Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 391 Calamity attack, scarlet eyes hidden under the deep sea! 【Subscription】

The followers of the God of Wrath regard this sea area as their hunting ground.

However, what angered the high priest was that even though a long time had passed, those ships still received no resistance at all.

Although the ship slowed down, it was still moving fast on the sea due to inertia.

He's just crazy, not without a bit of wisdom.

Not only that, but a stench of stench spreads out from it.

As early as the charge, the high priest arranged a team under the deep sea.

It is the infected fish with certain wisdom, such as tiger sharks, whales and other giant fish, but they have disappeared without a trace, and they dare not stay around this dead island for a while.

As the believers of the other party, these beings who have long since abandoned their human identities have the ability to transform and adapt to each environment.

not to mention……

"Not right!"

The body of the god of resentment is made up of twenty-six animals.

For the believers of the God of Wrath, this is undoubtedly a provocative act of contempt for the gods.

However, they saw that their limbs actually grew webs like fish!

After receiving the gift of the God of Wrath, he is one of the few lucky ones who can coexist with strength and wisdom.


Minutes passed by...

At this moment, there are hundreds of angry believers who are paying water.


Any past crew members will be regarded as despised by the followers of the God of Resentment, and will be dragged into the deep sea, where they will be drowning and sacrificed in an attempt to obtain the gift of the God of Resentment.

On both sides of the mouth, gills grew.

In addition to ape brains and fish webs, there are rhino horns, horse hooves, tiger tails, lion claws, etc...

The high priest instinctively looked into the depths of the sea, and with just one glance, goosebumps appeared all over his body.

At this moment, the high priest stared fiercely at the ship in front of him. According to past experience, when the ship swayed and shifted, it was the horn of the charge.

The opponent's body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

And at the moment of entering the water...

From beginning to end, there was no trace of the slightest collision.

In this situation……

Like being bitten by a shark, each body lost a chunk of body tissue!

Accompanied by the sound of a wolf howling resounding in the sea.

With the sound of thunder, a ship broke into here.

Immediately afterwards, the high priest's eyes narrowed to a thin line.

"How is this going?"

Although the high priest felt strange, he could not stop at this point.

However, the believers, who were also in a panic, were dragged into the deep sea one after another.

The high priest who received the favor of the God of Wrath is a barbarian with few IQs online.

As the sea area controlled by the God of Wrath, the surrounding of the island has long been turned into a ghost of death.


Emotionless and scarlet eyes!.


They are going to drag these noise-making guys into the deep sea and drown them alive!

This is an order for believers under the deep sea.

This area is also known as the Dead Sea.

But now...

The ship was still moving smoothly.

on the contrary……

"call out!""

what does that mean?

This time, their purpose was the same.

Their eyes were wide open, and they seemed to have seen something terrifying before they died.

In the past, for high priests and barbarians, the sea was their home ground, where they could do whatever they wanted.

If it was before, after seeing a terrifying existence such as a barbarian, even on a ship full of superhumans, there would be bursts of harsh shouts.

Once the ship leaves quickly, those believers who are not afraid of death will ram in the direction of the ship one after another.

Fear spreads.

Moreover, what made the high priest really feel the cold was that there was no sound of fighting from beginning to end.

Just when the high priest raised his head again, trying to urge the other party to hurry up to sacrifice himself and stop the boat from moving...

The high priest (of Mano) had the urge to escape in his own special session.

only so...

What the high priest has to do is to completely stop the opponent's speed.

Not only that, but the body is also extremely mutilated.

These floating objects are not unfamiliar to the high priest, they are the corpses of barbarians!


Not only that, the azure blue sea water was like being dyed red by ink at this moment, and instantly turned into a dazzling red!

A few so-called pollution sharks could not have caused such a terrifying number of deaths!

And this happened to fall into the conspiracy of the high priest.

"'々 This is impossible!

He clearly saw that under the sea, something seemed to float up!

"call out!""

The high priest raised his neck and was about to give an order like before, when he returned to the shore and waited...

But for the heretic god believers, instead of being afraid, they would think that this is a way to return to the embrace of the main god.



"Something's wrong!"

The believers of the God of Wrath, their companions, the barbarians who are not afraid of death, were on the side of the slaughter from the very beginning, and they were slaughtered without even any decent resistance, and the whole army was annihilated.

What surprised the high priest was that after discovering their whereabouts, the originally extremely fast ships, instead of speeding up and leaving again, slowed down, as if they were intentionally waiting for them to approach.

"call out!

Not only that, in order to escape the threat, those ships will accelerate for a short period of time.

When a familiar corpse surfaced on the sea, the high priest felt a long-lost sense of fear in his heart.

At this moment, hundreds of figures swam quickly towards the passing ships.

Ugly creatures like barbarians, as if they were superimposed with a violent buff halo, rushed to jump into the deep sea.

Therefore, the culprit responsible for these lives cannot be the so-called common pollution sharks.

"Did you screw up this bunch of goddamn bastards?"

Suddenly, many blisters appeared on the sea.

The high priest issued the slogan of charge.

It's not just that the human superhumans dare not set foot there.

And now...

He couldn't read it wrong, just as he stared at the bottom of the sea, he clearly saw a pair of...

in the past...

This belongs not only to the innocents being targeted, but to themselves.

to wash away their sins.

To do so would be tantamount to suicide.

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