Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 313 The sea of ​​blood is in the sky, the greedy Lord God! 【Subscription】

"not enough?"

The whole body was covered in blood, and the whole body was also soft.

The most terrifying thing is that the eyes are gray.

Coupled with the aura of the true gods emanating from Behemoth, it also caused a group of demigods to fall into a mystery.

Under the influence of the fall of blood and life, the demigods fell into a state of rage one after another.

Fear and hesitation intertwined, in order to live, they made the "right" decision.


Sarah's expression stiffened.

Just a moment of effort.

A roar passed through the valley of poison.

Ordinary blood sacrifices simply cannot satisfy him.

different from before.

But Sarah is still too "young" after all.

Sara stood beside him, sweating all over.

Their movements are faster and their methods more cruel.

The mansion that Sarah believed in, under endless torture, went blind!

They still cannot avoid death.

"The number of offerings is almost there. 35

"As expected of a devil.


He looked at the demigods on the sidelines and roared:



Sara tried to bargain, but as soon as she spoke, she saw Behemoth waved his arm.

At this moment, his eyes were also full of negativity.

In this bloody battle, the Valley of Poison had already damaged its vitality.

The figure that appeared inside was none other than the Lord God of Baal that Sarah was thinking of.

Behemoth's eyes lifted silently, looking around.

The bloodthirsty slaughter begins.

Even his demons.

He never thought that the other party was still not satisfied with so many sacrifices.

A streak of red blood appeared immediately.

"Your Highness, is that enough?

"Slaughter all the life that your eyes can see!

Unlike the previous sharp.

"Lord... Lord God..."

It's just that it is different from the violent image of the peak before.

There is no emotion here, just destruction and madness.

Sara saw this scene and tried to stop it several times, but she finally endured it.

Not so crazy...

After saying that, he looked up at the demigods who were carrying out atrocities in the distance:

But at this moment, the other party seemed to feel Sarah's call, and slowly raised his head.

But at this time, he could still hear the implication of the "Grand Duke" in front of him.

This is just the beginning.

He looked around and saw that the ground in a radius of dozens of miles had already been covered with blood.

Also, they are covered with scars.

As long as the Lord God can be successfully rescued, He will be satisfied.

Terrible voices gathered together, making people feel only creepy.

"Don't stop until my order is given!""

This is a land of endless, suffocating horror.


"Duke Devil, I..."

At this time, the target of the demigod's slaughter has extended from useless cannon fodder to elite demons.

Under the siege of the demigod army, the demons and the dark creatures had no power to fight back.

"I mobilized the Eye of Truth and tried to spy on Baal's whereabouts, but I never thought that the other party would be imprisoned. 99


The demons who stayed around and watched were slaughtered.

0... ask for flowers 0‥

"It's all small characters who died, are you perfunctory me?"

Rather, the devil is crazy.

With a shattering sound, the scene disappeared.

A mirror appeared in front of Sarah.

With the "assistance" of the demigods.

The Valley of Poisoning at this time can be completely described as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"What do you think?" Four.

Without waiting for Sarah to speak, Behemoth took a step back, as if he was backlashed by some kind of force, and frowned:

Sara knew that even if Baal could successfully return, he would punish himself by looking at the fragmented valley of poison.

The strength of these demons, the lowest level is the legendary realm.

Sarah stepped forward and took a few steps.

Countless corpses collapsed in a mess~ aside.

And just like that, another half hour passed...

"I will organize the Divine Mansion Legion to rescue now, but..."

They are powerful and terrifying.

Sarah was clear from the start.

It was as if someone had smashed the bones all over his body, and even had his spine taken out, and he didn't have the slightest bit of resistance to resist.

But as a fanatic, Sara had already given all her loyalty to Baal.

"If you want to rescue the Lord God, you need more sacrifices.

through bloody battles.

The other party is like a bone dragon flying in the sky, being forced into existence inexplicably, driven from the sky into a muddy swamp, indescribably miserable and helpless.

On the other hand, Behemoth still shook his head:

Even Behemoth was slightly absent-minded at this time, and after a delay of more than ten seconds, he opened his mouth and said with a smile:

Gathering up her courage, Sara looked at Behemoth and said again:

But even so...

"Who is it? How dare you take action against the coalition forces?"

The demons and dark creatures who died in this bloody battle can be calculated in millions of units.

The demigods have killed the red eye.

"If you have to compare, their quality is undoubtedly better. 99


Sarah proved herself.

Sarah personally issued an order, and the killing will continue until it is stopped.

Sarah knelt on the ground, her remaining four arms clenched into fists, as if she had made some kind of difficult decision, and stood up suddenly.

And after seeing the scene inside, Sarah's eyes were about to burst.

The blood flowing out, where is the river, it is simply a sea of ​​blood!

At this moment, He was completely embarrassed.

It is the cruel execution of oneself.

What did he see?

In countless bloody battles and wars of aggression, they have made great contributions.

An existence like the Demon Archduke has a great appetite.

I saw a group of demigods turned into the most cruel executioners at this moment, and rushed towards their demon companions.

He is not afraid of death.

Howling, roaring, roaring.

The number of elites in the entire Poison Valley has dropped sharply.

If Baal returns, even if there is a reason for his own incident, the other party will blame him.

Although more than four demigods have fallen in the previous bloody battle, the remaining demigods are still a considerable number.

"Kill! 35

This is a place where the environment is extremely harsh and life is extremely dangerous.

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