Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 360 The tree world is coming, the devil's invitation! 【Subscription】


The other party was lying on the ground, like a ferocious hungry wolf, and his eyes under the mud stared at Du Yanan, wishing to devour him completely.

Flame halo.


Next to it, a tentacle was like a long spear, piercing down towards Pug's face.

Pug naturally has the qualifications to be proud of the world.

This world has been invaded by the evil gods.

A nameless flame gathered in Du Yanan's heart.

And this is just the beginning.

"An opportunity to be loyal to me. As long as you are loyal to me, the dark coalition that was born in this city will belong to you."


The true God cannot be blasphemed.


At this time, the vegetation that grows is lush and lush, full of life beyond imagination.

She would rather 473 become a despicable demon than she would bow her head to the other party.

He never imagined that the "thief" in front of him was actually inviting himself to be used by him.

Sacrifice an entire alliance as a sacrifice, so as to come to the world as a real body.

She couldn't even believe her eyes and muttered to herself:

Not only can he survive, but he can also rule the main city again.

Just when He tried to resist and prove himself with a small force...

In countless years of slaughter, the human camp has also compiled a book of Otherworld monsters.

Du Yanan is no stranger to this monster.

In front of him is a real mansion.

Instead, a dark army was born in this world with human beings as sacrifices.

However, their hunting targets are pitiful.

The belief that underpins them till now is the belief that there are survivors in this city.

Humans of yesteryear have been transformed.

Pug shook his head:



But only the eternal realm.

"Damn it, get out of the main city.

With Du Yanan's strength, not to mention defeating the other side, even breaking the opponent's defense, is just a dream, impossible to achieve.

But things backfired, when the tentacles approached the two-meter position in front of the opponent, they turned into ashes in an instant.


"What's the point of that?

Do not.

Energy gathering.

A slimy creature was born.

Du Yanan also tried to stop it, but this time it backfired.

Inferior is a kind of devil at the bottom of purgatory.

After tens of thousands of failed deductions, he finally caught a glimpse of a lifeline and successfully killed the opponent and became the winner.

The body suddenly changed.

"Not only that, I can also help you advance to a demigod and step into a realm that can never be reached.

The body originally gathered by the vines began to fuse, and then...

In order to get the possibility of promotion, they can only start with their own companions.

"Father... Father God?!"

But I saw Pug waved his hand gently:

Just when they thought they were excited to find the leader, the other party had completely fallen into the world.

Shura's body seemed to be stuck in asphalt.

On the other hand, after Pug finished this moment, he looked at Du Yanan with a little interest:

Flame burns.

would rather die.

After Liu Chao, Shura also fell into the hands of the devil.

But the vision was also blurry.

To be precise, Pug, when faced with a living body different from his own, not only did not panic, but introduced it in a grand manner.

But Du Yanan didn't care too much about himself, but his eyes suddenly appeared at the forefront.

However, just when Du Yanan and Shura were dying and struggling...

Shura, who was about to collapse, actually took the lead in attacking at this moment.

And the promise is...


"call out!"

"Give you a chance not to fight. 99


Pug felt offended, and a terrifying murderous intent burst out from the other side.

Du Yanan survived.

Who would have thought that because of Shura's offense, Pug actually gave such a heavy blow.

Under his feet, a tender sprout suddenly grew out.

The cursed soul begins to be tortured in a place called Baator Purgatory.

Limaier is strong.

But who would have thought...

Different from the spooky forests that appear in the main city.

"My patience is limited, you only have two seconds to think.

"Be careful!"

They don't have powerful attacks, nor do they have any impressive skills, and their only ability is to devour.

Dark energy shrouded.

This means that there is no hope, no possibility.

Bad devil.

Inferior is one of them.

When a creature's soul is cursed at the end of its life, they become part of Baator's Inferno.


At the end of the newly grown grass, a figure squatting on the ground attracted all Du Yanan's attention.

Du Yanan still wanted to try to deduce like just now, but the picture in his mind instantly turned pitch black.

On weekdays, countless dark believers are bewitched by the devil and try to let the devil come to the world by sacrificing their lives.

At this moment, Shura's will was completely destroyed.

Don't wait for Pug to finish counting. The surroundings were immediately shrouded in touch.

Although Du Yanan didn't want to accept the fact, she had to admit it.

In front of this divine mansion, a terrifying field was automatically opened.

But now it is different. 03

Du Yanan's body also began to change, just when she thought she was dying...

"Humans have a saying, toast, don't eat, eat and punish.

Different from the battle against Limaier, Du Yanan used his abilities to deduce.

Pug slowly raised his hand as he treated Shura.

Du Yanan gave his answer.

Under the influence of life energy, the haze covering Du Yanan's body instantly dissipated.

Different from the despairing mood of the previous few seconds, at this moment, Du Yanan's eyes that looked like stagnant water actually had ripples again.

As Pug's voice fell, a dark energy gathered on Shura's body out of thin air.

"I don't care whether you know the owner of this body or not, and what the core body is, now, I will give you a chance.

They are cursed from birth.


Pug did not take action, but continued:

Countless tentacles are as fast as lightning, but they still haven't broken Pug's defense.

"It's time for you to make a choice, become my follower, or become a bad devil!

Du Yanan's strength is stronger, although he survived the first wave of attacks by luck, he did not go blind.

More and more weeds appeared on the ground.

As long as they find a leader, they can restore the Lightyear Alliance to its former glory.

Shura's eyes were shattered, and at this moment he also felt the pain of Limaier just now, so he knelt on the ground, struggling to support the pollution infiltrating his bone marrow.

is the only way for them to advance.

A more terrifying scene happened.

Du Yanan was stunned for a while.

"call out!"

The three-person team lost a member again at this moment!

But the pain in the soul is tens of thousands of times stronger than the pain in the body.

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