Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 356 Death Blood Curse, a cruel fact! 【Subscription】

Du Yanan and Shura were in trouble.

But now...

Blood rolls.

"Pfft! 35

Great ups and downs, although it was only half a day, it was as long as a whole century.

so that...

This isn't a fight at all.

at the same time……

Limaier will torture each other little by little until he regrets coming into this world.

From the looks of it, it really looks like an ant at the mercy of others.

New head?!.

Broken with illusion.



He is already blind.

But when He shot again and tried to torture the other party, he found that...

But soon these trifles were suppressed by hatred.

Shura just wanted to relax, but an anxious voice came from above the sky:

What made him even more unacceptable was that there was also a sharp pain in his head.

What revenge?

Although there is only one ant at the moment.

He saw a bald piece of his right hand, with only one finger standing up.

At this moment, it was like being a prisoner and being restricted by the enemy.

Shura smashed Limaier's head, and in an instant, red and white were scattered on the ground.

Becoming a heretic, Shura's body mutated, and he didn't even have hard bones all over his body.

But Limaier has to accept the fact...

And Shura was restrained from freedom.

However, I saw a face of proof, which appeared all around Limaier.

"You ants

Limaier has the ability of immortality and immortality, and can naturally restore lost limbs in an instant.

Shura's eyes that were about to close suddenly opened again with Du Yanan's roar.

"I curse myself for being violent!""


But in the eyes of the gods, the city lord is just a sturdy ant, and there is no meaning to be looked up to at all.

Limaier, who came to the world, is a real flesh and blood.

However, compared to the original...

The illusory big hand grabbed it, so that at this moment, where does Shura have the slightest deterrence of the epic powerhouse?

At this time, Limaier was like a mad cow.

The other party's neck squirmed for a while, and it looked like there was going to be a sprout on the neck...

Either violent, or gloomy, or cunning, or cruel...

Limaier wanted to see how miserable the enemy looked at the moment.

Everything that has just been experienced is just an illusion.

All in all, it was all sorts of strange things, it seemed that countless Limaier had differentiated from the main body, full of strong visual impact.

"How dare you..."

From legend to epic, eternity.

"not enough!

But this curse was not on Du Yanan and Shura, but was cast on his body by Limaier.

But seeing his head smashed to pieces, Limaier didn't fall down, not only that...

The four tentacles on Shura's body were torn off one after another.

"I curse myself to be immortal!"

Thinking of this, Limaier went to death and cast a terrifying curse.

Blood splattered.

"not enough!"

At that time, once the head is really broken by it.

In a trance.

Because of the pain, Shura's body slumped into a ball.

Even if it is lightly pierced, it can make people almost collapse in pain, and now, for Limaier who has woken up, the pain is beyond the scope of his endurance.

Thinking of his tragic ending, Limaier's eyes were congested, especially the blood on his fingertips, which never landed on the ground, but was suspended in the air.

Apart from the illusion, the guy who saw himself and fled at first was still insisting on attacking his fatal spot.

Finally, after waving the tentacles a thousand times, a crackling sound resounded above Limaier's head.

An indescribable pain appeared in Limaier's palm.

The previous tyranny had completely become a joke at this moment.

Although can't believe it.

"I curse myself for being bloodthirsty! 35

"I curse myself..."

What did he see?

Limaier's revenge was far from over.

But even so, he still couldn't break free from Limaier's shackles.

Just like before, another tentacle was pulled out by Limaier.

He didn't wake up from the illusion at all.

Death curse.

What ripped apart the flesh of the enemy?

Eyes and fingers were destroyed one after another.

"`々 Even if you die, I can't let you get your wish! 35

"Pfft! (Is Zhao's)"

And above the 10,000-meter altitude, the black goat cub was still calmly looking at everything in front of him.

Shura still wanted to struggle, but to no avail.

"Be careful!"

On the contrary, under the impetus of illusion, Limaier personally tore off four of his own fingers.

In this kind of perseverance, even if there is an elephant, it will be pierced by it.

Accompanied by a harsh hoarse sound.

Limaier will have no chance of turning over again!

In the real world, Du Yanan is not torn apart.

But this ant kept biting towards one spot.

Feeling the pain of the other party, a smile appeared on Limaier's gloomy face.

With Limaier's sudden strength, a tentacle was pulled out from Shura's body.

But unfortunately...

At this time, Shura seemed to have seen a scene that he couldn't even imagine, and was completely stunned in place.

Limaier was constantly cursing himself.

Limaier stepped forward again and grabbed a tentacle on Shura's body.

"How dare you!"

Although the epic powerhouse can be appointed as the lord of a city.


These things never happened.

If it is true god state.

Fingers connected to heart.

Shura was also not restricted from freedom, but still persevered and launched an attack on the same position in Limaier.

The one-eyed Du Yanan in the sky was torn apart at this time, and countless blood dripped on the ground.

Limaier knew very well that at this time, he had entered a dead end, and no matter how he struggled, he would be dragged to death by two heretics.

There was a playful look in his pupils at this time.

It's unilateral self-mutilation!

No matter how hard he exerted his strength, he couldn't touch the opponent's body.

Some are too cheap for him.

As the curse fell, the blood condensed into a twisted, hideous head.

Two crossed from human to heresy.


Limaier opened his palms, and his eyes were still gray, but different from being completely blind, he retained one-thousandth of his original vision power because of his realm.

The so-called order of the Demon Lord was once ignored by him at this time.

that's it……

For Limaier, the most important thing at this moment is to personally pay the price for the guy in front of him who has been severely injured.

I don't know if it was because of the sudden force, at this time Limaier suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his palm.

But it still makes sense that more ants kill elephants.

The opponent is weak.


In addition, the brain is also suffering unimaginable damage.

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