Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 383 The journey to Lingzhou, the throbbing corruption! 【Subscription】

Lingzhou City.

Chen Kee.

"Boss, what's for lunch?

Looking at Chen Feng standing at the door, Mu You asked.


Chen Feng waved his hand, then opened the store door and walked out.

What Mu You hated the most in his life was the word [-whatever].

If someone told her that, Mu You would twist the other person's neck without hesitation.

But obviously...

Chen Feng was excluded.

At this moment, Mu You fell into his thoughts and muttered to himself while tying his apron:

"The rice I ate yesterday must not be made today.

"If you think about it this way, it looks like the dumplings haven't been eaten for a long time."

"There just happens to be some beef in the fridge, um, I'm having beef dumplings stuffed with green onions today."

Mu You happily made a "casual" decision.

In the past, Mu You had never cooked.

after all……

She was either on her way to killing someone, or she just finished killing someone.

Washing rice with blood on your hands?

No matter how you think about it, that scene is terrifying and curious.

so that...

For cooking skills, Mu You's mastery is almost zero.


After the interview was successful and she stabilized in this store as she wished, Mu You knew that she had to make a change.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Mu You rummaged through all the books about cooking that he could find in Lingzhou.

It turns out.

Cook according to the method of the previous slaughter.

Mu You can also do a great job.

In a short period of time, the other party has a cooking skill that is no weaker than that of a super chef.

The Son of God, who used to be frightening to the enemy in the past, has completed his own rebirth here.

Chen Feng opened the door and walked out.

"Wang Wang..."

A dark shadow suddenly appeared on the side.


Chen Feng doesn't even need to look at the other party's activity track.

Stretch, push, kick!

The whole action is done in one go.

I saw that an arc crossed several meters in an instant, and then fell to the ground.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

However, after suffering this kind of unequal treatment, the watchdog not only did not get angry or angry, but became even more frantic and excited.

Biting towards his own tail.

Chen Feng smiled, shook his head, and continued to walk forward.

And hundreds of miles away...

The fallen rot who was eating meat suddenly froze in place.

next second.

The other party shook his tail behind him.

And the three hideous and terrifying beast heads above the neck also showed an inexplicable smile at this moment.

The other party seems to have experienced an indescribable joy...

And this, for the night watchman serving each other's meal, is undoubtedly a kind of spiritual destruction.

After all, the aura on the fallen body is too terrifying.

After restoring the main body, the corrupted no longer need to hide their strength, and it is precisely because the suppression in Lingzhou City is so severe that...

After being corrupted to the outside, I can't wait to vent all my past grievances.

Under this circumstance, the killing aura on the fallen body, like a wolf smoke, continued to rise above the head.

Ordinary people may not see it.

But for an awakened person like the night watchman, he could clearly see the fierce aura burning on the corrupt body.

It can be said that these night watchmen have been ready to sacrifice from the time they accepted the task and came to serve each other to eat.

Because no matter how you look at it...

Fallen rot is like a terrifying beast that is doing harm to the world.

And the most bizarre thing is that the three heads of this terrifying beast are arguing with each other all the time.

Several times...

The two heads on the left and right even threatened to eat the night watchman to taste the taste of each other.

Although the middle head opened its mouth to stop it, the words it said were...

"It's important to get down to business, and it's not too late to fight back against the dark coalition."

Since then, in the eyes of the night watchmen, the corrupt has become a terrifying monster without the slightest goodwill.

However, what surprised everyone was...

I don't know what kind of madness the other party has smoked today, so that now he is wagging his tail.

Not only that, but the three heads that were originally ferocious and terrifying, and were always in opposition, actually maintained an unprecedented expression at this moment.

That is smile.

0・・・For flowers 0....

I don't know if it's an illusion or what...

Everyone only felt that the smile of the other party at the moment was somewhat...

Shit too much!

Of course, if everyone knows that the reason why the corrupted is so happy at the moment, comes from being kicked...

These night watchmen will no doubt drop their jaws in shock.

For Chen Feng.

Business is of course important.

But the necessary life is still there.

After all, whoever stays in one place for a long time will always feel a little bored.

And while Chen Feng was hanging out, a familiar face came across him.

Jiang Zhiyue.

Chen Feng still remembers her name.

When Chen Feng went out before, he also commissioned the other party to see his home for a while.

After not seeing each other for a long time, the other party's posture is even more upright.

The appearance also belongs to the superior, any tone of praise is placed on the other party, and it will not be in vain.

The only bad thing is that the other party's social anxiety symptoms seem to be more serious.

When he saw himself, he instinctively wanted to dodge, and he even looked straight at the ground, not daring to look at himself at all.

"That won't work.

"He looks so pretty, why are you afraid of the society?"

Chen Feng thought and walked towards the other side:

"haven't seen you for a long time.

Chen Feng said hello.

For Jiang Zhiyue, the close contact with Chen Feng undoubtedly made her feel suffocated, and even her breathing became cramped.

Facing the polluters, Jiang Zhiyue, who has never panicked, is like a little girl just entering the society at this moment, she said in a soft voice:

"Well, long time no see.

At this time, Chen Feng saw that the other party was carrying a lot of luggage and couldn't help but ask:

"Ready to go out?"

Jiang Zhiyue tightened the straps in her hands, perhaps the only way to reduce her panic.

After hesitating for a second, Jiang Zhiyue finally realized, took a deep breath and raised her head.

What caught my eye was a face that seemed to have stepped out of a comic book.

Jiang Zhiyue didn't know why, there was a blush on her face, she nodded and said:

"Well, I'm going to take a long trip. Four.

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