Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 302 Soul deprivation, 10 choices without life! 【Subscription】


In Wilson's memory, anyone who has been to that shop, or even a god, will be irreversibly affected on the spiritual level.

"Can you imagine, what kind of picture is that? 35

But unexpectedly, Behemoth was not moved by these words, on the contrary, he said in a gentle tone:

"As long as you let me go, I can pretend that what happened today didn't happen.

"You're playing with fire.

With just a few words, Wei Xun's tense expression was relieved.

"Your realm will completely fall, and you may even have no hope of advancing to the god realm for the rest of your life.

In this case, it won't take long for the other's body to rot and turn into a piece of stinky rotten flesh.

Behemoth also looked at Bal:

"and also……"

"If I don't kill you, there is no item exchange, I will die without life. 35

"How can it become a kingdom of gods?

Wei Xun couldn't help but ask when he saw Behemoth's strange behavior of piercing through Baal at the moment.

Baal was always on the verge of collapse. Compared to Behemoth's composure, he was more like a gasoline barrel, which would burst completely as long as it was ignited.

"Even if you are now half-crippled, you still have the least vision, don't you..."

Barr mistakenly believes that Convenience is the city's guardian.

"All I lost was a wisp of soul, but you disobeyed the curse.

click. "

Maybe you will be swallowed by the other party long ago?

"I know that you have kept a lot of succubus in the kingdom of God, and you love each of them, but it's a pity...

What Behemoth said was very calm, but for Baal, it was tantamount to spiritual destruction.

Behemoth pouted:

Which packaged...

Along with Behemoth's ability to display, Wei Xun merged again, and immediately changed into his previous appearance.

"We pray, we ask for help, we can definitely... woo woo..."

Behemoth shook his head in the face of doubt:

The opponent is already dead.

Afterwards, Behemoth once again turned his eyes to the mud that was gathering on the side:

"This is my difficulty, my soul has been absorbed into a strange place."


Baal, who figured it out, seemed to have fallen into an inexplicable calm. He lowered his head and said to himself:

"I remember that there are regulations. Teammates who violate the rules must unconditionally give their partners the kingdom of God for compensation."

"You're lying to me, aren't you?

Barr just thought he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

He knew that Behemoth, who had already done this step, could not deceive himself at all.

At this moment, Adae Hemos' voice was extremely bitter.

"what happened?"

He is not showing off.

Because there is absolutely no point in showing off.

Barr seemed to have thought of something, and a wild smile appeared on his face:


"Why is your spiritual world blank?"

Just like Jiang Zhiyue, Wei Xun looked at Beihemos cautiously.

"Killing you to hunt for your soul will kill you.


It's more like a way to gain resonance and understanding.

"So you picked me?!"

"You are lying to me.

"Damn the devil, you can't do this!"

Barr wanted to refute, but couldn't say a complete sentence.

"You have to understand me.

Barr only felt that his head was about to explode, and he couldn't believe the voice he heard at the moment.

Both the spirit and the soul seem to be directly stripped away.

Behemoth's voice was low.

But at this moment, Baal's head turned 180 degrees and went straight to the rear.

Behemoth smiled, and he stared at Wilson:

Although the speed is a little slower, it will not take long for it to become the same as before.

Barr had to admit.

after all……

If they are of the same level.


That is to say...

As Behemoth's gaze moved upward, Baal's eyes were about to pop out, bloodshot:

"When I go back, I will expose your crimes to the public. Not only you, but also your kingdom of God will be divided among us."5

"So, please die. 35

"That existence ingested not only my remnant soul in the world, but all the souls in the body of the true god.

In the so-called hunting, in the end, 440 turned himself into a prey and fell into a trap.

"I will sacrifice your kingdom of God. In the end, what are these losses?"

"It must be the words I just said that made you feel scared, and that's why you terrorized me in this way."

"I'm going to kill God!

"Isn't this a city?

Barr was speechless.

His eyes became a lot more empty.

He stared at Behemoth, and after a brief period of surprise, his pupils suddenly began to shrink:

The reason why he has the upper hand is to take advantage of the realm.

"Don't you see any difference in me?"

- Divine order.

"They are just collectibles. Although it would be a pity if they were broken, it would not make me feel bad."

"This is impossible!

"Also, even if I will be punished, even if God will be sacrificed by others, it may not be your turn."

"Don't be hostile to me, I have been to [Chen Ji]"

Baal's eyes focused on the silt that was constantly merging around him.

Behemoth gave a wry smile and said without the slightest joy:

"If you want to redeem it, you must exchange it with an equivalent item."

At this time, He was still recovering.

"Because of the rules, your realm will be suppressed, and then I will ingest your soul in exchange for my freedom.

Baal looks like hell.

To put it simply...

"They're going to be my rations!"

Barr thought he had discovered the truth of the matter, and a sharp "Jie Jie" laughter came out of his throat:

"what are you going to do?"

He has endured three of his own talent moves one after another, but he hasn't completely died yet.

In his vision, Behemoth turned into a walking corpse, with no inner core at all.

"definitely is."

Cast yourself in the net?

"Where has your soul gone!"

"What's the meaning?

But such an enemy that makes Bardu feel the pressure is just a believer under the command of a certain "existence"?

Different from the previous Behemoth, he made any decision with a proud look.

At this time, Barr looked like he was winning.


"What should I do?

"The enchantment around it does a good job, and these tentacles will act as a sticky agent, making it impossible for your soul to return at all. 99

"Do you know what the consequences of doing this are?"

"At that time, you will completely come to the world."

On the other hand, Baal seemed to be frightened by this sentence. His expression was no longer crazy, but on the contrary, his face was full of disbelief:

"What do you mean?!

"how is this possible?"

What an irony!


Baal could only look at Behemoth in horror.

"You have finally been promoted to the god realm, how could you be willing to sacrifice the godhead in order to kill me?

Because Beihemos waved his hand with his bare hands, the opponent's mouth closed directly and disappeared instantly.


oppressed himself to such an extent.

He still had much to say, but he couldn't express it at all.

Seeing this, Behemoth said bluntly:

"What about your soul?

"And I will sacrifice the godhead to contain your soul.

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