Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 385 All members die, fearless death battle! 【Subscription】

"The Lord God has returned."

"Fight to the death!"

In the eyes of those who died, was the city unable to withstand the so-called dark army after all?

The situation of the Lightyear Alliance is not good, it can be said that it is very bad.

Li Yunjian could not tolerate this happening.

It seems that all the surrounding air must be taken into the abdomen in order to understand the other party's chaotic thoughts at the moment.

He knows that with the city wall as a guardian, the residents still have a certain degree of security.

Although those few uninvited guests are terrifying, but in the same way, the other party has mastered a terrible power that is unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Is there really no problem in leaving the control of Lingzhou to me?"

"Do not!"

A new red glove with a legendary realm and a newcomer reported the situation to the walkie-talkie with relief.

"Safe travels.

"As of now, there is still no feedback from the entire Lightyear Alliance situation."

"Before the situation worsens, as a member of the Night's Watch, we have an obligation to eliminate this disaster, even at the cost of our lives."5

"No matter how strong the enemy is, victory will be ours in the end!"

"You did a great job. 99

"Is the news true?"

But Ren Peng's face was still a little worried at the moment.

"Will not!"

And at the last moment, the team's message to the city was only one word.


By chance, he became a member of the God Team.

What the members of the God Squad have to do is to strangle these lunatics who may endanger the safety of Lingzhou City in the cradle.

From the initial fear and fear, to today's faith and allegiance.

Wilson put down the walkie-talkie and stood up from his chair.

An entire alliance, several cities, and millions of people, until now, has been like a rock sinking into the sea, and no news has come.

"give an order."

The ten-person team sent by him to be responsible for the investigation turned out to be all killed 487!

Thinking of this, Li Yunjian seemed to have finally made up his mind, his face was gloomy, and he said to the night watchman who was reporting the situation:

The night watchman hurriedly listened attentively, because he was Li Yunjian's voice.

Originally, he was disturbed by several strange powerhouses, and now he heard another shocking news.

As for the trouble Meng Yunchang solved...

Looking around and investigating with rigid strength, even for a legendary powerhouse, is an unbearable physical exertion.

The night watchman, who was clearly given the title of red gloves, seemed to be exhausted at this moment, and fell directly to the ground.


It is no longer an alert, but a guard in disguise.

But once you leave the city and flee to the wilderness, without the city as a buffer and shelter, at that time, there will undoubtedly be more tragic deaths.

Looking at that figure, I finally walked into the familiar shop.

In Lingzhou, after experiencing all kinds of terrible things...

Meng Yunchang believes that he is not a genius.

At this time, Li Yunjian's mental state was not very good.

After a brief period of confusion, Li Yunjian's face once again exuded an extremely strong will of iron and blood.

What the hell did the other party go through to say such a word at the last moment of his life.

And all of this, with the main god returning to the shop, finally came to an end.

"My lord's prestige has also spread to the ears of several alliances."

"Report, the Lord God has returned."

On the side, there is Ren Peng who wants to stop talking.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally couldn't hold back his mouth and said:

Thinking of this, Ren Peng nodded:

At that time, Meng Yunchang never thought that one day he would enter the legendary rank...

Breathing heavily.

Li Yunjian didn't say much, just two words:

The so-called Heretic God Church is more like a tarsal body, no matter how struggling this land is, it still cannot be thrown off its "body".

"Although it is difficult to accept, we must admit the fact that the Light Year Alliance is destroyed."

Like most night watchmen, because of the sudden awakening of their abilities, they were recruited to the special department that guards Lingzhou.

For Meng Yunchang at that time, this was his only dream.

That is...

In a world full of endless disasters, even the 03 night watchman with extraordinary power cannot survive alone.

In this world, there are always some lunatics who are looking for an outlet for no reason because of various things.

"The surrounding Evil God Church has been cleared.

Ren Peng naturally knew that there was a cruel and terrifying ritual of blood sacrifice in this world.

Ren Peng's eyes were also full of worry.

But even if he already has the strength that he couldn't imagine in the past.

Including a drunk, lying on the roadside drunk.

"In the entire Lingzhou City, there is no more suitable person than you.


All will die.

"And what you want to do is not to fight and fight, but to simply guard the family.

So much so that the mission of the God Team has also changed.

All of this has undergone earth-shaking changes after the arrival of the Lord God.

"The one who led the team was a red glove, how could none of the ten people be spared?

Let the Lord God have a pleasant shopping experience, this is the duty that every God team member should abide by.

Wei Xun smiled and reached out to pat Ren Peng on the shoulder:

And what makes him more determined to fight against the dark coalition is...

"After all, this time, not only us night watchmen, but those related to the Lord God also participated in this battle."5

The three-tailed yak that escaped from the slaughterhouse because of breaking free.

"I will.""

With a sigh, Wilson continued:

The span, sometimes even makes Meng Yunchang feel like he is in a dream, full of absurd and wonderful feelings.

There was no fear on Wei Xun's face:

This even became a word of caution at the top of the Night's Watch Hall.

Night's Watch Headquarters.

No one can affect the mood of the main god walking in Lingzhou.

"Under such circumstances, I don't think any force would dare to launch an attack on Lingzhou City."

On the walkie-talkie, Wei Xun's voice came.

In the past, Ren Peng, who thought he was polluted alone and chose to live alone, has undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

"You mean, the entire team in charge of the investigation died?"

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