Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 401 The darkness is shrouded, the only hope in the desperate territory! 【Subscription】

Every sentence, and even every word of the past life, is full of fearsome characters.

Chu Lingyu didn't understand why the words used for communication on weekdays became so terrifying at this moment.

"The blood moon volleys into the sky.

"The evil god is coming.

"The dimension opens.

"Monster Paradise.

These words, like sharp knives, directly cut through Chu Lingyu's heart, making his weakest side forced to be exposed.

She was instantly shrouded in helplessness!

The state of the past life today is very different from the usual one.

On weekdays, although the other party is old-fashioned, it is more like a disguise attached to the surface.

But today, the leader in front of him looks very weak.

The other party still wants to say something, but the words come to the mouth...

"Cough cough cough cough..."

But he coughed violently.

The other party seemed to want to cough out his lungs and wanted to stop it, but there was nothing he could do.


Seeing this, Chu Lingyu's already fearful expression suddenly changed to an abnormally terrified expression.

For the entire Meteor Dream City, and even the entire Meteor Dream Alliance, reincarnation is undoubtedly the patron saint of their hearts.

It has survived for a hundred years, and is synonymous with protection for convenience.

It is because of having each other that the city under his feet can function.

Therefore, in the hearts of Chu Lingyu and all the night watchmen, rebirth is simply an undefeated existence.

No matter what difficulties they face, the other side can face them without injury.

But now, it is such an undefeated hero who coughed up blood in front of his eyes, which undoubtedly made Chu Lingyu's mind in chaos.

Even, the name of the family that was born in the family was said.

"What did you call me?"

It seemed that it took a lot of energy to stop the coughing. He looked at Chu Lingyu and asked.

At this moment, Xing Sheng looked weak, his face was not only extremely pale, but there was also scarlet blood on the corner of his mouth.

Chu Lingyu muttered to himself:

"Patriarch, you are the patriarch of our Chu family!

No wonder Chu Lingyu possessed this extraordinary talent, from the very beginning, he was a descendant of the past.

However, after two hundred years, this descendant has already passed ten generations.

Chu Lingyu took a deep breath:

"You also blessed me."

The state of the past life is extremely special, so Chu Lingyu's voice is a little trembling.


"Chu family?

His eyes were blank, and he nodded after a moment:

"None of these matters, I have one important thing to tell you. 55

Sheng Sheng frowned and said:

"I made a divination for the world.

"The blood moon flies into the sky, the evil god is coming.

"The destruction of the Light Years Alliance and the tragic death of millions of people is just the beginning of this catastrophe. To be precise..."

Reincarnation suddenly stopped talking, he looked at Chu Lingyu's twisted facial features, and seemed to wake up:

"Have I said something similar to you before?


The whole room was completely shrouded in a strangeness!

Not in the past.

But just now!

Chu Lingyu had heard similar words a minute ago.

However, now, the dignified demigod, the leader of the Meteor Dream Alliance, seems to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Not to mention the past, the words he just said were instantly forgotten.

In the other party's mind, there seems to be an eraser, constantly wiping the other party's memory.

If it is said that the millions of people in the Light Year Alliance died, only to hear the news, but not to see the actual situation, Chu Lingyu can still accept all this as a listener.

And now, the leader of the Meteor Dream Alliance, all the undefeated demigods in their hearts.

At this moment, he actually suffered from the incurable disease of Alzheimer's disease, which was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, causing Chu Lingyu to lose his temper instantly.

She couldn't accept that this kind of bad news would appear by her side!

Chu Lingyu didn't even need to speak, just her simple gaze and expression revealed the chaotic heart of the other party at the moment.

Lifetime nodded thoughtfully:

"The side effects of spying on the destiny are much bigger than I thought.

"My will seems to be caught in a quagmire of chaos, and sure enough, there is not much time left for me.

"I need to confirm it as soon as possible and spy on the precious news that Tianming has obtained.

The state of life at the moment is very bad.

Even bad!

"side effect?"

Chu Lingyu mastered some strange words from the other party's self-talk.

Looking at Chu Lingyu, he smiled and said:

"Although I forgot about you, I don't know why, but I always feel a familiar aura about you.

"Can I trust you?"

Chu Lingyu nodded solemnly:

"Ancestor, I have the blood of the Chu family flowing through me.""

"Without you, there would be no Chu family.

"Everyone in the Chu family will give their lives for you!"

Rebirth nodded:

"The natural disaster is approaching, and I used the strength of a demigod to spy on some futures, but everything in the world has secretly marked its price."

"I got everything I wanted, too, at a cost, like..."

"Nearly endless lives and memories of the past."

"I forgot a lot of things, such as the Chu family you mentioned and the so-called ancestor."

"But for the future, none of it matters. 99

Chu Lingyu was struck by lightning.

She couldn't even believe her ears.

Old Ancestor peeked into some future.

But as the price, it will lose memory and even life.

This seems to mean that the other party will truly fall one day?

At this moment, Chu Lingyu, where is there a trace of vigor on weekdays? Some are just endless hesitation and confusion.

Shengsheng shook his head:

"'々Don't feel sorry for my child, some things, someone has to do."

"I sensed the strangeness of this world, if you sit still, not only me, you and everyone will die.

"You want to know, what do I see in the future?"

Chu Lingyu hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

She wanted to know what the ancestors saw in the future, even at the cost of their lives.

Reborn eyes narrowed:

"Disasters are frequent, and the end of the world has come.

"The territory known to human beings has completely become a paradise for monsters to wreak havoc."

"Countless people will die, countless cities and alliances are in trouble, and under this desperate situation, there is only one place that shines with different colors."

"There is no new light there, but endless darkness.

"But the darkness seems to have the energy to engulf everything, whether it is a natural disaster or a monster, any monster that approaches or breaks into it will be submerged in the darkness and unable to escape (Mano is good). 99

"It seems to be an area of ​​more despair and fear, but it is the only hope I can see as I peer into the future."

"It was also at the moment of prying into that city that my memory and life began to flow away. 55

"So, in my limited life, I wanted to go there and have a look. 35

"Life or death, the only place we can rely on may be there. 99

The words of death made Chu Lingyu feel unbelievable.

The darkness that sits in the land of despair?

The darkness that engulfs all calamities?

Even the darkness that devoured the life and memory of the ancestors?

Where exactly is that?

"Is there such a horrible existence in this world?"

Chu Lingyu's heart was full of doubts at this moment. For some reason, she desperately wanted to know the name of that land.

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Lingyu gathered up the courage and asked:

"Ancestor, what is that place?"

Looking at Chu Lingyu's eyes, his expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and he said in a deep voice:

"Lingzhou City!" Nong.

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