Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 366 The battle of trapped beasts, the torn arm of God! 【Subscription】

Pug never imagined that the Skeleton Reaper created by him would turn against the water and attack him.

Moreover, the attack is still so fierce.

It slashed down towards the neck.

If there is no defense, Pug may be killed directly.

But luckily...

Under the attack of the Skeleton Death God, Pug had already seen a clue.

"Boom! 35

Therefore, at this time, when the scythe of the skeleton's death god hit Pug's neck...

A sky-high flame rose directly.


Suddenly, a flaming sword appeared in Pug's hand.


The sound of Jin Ge colliding sounded again.

However, after seeing the blade of the scythe of the god of death, after being contaminated by flames, there are signs of melting.


Pug's body descends.

In addition to the powerful body, the weapons he carries are naturally not extraordinary.

disaster general.

This is a title that can only be bestowed above the gods.

A strong man with such a title naturally has his own magical weapon.

Pug glared angrily, staring at the skeleton Reaper in front of him:


Without any extra words, in an instant, the long sword in his hand swung and slashed down towards the Skeleton Death God.

Fire splashes.

Under the power of the sub-artifact, the surrounding air was burned out.

So much so that an absolute vacuum is formed around it.

Within this area, even the epic powerhouses will be killed instantly, without the ability to resist.

This is the power of the sub-artifact!

However, Pug's attack failed.

Afterimages flashed.

If a single blow failed, the skeleton death god actually flashed directly.

Instead, it appeared a hundred meters away.

As for the original skeleton face, it was like mud at this time, constantly changing its appearance.

Demons, devils, bugs, humans, or any other undead creature.


As the face of the opponent changes, the aura and energy composition on the body also have a qualitative impact.

"What the hell are you~?"

The divinity that resides in the other person does not deceive.

The other party is also a divine mansion that has fallen into the world.


When did the other party occupy the curser that he created?

Pug frowned, just when he wanted to find out the truth.

My legs suddenly hurt.

But I saw countless tentacles like vines, I don't know when they were wrapped around Pug's legs.

under sudden force.

Both legs are almost deformed.

"That guy isn't dead yet?

Out of instinct, Pug tried to wield the flaming sword, taking all the vines under his feet.

But at this moment...

An inexplicable chill swept across my heart instantly.

The right hand just wanted to slash from the bottom to the top, making a counterattack.

But the vines under his feet seemed to have life, and they rose with the trend, restricting the arm holding the sub-artifact.

In an instant.

Pug was furious and could only block with the other arm.


A crack sounded.

But saw Pug's left arm snapped.

The arm just raised and fell directly several meters away.

But the strange thing is that the wound did not bleed, because at the moment when the arm was broken, there were scars of burning flames in the wound.

Du Yanan, who was buried on the soil, focused his attention on his arm not far from him at the moment.


"Bang bang bang!""

At this time, the heartbeat sounded like an engine, beating violently.

Du Yanan has deduced the key to becoming a god.

That is to swallow a part of the true God's body in front of him.

Of course, deduction and reality are two concepts.

Du Yanan also knows how difficult it is to get the other party's original body, no less than going to the sky.

However, now, when the opportunity really appeared in front of him.

Du Yanan even felt like he was dreaming.

But in an instant, Du Yanan's heart was replaced by ecstasy.

Hesitation will only lead to defeat.

At this time, Du Yanan immediately controlled his tentacles and grabbed it towards True God's arm.

At the same time, Pug, who had broken an arm, was completely in a state of madness.

"Death to me!

Pug's voice was filled with infinite anger.

He never imagined that the enemy who had been cut off by the Death God's Scythe not only did not die.

Instead, he launched an attack on himself, and at a critical moment, he restricted his freedom.

Caused the "Betrayer" to successfully injure himself.

If the projection came, Pug would not be so angry.


Pug, who appeared in the world, is the real body, which also means that his flesh and blood is really torn.

Moreover, after countless years of tempering, every finger, even every inch of skin, has been tempered.

Being cut off now is an incalculable loss for Pug's own strength.

In the anger, Pug's heart was also mixed with a trace of panic.

Fight back!

Must fight back!

The nostalgia for life made Pug explode with unprecedented lethality at this time.

So much so, starting from his core area.

A flame tornado appeared out of thin air.

The vines under his feet were all broken, and the Skeleton Reaper whose body was taken away was also forced to give way at this moment, unable to launch any more attacks.

"々 Arms!

"My arm!"

To repel the enemy, Pug couldn't care about chasing after the victory. For him, the most important thing right now is to find his lost arm.

Just get the arm back.

You can get back to full glory yourself.

Only in that state can one get a chance of survival against the two gods' mansions.

Because of the battle so far.

Whether it was the black goat cub or the strange god of death occupying the skeleton, they all gave Pug a strong shock.

Unknown, Twisted Sweat.

This is their most distinctive feature.

Stay in full swing.

Only then can Pug have the confidence to win, so he desperately wants to regain his lost limbs.

But just as he turned around, Pug saw a scene that made him gnashing his teeth.

However, he saw that only a small part of his arm was left, entangled by a tentacle.

As for the rest, it has already been given to the weak ants that have not been killed before.


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