Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 405: The scarlet battlefield, incredible horror unfolds! 【Subscription】

Dong Yihang is in a psychedelic state.

Dong Yihang said with a trembling voice.

Dong Yihang has the ability to switch personalities. When needed, he will put on a face for himself to counter the dangers he encounters.

"In this case, your body falls into an inexplicable slumber, and the character who is proficient in combat is already dead."

Dongzi's neck was twisted and broken, rotated 180 degrees, and the seven orifices bleed to death.

The cockroach in front of him actually walked upright like a human.

At this moment, countless blood plasma spewed out from the wound of the severed limb like a fountain. Seeing this scene, Dong Yihang only felt that his abdomen was surging.

And just when Dong Yihang was extremely panicked, there was a burst of explosions in the distance.

Dong Yihang didn't really realize what war was until this moment.

This is a terrifying devil with strange abilities.

Each superhuman has different abilities.

The originally crowded city has completely turned into a ghost.

"Boom!" 5

And miles away.

In addition, it is also covered with dense corpses, stumps and blood.

He wanted to vomit, but just after he made a retching expression, Cheng Chao pushed Dong Yihang with his only remaining arm.

The densely closed eyes, the blood moon above the sky, the tentacles that are nowhere to be seen, and the whispering whispers in his ears made Dong Yihang's body consciousness encounter an unprecedented change.

After experiencing all kinds of sudden changes, Dong Yihang really began to understand the concerns and hopes hidden behind these three words.

"Boom! 55

He looked at Dong Yihang with a solemn expression, and said solemnly:

Among them, a wriggling cockroach was staring at himself with penetrating eyes.

All the glass along the road shattered, and the wind and waves formed seemed to have the terrifying power to annihilate everything.


And Lao Wang was more like being splashed with sulfuric acid, half of his cheeks had melted, and his distorted face could still be seen that the other party suffered unimaginable fatal damage before his death.

Dong Yihang saw that Cheng Chao was standing in front of him covered in blood at the moment, and what was even more terrifying was that the opponent's left arm seemed to have been bitten by some unknown beast, and it was broken.

The blood burned, like a wild python winding in mid-air, jumping towards the front in an instant!

Creeping worms, eyes that keep opening and closing, and a scarlet blood moon.

Along the way, they got together to talk, looking forward to relying on this battle to make themselves credit, so as to enter the core of the Night's Watch, and even become a real red glove one day.

The words from his father and Wei Xun kept echoing in his ears.

Dong Yihang looked around blankly.

Various scenes were constantly changing before his eyes.

"We have come to the situation of the Moon Dragon Alliance, but this happened three hours ago."

More importantly, one of his three personalities, the most ferocious and good at fighting, has died?

However, this time the shuttle seems to have had some minor troubles.

Compared to before, the shuttle this time seemed to be a little more strange and terrifying, so that Dong Yihang was almost lost in the endless panic and couldn't extricate himself.

The other party still wanted to struggle, but to no avail. With a piercing scream, the other party fell to the ground and became a burning corpse.

"This is the captain's breath!

"Damn it, are you demented? Now is not the time to be in a coma.

"Human, I have recognized your ability and pledged my allegiance to me. I swear to you with the glory of the disaster general, and I will help you become a god and reach the top!"

But 03 is not a bug in Dong Yihang's memory.

Different from other wild and desolate scenes, what occupies the field of vision at this moment is the incomparably scarlet color.

A large number of corpses were scattered all over the floor like useless garbage, which made Dong Yihang's legs sway, which was already uneasy.

"Cheng...Cheng brother!

A sound of burning flesh sounded, but he saw that Cheng Chao used the flame to seal the wound.

This is similar to a shopping mall, but the original variety of goods has long been like garbage has been spread all over the place.

The voice of the other party is like a siren, with the ability to charm people:

Because the appearance of the other party is too scary, his body is brown, and the surface is covered with disgusting mucus.

There is also a bloodthirsty, brutal, violent personality named [Ferocious].

Dong Yihang nodded.

Dong Yihang walked out of the mall.

Xiaobai seemed to be dismembered by a sharp blade, his limbs scattered in every corner, extremely miserable.

Obviously, the so-called Dark Legion has invaded the city.

The sudden push made Dong Yihang unprepared, he squatted on the ground suddenly, at the same time...



"No matter what you're thinking, now is not the time to be distracted."

It's obvious...

In the position just pushed away, the smoke and dust were flying, but when they saw the place, a terrifying deep pit appeared.

Dong Yihang had no doubt that if Cheng Chao had not just pushed him aside, he would have become a mutilated corpse.

On the opposite side of Wei Xun, was a humanoid creature with black cloth eyes and six black wings behind him.

The muscles all over his body are like steel, and if you look at it with the naked eye, you can see that it contains incredible destructive power.


Cheng Chao didn't lie, he did die once?!

"In the end what happened?"

He was short of breath, his eyes narrowed, and his body was like a sieve, shaking constantly, as if he couldn't accept what he saw at the moment.


And fell into the area occupied by the monster?

Until, a burst of urging shouts brought Dong Yihang's thoughts back to reality.

The most terrifying thing was that not all of those corpses were unfamiliar, some of them were night watchmen who walked out of Lingzhou City.


In addition, there are many familiar faces that have turned into icy corpses.

It is several miles away, but the shock wave that can be caused is extremely terrifying, like a tsunami, and it spreads towards the positions of 497 Dong Yihang and Cheng Chao.

Before, he only stayed at a superficial level for these few words.

His body fell into an inexplicable [standby] state.

The two spoke in unison, but what they said made each other happy.

Wei Xun's expression was also extremely solemn. His arms were trembling, and it was obvious that under the continuous attacks, he also suffered unimaginable physical damage.

"Remember what the captain said before he came? Live!


And seemed to sense Wei Xun's gaze, and a smile formed on the corner of the other's mouth.

But now...

In addition to the hideous and terrifying insects, there are also demons and devils who are full of violent aura.

It seemed that what he had just experienced was not a life-or-death crisis for Him at all, but just a tentative appetizer.

"It's unfortunate that we landed in the area occupied by the dark coalition worm-type troops, and dozens of people were slaughtered when we met.

Cheng Chao's expressionless face, at this moment because of the severe pain, had already become extremely ferocious, looked at Dong Yihang and said:


However, Dong Yihang, who was in anxiety, and Cheng Chao, who was missing an arm, looked at each other in surprise. They saw familiar answers in each other's eyes.

Different from human life, they are like a curse that exists in the world, which makes people feel panic from the bottom of their hearts.

And the corpses scattered on the ground also confirmed the horror of the dark army.

Dong Yihang tried to awaken his [Ferocious] personality, but no matter how hard he tried, he still didn't respond at all.

Except for the owner of the main body.

"There seems to be a strange magnetic field here that caused some problems with our arrival and we lost contact with the captain.

In this way, the two of them kept their spirits strong and began to sneak towards the area where Wei Xun exudes aura.

In addition to this, there are piercing shouts that are constantly heard.

Cheng Chao couldn't help but murmured, as if to cheer for Dong Yihang and to cheer himself up!

When he woke up again, he had already lost contact with the main force, and even one of Cheng Chao's arms was broken.

"Get up, we need to reunite with the main force as quickly as possible.

They've been down for three hours?

There is blood everywhere!

"Boom! 35


Several of them, even like Dong Yihang, were "new night watchmen" who signed up for assistance because of the sudden awakening of extraordinary power.

As well as a timid, worried, [cowardly] personality that is good at escaping.

Dong Yihang thought that Cheng Chao was joking, but seeing the incomparably serious look of the other party, he had to accept this fact.

But seeing the other side stretch out the severed limb, blood surged from the originally broken wound, but when it came into contact with the air, it burned violently like ignited oil.

That's a bug!

And Dong Yihang's awakening ability is called Triple Dream.

"Xiaobai? 99'

"This is the power of the demigods! 35

Its image is clearly a cockroach that has been magnified countless times, but it is different from the insects that are familiar with living in dark corners.

"We must survive!"

"Wake up quickly!"

Finding Wei Xun, this may be the only hope of survival!

"Blast and burn!"

"Wake up!

At this moment, they were like ships floating in the gloomy sea. After being devastated by strong winds and tsunamis, they finally saw the beacon of hope.

There are obvious traces of human daily life around.

The humanoid cockroach in surprise couldn't escape, and was immediately covered in flames.

"I? Did I die once?"

"You have already died once.

At this moment, Dong Yihang began to look around carefully.

Everything Cheng Chao expressed was so shocking that Dong Yihang could not bear so much information in a short period of time.

Looking at Cheng Chao, Dong Yihang nodded stiffly.

Those incomparably vivid lives and people in Dong Yihang's mind were scattered on the ground like worn-out dolls at this moment.

When Dong Yihang was stunned, Cheng Chao's voice struck again.

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