Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 377 The killing is coming, the imminent war! 【Subscription】

Dong Cheng has no plans to take the eclipse lightly.

[Just kill it directly, there is no point in asking. 】


"Who is the other party?"

"Because of the protection of the Lord God, the devil's curse on me is only partially effective. Although it has some influence, it is still possible to summon a devil army of 100,000 people."

The most powerful Transcendent is none other than the existence of the city lord.

[This is a superfluous move. 】

He is clearly professionally trained.

But they just wanted to talk nonsense, the next second...


"The city lord assembled a team of night watchmen to investigate, even though they were well equipped, but there was no news, and I didn't know if they were dead or alive...'

"If you can't shut them up, I might consider tearing their mouths to pieces. 99

This kind of taboo realm, he can't get involved at all, even if he thinks about it, he doesn't have the courage.

After shielding the annoying consciousness, the corruption is much more normal.

"We're halfway there."

(adae) The lunar eclipse looks towards Dong Cheng:

Because in his limited brain

"People from the Moon Dragon Alliance?"

"It is mixed with the unwillingness and roar of millions of people. The other party is gathering praise and grievances. Once the grievances are gathered, they will launch a fierce attack on this world."

Rejecting the other party is tantamount to a dead end.

After all, the gods are too far apart for a human like Dong Cheng, and in his opinion, there is no possibility of intersection at all.

"As early as when I left, I ordered Prison City to bring all the sealed items to join me. Calculate the time, they are coming soon."

"I smell war."


However, just now, for some unknown reason, it was like pouring out wheat, and he told everything he knew.

Corrupt and careless:

But Dong Cheng also knew that these people were not good people at all.

The mouth was just wiped by an eraser, and closed instantly, except for the whining sound, there was no other sound at all.

"But three days ago, the communication information of the Light Year Alliance disappeared, and until now, it has also been lost. 35

【You are saying something!】

Just the terrifying giant beast without flesh and skin is several times, even a hundred times more terrifying than the infected beasts Dong Cheng has seen in his life!

"Are you going to the Lightyear Alliance?"

Eclipse joins preparations:

Dong Cheng, who was on the side, finally couldn't hold it in any longer, summoned all his courage, and said in a trembling voice:

Including the lunar eclipse, all fell into silence at this moment.

Faced with this situation, even if he died, he would not tell others about the internal affairs of the Moon Dragon Alliance.

for a while...

Dong Cheng naturally wouldn't say it easily.

"The city lord noticed something wrong. Therefore, he ordered us to guard against death in the past few days. If there is a problem, we will come to support as soon as possible."

It's about secrecy.

If it were replaced by the previous corruption, it would not obediently follow the advice of the lunar eclipse.

"That is to say, we don't need to go to the Light Year Alliance, is it enough to wait here?"

It can be said that it is not possible for the other side to say that there is a war, it is in the near future, and this place will definitely and certainly be affected by disasters.

"I take the liberty to ask, who are you?"

Legendary realm, unable to calm his emotions in the slightest.

"The enemy's warrior is my source of soldiers. I will release the aura of corruption and make it my most loyal subordinate to fight for me!""

"The situation of the Light Year Alliance seems to be worse than we imagined. What are these guys trying to do?"

The eyes of the corrupted body were a little unhappy, but it still chose to forbear.

"Is this the means above the epic?"

Lunar Eclipse's brows frowned slightly, then looked at Fallen Corruption:



With many titles of corruption, the priesthood involved is war!

Wu Zhichao opened his mouth and said:

Even as a watchdog, the other evil gods never really despised each other.

In the next second, he was severely beaten in the face.

Lord of War, King of Killing, Ragnarok...

The corrupt compromise undoubtedly aroused the dissatisfaction of the other two consciousnesses:

Behemoth also spoke slowly:

As the opponent's goddaughter.

"You seem to know the situation there, tell everything you know.

The gap between each other's identities is a ditch that the corrupt can't cross now.

At this moment of corruption, he said horizontally.

It's not stupid to be corrupt, to be able to do such a thing!

And just as several people were discussing how to layout and resist the attack from the dark coalition...

"It seems that something extraordinary has happened in the Light Year Alliance. On weekdays, for the sake of safety, we will communicate for a short time.

"The war affecting the Moon Dragon Alliance will happen soon?

Wu Zhichao grinned:

Especially on the speech about war, the corrupt has the exclusive right to speak.

Instead, Lunar Eclipse looked at the companion beside him:

After speaking, Dong Cheng looked at the lunar eclipse in horror.

"It is bordered by the Lightyear Alliance, maybe they can share some useful information for us."

"And this piece of land called the Moon Dragon Alliance will be the first to be attacked."

Dong Cheng shook his head slightly, just when he was ready to be executed...

From the perspective of identity, he is just the watchdog that exists, but what about the lunar eclipse?

"My followers are on the way, there are about 20,000 people, and they are all the elites for a hundred years."5


In order to say a few words, is it possible to offend the Lord God?

Until now, in Dong Cheng's barren brain, Lunar Eclipse and his party were still regarded as eternal powerhouses.

480 He is equally clear that the other two consciousnesses are not pleasing.

Lunar Eclipse coldly looked at Dong Cheng in front of him, and then, a crisp voice sounded in the other's ears:

The fear entrenched in Dong Cheng's heart became stronger and stronger.

On the contrary, the few words that Lunar Eclipse said made him become more alert.

But as night watchmen, death is the life they need to face.

Dong Cheng still looked at everything in front of him stupidly.

Because Dong Cheng suddenly found that he couldn't control his mouth at all:

"Have such a strange and unpredictable ability?"

A powerhouse far beyond the epic realm, in Dong Cheng's view, this has already reached the limit of human beings.

But now it's different...

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