Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 350 The Eternal Nightmare, the Devil Who Comes to the World! 【Subscription】

The mutated family has become Liu Chao's lingering nightmare.

But I saw a green branch growing out of the rotting vines.

The breath exuding from the whole body no longer has a trace of the breath known to mankind.

Looking at the creature that can only be described as heresy, Limer muttered to himself:

"Is it you who took my family as a sacrifice, along with the road to the world?

It turned into a beast that seemed to have the shape of vegetation.

How ironic.

With the transformation, Liu Chao's strength has been further strengthened.

For Du Yanan, Shura, and Liu Chao, the black goat cub is their father and god, because of each other, they created themselves at the moment.

After the astonishment, it was a huge surprise.


Looking at the monsters walking on the ground, Du Yanan couldn't even believe his eyes.


His family has fallen into double pollution.

The head that was six points similar to Liu Chao in the past still wanted to say something, but after a moment...

The Archduke of the Devil from the Purgatory of Baator.

Toxins are terrifying.

"The world?!"

At the moment, Liu Chao looks very much like a black goat cub.

The vines gathered into a ball are at risk of collapse at any time.


When the reality was in front of him, Liu Chao was powerless.

Du Yanan stared blankly at everything in front of him and seemed to understand something.

There are thousands of ravines and ravines formed by countless tumors and rashes.

But even so, it was still unbearable.

Withstanding the full blow of the epic powerhouse, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

That's where the wreckage of the family fell.


The warm home is destroyed in an instant.

"Who? Interrupted Limaier's coming?

"Look there.""

Just like this city.

The original vines became the nourishment for the saplings. Under this influence, Liu Chao turned into a "tree" in less than a minute.

Du Yanan was right.

What kind of 467 cheek is that?!

Then, let the family be relieved.

The idea of ​​Liu Chao was just born.

Since I can't save my family.

Killing a loved one with his own hands, even if the other party has been polluted and turned into a monster, this still makes Liu Chao unacceptable.

But now...

The corpse on the ground became a nest for bred monsters, and as the claws stretched out, an extremely ugly and twisted face appeared in front of them.

Then let the source of the pollution pay.

However, it is irregular.

Not to mention contact, just looking at it from a distance, there is a slight tingling feeling.

The fusion monster is still talking to Liu Chao constantly, trying to wake up the image of home in the other party's heart.

Before the other party could sort out the status quo, he shouted angrily:

The heads, limbs, and bodies were all fused together, and they called upon themselves, who were monsters, to join each other.

As for the top of the head, it is not a scene of lush foliage, but countless wiggling tentacles.

He will also set up an enchantment on the door, so that it will always be fixed in the most beautiful moment.

"There is no mistake in crossing the track, but here, it is really..."

"Second pollution."

The commander of the Devil Legion who was tasked by the Lord God was at a loss for a while.

Gradually, it turned into the shape of a sapling.

You must know that of the three heresies present, two have already entered half-step eternity.

As for the other side, there are also bat-like wings.

His cheeks were rubbed with thick powder, and his mouth exuded a cold red gloss, like a reptile's eyes with blue eye shadow.

The hooves of a cow grow on his feet, and his body is completely devoid of human features, except for a large mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Once you enter the second level of pollution, will your strength increase by leaps and bounds?"

Half-step eternity.

A colorful arm stretched out from it.

Just when Du Yanan was addicted to Liu Chao's transformation, Shura suddenly said:

But next second...

But just when the monster named Limaier was loudly rebuking, a harsh rebuke suddenly sounded from the side:

From the moment he plunged into the darkness, Du Yanan has no turning back.

And after seeing so many evils, she is even more firm in her beliefs.

But at this time, under that pool of flesh and blood, something seemed to be squirming.

One has already grown, and the other is like a flower and has not yet bloomed.

How terrifying is the opponent's strength?

"Of course it's me, great..."

At a glance, you can tell that there is a terrible poison on the nails.

"That is to say, once I complete the second mutation, then the strength, it is possible to truly enter the eternal realm!"


But the worst thing is to become like Du Yanan.

Du Yanan looked in the direction the other party pointed.


Shura's voice was full of disbelief.

But soon, she realized the key to transformation.

Liu Chao, who had successfully advanced, also opened a gap in the bark, and immediately, his scarlet eyes were placed in front.

How ridiculous.

"My own family has become the nourishment needed for the birth of a certain existence?!

The head fell apart and fell to the ground.

However, I saw a dense red silk thread appearing on the body of the fusion monster.

Liu Chao roared in a low voice.

"Clap! 39

The branches grow in the wind.

Limaier instinctively replied, but when he raised his eyes and looked forward, he suddenly froze in place.

Even if the monsters have the appearance and memory of their own family members, they have already been occupied by polluted magpies and doves, and they are not familiar family members at all.

It simply made Du Yanan unimaginable for a while.


They are all the strongest that Du Yanan, Shura, and Liu Chao have encountered.

The family of six turned out to be a fusion monster.

Whether it is before the pollution or after the pollution, there is no doubt that the other party...

On the way home, Liu Chao had cruel ideas.



"The guys who destroyed the ceremony of my advent will pay for their actions.

You, Shura, and Liu Chao are also polluted living beings, so there may be a second pollution phenomenon.

Growth and transformation.

next second.

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