

And at the moment of peeping, Wei Xun froze in place.

Different from the praying mantis that you see every day, the biggest one looks like a slap, and when you step on it, it will become a puddle of meat in an instant.

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