Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 318 grief and wailing, the end of life! 【Subscription】

The ocean appeared above the sky?

that's because……

Behemoth was completely stunned.

In a trance.

"It is an independent life, just like us.


But after a short period of joy, a sudden mechanical sound brought Behemoth back to reality.

Compared to Kachi's dull collections.

Their eyes exuded indescribable pain, and the corners of their mouths spoke silent grief.

Under the influence of unknown existence, I and Kaqi have come to a place...

"My lord heard my prayer and came to save me?!"

Accompanied by the sound of boiling in the silt sea.

Compared with the silt sea, Kachi is a loser.

"Little guy, it's time to wake up.

The owner of the head tried to call for help, but the sound in the interstellar cemetery turned into an inexplicable flute sound.


The entire head was on fire.

Like tens of thousands of beasts roaring.

It turned out that the Worm of the Void, who was responsible for guarding the dimensional wall, had completely become a part of this ocean of heads.

available in a short period of time.

He tried to fight back, but suddenly a numbing cold experience came from his body.

Dark gray mud, full of filth.

Dropped into the mud, and over and over again.

Everything that the interstellar cemetery experienced reappeared in Behemoth's mind.

And now, Behemoth's conjecture has been confirmed.

When awarded the flute and thus lost in the playing loop.

What did he see?

However, unlike the brutality and hideousness of the past, the look of the Worm of the Void at this time was extremely panic and pain.

A true god at the level of Behemoth has long abandoned useless fear.

Some are simply a combination of a beast and a human.

This is an eternal rule.

Limbs, body.

Behemoth's pupils widened.

A dense voice came from the red thread.

There are many more twisted and uglier races than bugs, demons, and devils.

He will deprive the occupied of everything, including the mind.

As far as the eye can see, all are roaring heads.

The opponent actually broke the dimension and descended directly into the abyss.

They are a collection of all evil spirits in the world.

Those shadows that keep floating are tens of thousands of human heads.

Different from the human world, what needs to be broken is only the shackles of the dimensional wall.

In the enchantment of death! Four.

He looked up, but saw a whole group of red nematodes struggling frantically in the sea. He seemed to be extremely resistant to this.

This may sound strange.

Depleted of divine power, he was eventually overwhelmed by an incalculable number of worms of the void.

"Cage is here too?"


But in this sea full of silt, they blended together wonderfully.

All kinds of changes have even caused Behemoth to question his own strength.

Cage's ability is very powerful.

Also, they played the same song together!

It was Kaqi first, and now it is the sudden frost world.

He has seen each other!

The moment he heard it, Behemoth almost thought that his eardrum had ruptured.

0... ask for flowers 0....

Behemoth was overwhelmed by a steady stream of panic.

Countless twisted and terrifying heretics gathered in front of that being.

Except for the origin of all darkness and chaos.

The expressions of human heads in this muddy sea are undoubtedly more vivid.

Those figures entrenched around each other are also not simple characters.

No wonder the other party can appear here in a grand manner.

And at this time, a sudden and resounding voice rang in Behemoth's ear.

Those heads are still alive.

With Behemoth's helper, naturally he won't give in like he did before.

The bottomless abyss where the devil is, but because of the environment, many insects of the void are parasitized.

He looked up and saw that he was actually in an endless sea of ​​silt, and there were countless floating heads around him.

Behemoth looked around, the scene was obviously extremely terrifying, but He, who was in it, felt a long-lost peace of mind.

Just beside Behemoth, there was a dark gray figure.

Behemoth was wondering how the other party avoided the Worm of the Void and appeared in front of him...


He sees it all.

Cage saw the essence of that sea of ​​silt.

Huge size and keen speed.

"Can the forces behind the betrayer be unable to resist?

Tears rolled down the sunken cheeks.

Behemoth didn't understand until this moment...

"Do you really want to be part of each other?"


Before Behemoth thought about it, he was attracted by the sound not far away.

Think carefully.

After he saw the scene above, his attention was reoccupied.

At this time, the rolling heads turned their attention to Behemoth:

Fire and water are incompatible.

Behemoth knew better than anyone about the horrors in the interstellar cemetery.

In the past shuttle, if you do not mark the kingdom of God and the level of exploration, it is very likely to get lost in the virtual world built by the worm of the void.

And in addition to the regular head.

The opponent has the shape of a human.

The reason why Cage called each other's abilities are similar.

It was as if Behemoth had been thrown into an iceberg, and there was no light around him, but only the ubiquitous fog.

The red thread that was originally standing in the same place actually swayed wildly at this moment.

"What a big deal."

They are the evil beings who were constantly wandering in the gaps when the space was torn apart.

The ocean is blue and vast.

"You are all damned!


Some are elemental giants.

this sound.

"Damn it!

met each other.

Among them, there seem to be countless schools of fish swaying, looming.

Countless heads stared at Behemoth and the gray mud above.

The expression on the head at the top of the red nematode was no longer pure dullness, but turned into Sen Han's hatred.

Behemoth suddenly felt that he was going with the flow.

But the whole body is made up of one after another, with a painful expression on the head.

It seems that in the next second, the opponent will be strangled and engulfed, becoming a member of the collection.

Appeared at the top of this destroyed kingdom of God.

And just when his spiritual world was about to be submerged by frost.

At this time, after distinguishing the truth of the black spots floating in the muddy sea, they started talking strangely.

"Gollum. 99

Can make people feel soothed.

But the muddy sea in front of you is different.

Judging by the naked eye.

"That's not a school of fish."

Mixed in these mud are the tears of countless creatures!

The heads of the densely packed Void Insects emerged from the silt.

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