Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 387 Screaming Princess, a terrible Level 0 Sealed Artifact!


Only when it comes to the distinction of the opponent's level, everyone is like a wild cat that has been stepped on, and it explodes instantly!

When controlling the opponent, the epic powerhouse also needs ten times the spirit to face the sealed artifact.

A large part of the reason comes from Dong Cheng's "leading the way"

In fact, after he brought the Behemoths to the city, he was criticized by many people.

In fact, since he brought terrifying monsters like Behemoth, Lunar Eclipse and Corruption into the city, Dong Cheng was ready to be suspected.

But Dong Cheng didn't regret it at all.

The rest of the people listened to Dong Cheng's description.

Dong Cheng has legendary strength.

What the night watchmen never imagined was that there were hundreds of sealed items at the moment.

And now...

"Don't scream.

"Level 0!""

"Scream Princess, that's the other party's name.

The spread of evil and terror in the city.

But even so...

If the other party wants to.

Dong Cheng doesn't care what others think.

But at this time, the other party changed his low profile during this period of time, and said to himself with a calm expression:


"But you have to remember, no matter what you see, keep your mouth shut and don't scream."


"Level 0? How is this possible? 99

Just that giant beast with three hideous heads can smash the entire city, including himself, ordinary people, and even the city owner...

At this time, eight night watchmen were brought into this dark and chaotic world.

For this kind of mysterious event, they, who have experience, are in a state of combat readiness.

And at this moment, the white cloth used to cover the basket was slowly raised.

all to die!

Any small flame will produce an unimaginably terrifying explosion.

"Then there was gratuitous intimidation.

Immediately, a puppet stuck its head out of it.

Among the people who just watched the puppet, Dong Cheng was included.

Because, often a negligence, it is possible to be corrupted and suffer serious mental damage.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the level of this Sealed Artifact is..."

as red gloves.

The weather that was originally clear sky turned into a dark night with extremely dim vision.

It looks like a wooden, but a pair of eyes are bright, it seems that the other party is not unconscious, but a real soul resides.

"It's definitely a joke, right?

At this moment, Dong Cheng suddenly frowned and said.

The city has already been in a rut because of the matter of the Lightyear Alliance.

It doesn't make any sense at all.

If it is an ordinary person who encounters this kind of picture, I am afraid that it will cause a coma due to excessive fright in an instant.

Although it can be misunderstood.

"Have you been recruited?"

The battle-hardened night watchmen had only one thought left.

For those monsters, it was a sentence of shame.

When such a sealed artifact that only exists in the legend appears in front of everyone.

Especially (adae) now, after telling a few people what they need to pay attention to, everyone's eyes are fixed on this controversial red glove.

On weekdays, even a red-gloved night watchman like Dong Cheng would not be able to use a Level 1 Sealed Artifact, because the infectious energy contained in it could easily affect even a Legendary.

"Do not move."

At this moment, if the strength of the fallen and the others is revealed, it will only make those ordinary people or night watchmen who are restless in the first place, the spirits will be shocked again terribly.

"The best way is to destroy all of your eyes, ears, nerves, and senses that can see, hear, and touch things in the fastest time.

At this moment, the people who looked at him in an instant only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then...

Different from the panic of the others, Dong Cheng seemed more stable.

"Is this a lie?!"

Because they, from the very beginning, did not need to break through the city under their feet from the so-called conspiracy.

"How can a Level 0 Sealed Artifact be placed in a backpack so lightly?"

To this day, there are also many people who are wary of him.

And when everyone is staring at each other...

As a member of the night watchman, they clearly remember that there is a description of the level 0 sealed item in the manual.

Level 1 Sealed Artifact.

Don't touch, don't stare, don't listen.


The other party was a doll with long blond hair.

At one point, Li Yunjian was asked to personally test whether it was contaminated.

This is already the limit that they have come into contact with.


There are rumors that Dong Cheng has been polluted and has become a terrible polluter.


"Once you scream because of fear, it will trigger the pollution of the other party, and the end will be cut off your tongue and become a humanoid doll made of blood. 99

The other party is like a room occupied by gas.

Once the mission is completed, it will be sent to the sealing room for imprisoning as soon as possible.

Therefore, even if questioned, Dong Cheng remained silent.

"It's possible to have a chance at life.

Having said this, Dong Cheng's expression became obviously solemn:

The doll blinked suddenly.

Even once...

This is a terrifying existence that has been polluted and turned into an inexplicable energy.

And after the other party said almost in a daze that there was terrible pollution affecting the entire alliance, some people's attitude towards him became more subtle.

But these words, Dong Cheng will not take the initiative to defend.

"In the original deadly environment, some terrifying scenes will suddenly appear, and all the horrors you can imagine may appear."

"The other side's horror is divided into three steps, the hallucination effect is only the first step. 99

But I have never tried it, the immersive feeling of oppression.

It is beyond the scope of ordinary understanding.

And the Sealed Artifact above level 1.

Those who questioned him only saw the strangeness and horror of the corrupted group.


"When you meet each other, don't think about running away, because it's meaningless."

"The other side is good at creating horror, and the scenes include dark nights, deserted deserts, empty rooms and swimming pools full of blood.

But at this moment, Bi 487 standing on the city wall was actually a night watchman.

Even the night watchman does not want to touch the sealed artifact too much.

Only Li Yunjian, a city lord with an epic realm, can control a level 1 sealed item to fight.

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