Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 389 Summons the gods, and the corrupt army returns to the world! 【Subscription】


If these devils target the city dwellers right now.

Dream chrysalis!

As the race that is best at deceiving people, there is no one.

However, it backfired.

Sins of God possess the spark of divinity.

Looking at the crack at the top of the head, ordinary people immediately let out a deafening cry.

Little devil holding a steel needle.

These divine evils will be suppressed by the so-called divine mansion the moment they appear.

A bad devil like mud.

This has become the only thoughts and emotions in their minds.

Sealed artifact is the last thing the night watchmen want to encounter.

So much so that even Li Yunjian's brows, which were always flat, couldn't help but stagnate in some extreme at this moment.

Refining the devil has no other side thriller!

Therefore, unless wiped out, they are almost immortal.

At this time, the night watchman standing on the watchtower did not care about the vampires, devils, and the sealed objects in the basket.

【It's time to start!】

At this moment, when the black mist filled the air, it was like a plague of locusts. Wherever it went, any creature, any human being, would become food for the other party, and in turn would be swallowed alive!

No matter how many dangers I faced before, I have never been so gaffe like now...


It was the nightmare they couldn't get rid of no matter what.

The Night's Watch is now completely frozen in place.

What did he see?

Compared to the blood clan that the night watchman can encounter anytime, anywhere.

"The city was actually attacked?"

As a terrifying race that deceives people, they often run away with the fastest speed after creating some disasters.

And just when this white-hot environment is in its extreme state...

Devils are like cockroaches, and one is often found in the home, which means that there are hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of such disgusting creatures in every corner of the home!

The metamorphosis of the environment is only just beginning.

And for this kind of monster with crazy will, the endless imprisonment did not relieve the other party in the slightest.

This is the appearance of the gods summoned by Behemoth!

In the eyes of the beholder, those crowded figures are shockingly terrifying and twisted demons!

The corrupted man with three heads landed outside the city wall with a leap.

No one knows what kind of terrifying air waves will erupt from the other party in the next second.

And so do the devils.

Dream pupae do not have a specific form.

They couldn't even believe what they were seeing.

Most of the evil gods that pervade this continent come from Baator Purgatory.

Most of the time, the dream chrysalis resembles a gigantic humanoid ghost made up of thousands of worms.

There are also warriors with some devilish characteristics, as well as dense and terrifying insects!

Having been entrenched in Baator Purgatory for countless years, Behemoth naturally has his own trump card.

And at this moment, with the moment when Behemoth opened the crack...

The devil is notorious for his mighty strength, evil character, and ruthless but efficient organization.

After today, the city will be completely turned into ruins.

This is the spell used to summon the evil spirits.

At this moment, Behemoth, who was completely in a state of madness, actually tried to release those gods who were wrapped in endless chaos and imprisoned for countless years!

Instead, he was attracted by the scene in front of him.

But he saw him take a deep breath and roar:

Li Yunjian has dedicated his whole life here.

A chain demon who likes punishment and uses the most brutal means to cause the death of the enemy.

The night watchmen above the city wall even closed their mouths together...

As the night watchman in charge of the lookout, the other party's field of vision has undergone a sudden change beyond imagination.

Countless devils poured into the world.

At this time, the blue veins appeared on the neck of Beihemos, who was originally aristocratic.

There is absolutely no chance of victory!

It is no exaggeration to say that without them these exist...

In this case, the surroundings were completely plunged into a dead silence.

At that time, not to mention the ordinary night watchman, it is the city lord, with epic-level power, and under this kind of impact, he will instantly become a meat pie.

This is a terrible race different from the devil.

It's not that Li Yunjian is timid, but the devil's aura in his eyes is too terrifying.

Compared with the devil who is good at bringing disaster and bad luck to the world.

So much so that the blue sky is like being splashed with a large black ink of "490", giving people a sense of being in the dark.

The next second, in the crack, a figure that was countless times more terrifying than the devil appeared!

It can be said……


Cracks open.

God could not accept that such a twisted heir appeared beside him.

"not enough!""

This was obviously a bad experience for Dong Cheng and the others who had just woken up from their hallucinations.

And the general public even more so...

Along with Behemoth's prayer, and the sound of bones breaking...

However, today is different.

But for Behemoth, it was far from meeting his requirements.

Immediately afterwards, strange creatures emerged from the crack.


Many creatures know the horror of the night - like a trembling arrow that wakes the sleeper from his slumber.

At this time, He seemed to be severely dehydrated, and his face became extremely pale.

Divine sins include countless types, and they are all unimaginable horrors for mortals.

Then the devil...

The summons just now, for Behemoth, were obviously the second terrifying ritual that was performed countless times.



"Is there really a dark army?"

This is the demon army of Behemoth!

Even his legs swayed uncontrollably.

It has already filled the gods with an extremely distorted will.

The black shadow that covers the sky and the sun is like a sandstorm, sweeping towards the city below your feet!


For a time, the whole city was like hot water being poured into an oil pan, and it became boiling and chaotic.

Unlike the chaotic and fickle abyss demons, the demons are extreme creatures from the purgatory of Baator.

"Not enough! 35

This can no longer be described in simple words.

There are also abyss refining demons with terrible flames burning all over their bodies.

However, the creatures appearing in front of everyone at this moment are all devils who are good at conspiracy.

At this time, as the blood race was ready to take its place, the white cloth on the back basket was lifted one after another, and a group of devils and gods descended on the world.

Growing up in a dark environment, even if you are a normal person, it will not take long to become a pure lunatic!

Even if you feel frightened, it is within the acceptable range.


Not long after, there was a sudden sound of piercing eardrums from the originally peaceful earth.

【I really miss it!】

"I will sacrifice to you with countless urgency, and in return, you will slaughter all the enemies that stand in my sight!

Facing the nagging of consciousness, the main body did not refute any more words at this moment, but looked forward intently and squeezed out a few words from his throat:

The devils almost spent most of their time corrupting mortals, in order to expand the influence of the devil family in the world.

Dream chrysalis are the bastard sons of the god of fantasy, longing, and dreams.

From the moment they were born, they suffered from the curse of God.

At this time, the devil army and the terrifying gods all appeared on the battlefield.


In the originally peaceful wilderness.

Also known as the Son of God.

The dream chrysalis releases the terror of the night from the dream into the waking world, creating the nightmare.

Unable to face.

The dream chrysalis has many horns, a mouth full of cruel teeth, four arms with claws, and four arms with claws.

"The light of textiles, the darkness of darkness, change the world back to its original appearance, and open the door to a new future!"5

God's evil...

It was as if animals were migrating, and a large number of three-tailed bison stomped on the ground, making a terrifying sound.

If it was before, the night watchmen saw this scene, I am afraid that 0.4's mind will collapse in an instant.

Behemoth finally completed the summoning ceremony.

long captivity.

without any exaggeration……

Like a burning gas tank.

run away!

The aura emanating from each devil makes ordinary people feel an extreme sense of fear spreading in their hearts.

Before long, this place will become a real mythical creature.

"Today, the Legion of Corruption will return to the world!

The bad devil is not as ugly as the other!

But the devil is different.

The sins of the gods received their twisted, strange and terrifying imprints from the throes of God's birth.

The night watchmen, who were still apprehensive because of the "uninvited guest", are now beginning to rejoice for the first time in their hearts!

An obscure and terrifying aura surged out of it.

The power displayed by several "uninvited guests" was so terrifying that Li Yunjian, the city lord, couldn't help but feel anxious.


When thousands, tens of thousands, of devils with their teeth and claws waving their twisted auras descended on the world, even as a strong wall to protect mankind, they couldn't help but feel a sense of panic in their hearts.

Even more terrifying is...

When such a terrifying monster came to the world...

It can be said that the seemingly tall and mighty city wall will be instantly shattered in the first round of charge.

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