Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 327 The battle of gods opens, the destroyed Lightyear Alliance! 【Subscription】

Lingzhou City.

The Lightyear Alliance suffered an unprecedented contamination incident.

Having said that, Behemoth looked at the wall respectfully.

In the whole room, it can be said that the core strength of the entire Lingzhou City has been gathered.

"In that disaster that spread thousands of miles away, I felt a familiar smell, the smell of sulfur from purgatory."5


The group of night watchmen followed Wei Xun's lead, and naturally had no objection to the order at this time, nodded and retreated to the door.

"Let the rest go down first.""

There are various indications.

"And this is the fuse of this disaster.

"The Light Year Alliance is over."

Wei Xun clenched his fists, and at this moment, inexplicable pressure lingered in his heart.

Jiang Zhiyue raised her eyebrows coldly at this moment:

The surrounding night watchmen don't mind each other's faces.

What really scares them is...

Still annihilated without resistance.


On the other hand, under the watchful eyes of the night watchmen, Behemoth remained calm, he looked at Wei Sen and said:

Just like the river carp in the river, there are countless.

Lingzhou can stay out of the way.

Wilson stared at Behemoth:

They have only seen each other once.

However, seeing the other party dressed in a western suit and wearing a pair of gold-wire glasses, he had an inexplicable noble temperament all over his body.

"After that, the operator was completely out of touch."

"Is another evil god descended into the human world?"

But it is such a group of people with terrifying strength, but not one person, including Wei Xun, has never found the other party sitting aside.

"And in the forest, countless people stand with their backs to each other."

Beihemos looked at Jiang Zhiyue beside him.

"Ren Peng and Jiang Zhiyue stay.

"Because of trade needs, Pegasus City has our operators."

"It's you?!"

Jiang Zhiyue nodded:

"Evil God?

According to the tip, the entire alliance has turned into a forest, and tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of humans are standing with their backs to it. (adae)

"Our analysis shows that the area affected by the pollution incident is not a city or a few people, but an entire coalition and 453 million people who have suffered from pollution at the same time.

What about the rest of the Dawn Alliance cities?

"The same trees, the same countless people standing with their backs, the same missing.35

The other party has the aura of that existence.

"Are you a devil?

"I defected from Baator Purgatory."

For a time, a hint of coldness appeared in the hearts of the members of the God Squad in the entire venue.

But now...

"The operator analyzed that those people were all tainted, and the last word to deliver the message was...they turned around.

Promoted to demigods.

How terrifying is the opponent's strength?

This voice does not belong to anyone here.

It can be said intuitively...

Wei Xun was sitting in the office, his face was already cloudy at the moment.

It was Behemoth who came to Lingzhou not long ago.

Just as Wei Xun murmured in a low voice, an unfamiliar voice sounded aside.

Wilson has a whole new definition of his strength.

Jiang Zhiyue, Ren Peng and the former members of the God Squad were all present.


So Behemoth just smiled:

He was sitting on a chair beside him.

Therefore, everyone concentrated their energy and looked towards the place where the sound appeared.

Among the entire alliance forces, the Lightyear Alliance, which can be ranked in the top three, ended in such an understatement.

And aside.

"In the entire steel-reinforced city, dense trees suddenly grew, as if in an instant, the entire steel city became a virgin forest. 99

"In your human terms, I am a betrayal.

"Is the news true?"

"Obviously, because of his defection, Bato's Purgatory has imposed divine punishment, and the price of anger is..."

Unlike demonic chaos.

"It's a battle of gods."

"Within an hour, the operators in the remaining five cities of the Light Year Alliance reported one after another of pollution incidents."

Wilson waved his hand:

"This disaster was caused by you?"

Although Wilson firmly believes that has the shelter of the shop.

"After the pollution incident, she sent back the information as soon as possible.""

"Don't trust them!

In any book about the devil, there is a line marked with red pen:

"I am a devil.

The whole room was terrifyingly silent.

But even so...

Without exception, their faces were gloomy, as if an inexplicable pressure spread throughout the room.

"It's the devil."

The shadow under him is like boiling magma.

The devil is better at controlling people's hearts.

After destroying six cities in a row, Wei Xu was helpless.

"Accidentally spread to the world..."

As a lover of the occult, Weison naturally knows the devil as a creature.


In the far distance where his eyes can see, there is a shop called "Chen Ji".

"Terrorist God Battle!"

This sentence, like a nail, pierced the hearts of everyone present.

So much so that even Wei Xun's face became extremely pale.

How many night watchmen can be born out of millions of people?

Having said that, Jiang Zhiyue raised her head, and she looked around her voice like a cuckoo crying blood:

Undoubtedly, Wilson was shocked.

Is the Lightyear Alliance too weak?

"Millions of lives annihilated!"9

Jiang Zhiyue saw the other's face clearly, and couldn't help frowning:

"You don't have to be so hostile to me, if you have to say who the devil came for..."

"The subordinate of that stalwart existence stifled a middle-level god's mansion in the abyss.


But now it's different...

The visitor is none other than others.

Once this disaster really spreads, will there be a situation where, except for Lingzhou City, the entire Dawn Alliance will also fall apart?

If it was before, if there was a human who asked himself like this, and a little ant who had never stepped into eternity looked directly at himself like this, Behemoth would definitely make the other party regret coming to this world.

Behemoth did not hide his identity, and nodded immediately:

Once the other party makes any rash moves, they will rush up and drown the other party.

"It was you who brought the so-called devil army into the world?

Cunning and scheming.

If he wanted to, he could completely destroy an entire Lingzhou city.

After a while, Wei Xun asked in a hoarse voice.

"I'm not yet qualified to make the head of the coalition so angry, even tearing apart the cracks in space, to encroach on human territory."

It seems to have been coming for a long time.

Therefore, Wilson showed extreme distrust of Behemoth.

A group of night watchmen suddenly stood on end.

"But this is just the beginning."

But regarding the safety of Lingzhou City, Ren Peng, who has always been "timid", is now staring at Beihemos with a gloomy face.

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