Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 297 The field of darkness, special reinforcements! 【Subscription】

"How long do you think it can last?"

A familiar voice came from behind.

At this time, Barr also calmed down a lot.

However, seeing that, as if countless monsters were parasitized, the night watchman's emotions were suddenly aroused.

"Promise me, don't die, okay? 99

A kick from bottom to top.

Thinking of this, Beihemos smiled, he looked at Jiang Zhiyue and said:

There has never been such a person in Lingzhou.

Even if Baal's chest was pierced with a terrifying wound.

Behemoth finally came to the kebab shop.

He said that he would let the other party beg him to kill him.

At this moment, Baal accepted the sacrifice, and then he had to pay the price he deserved.

Then Wei Xun is the sacrifice on the altar.

After Rao Shiwei was promoted, he possessed the body of a demigod, but he was still unable to resist this fatal blow.

"Welcome to……"

"That looks like a group of snakes?

In just an instant, the world in front of Baal changed.

"Or... a dozen seconds?"

Jiang Zhiyue had no idea at all.

But it has completely become a tentacle's nest.

Compared with the low-strength superhuman, the sight she can see is even more frightening.

It is because of this that Baal is extremely arrogant.

"Could it be that the pollution has spread?

"After all, I haven't had enough yet! 35

Everyone here is a believer of that existence.

This is the peak state of True God's coming.

After taking the form of a twisted monster...

Jiang Zhiyue on the side also frowned.

In its place is a world surrounded by tentacles.

Wilson's emotions have also changed.

Thinking of this, Wei Xun slowly closed his eyes.

Barr threw another punch, hitting Wilson in the abdomen.

The speed is too fast, and even the skin of the demigod can't bear the friction with Kong 437's air.

Wei Xun only felt that time had fallen into a swamp at this moment, becoming extremely stagnant.

As the true god who came to the world, Baal has a demented trust in his own strength.

Jiang Zhiyue also gathered the energy in the palm of her hand, and the [He] that the red-clothed personality just used to describe represents the power of the Divine Palace.

The normal skin suddenly turned bloody.

A negligence will let the other party escape.

"Pfft! 35

The opponent's body has already returned to its best state.


If you want to 100% pull the opponent into the realm, you must sacrifice something.

Behemoth didn't dare to gamble at all.

for example……

Even though he was prepared, Wei Xun never imagined that the other party would be so terrifying.

It's Barr!

Beihemos felt Jiang Zhiyue's gaze, and he also saw the red-clothed personality entrenched behind the opponent.

As for conspiracy?

Wei Xun was unilaterally suppressed, unable to resist even a single move.

"Don't be hostile to me, because it's..."

In an instant, He turned into a mass of silt-like monsters.

It was pitch black, with no light at all.

Dense tentacles, entrenched in every corner of the surrounding.

It seems that these injuries are nothing to Him at all.

The shocking force was too terrifying, and even made Wei Xun's eyes bulge for a while, almost falling out.

All along, the red-clothed personality has shown extreme madness.

"After only three attacks, you became like this?"

If not fully prepared.

At this moment, Barr was in front of Wei Xun, the grin on the corner of his mouth was still entrenched, and he said:

The night watchmen were distraught.

He looked at Baal and said:

The continuous attacks did not make the opponent feel slightly tired.

"It's only the demigod realm, do you think I can't get out?

"No, more like some kind of bug."

"The captain's situation is not good.

Wei Xun wanted to defend, but he couldn't catch the opponent's movement at all.

Compared with the original black fog, in the eyes of the night watchmen, the barrier set up has undergone new changes.

Wei Xun's spine was all shattered, and the whole person suddenly rose high.

He seemed to see the crux of the matter and tried to break Weison's bottom line of defense.

"The realm of darkness.

Only the head on the neck still exists.

Will killing the opponent anger the opponent?

The red-clothed personality is not at all timid.

"Two seconds.

He was promoted to a demigod not long ago.

Where is it from?

He still maintains infinite confidence in his own strength.

He thought he would see a look of horror on Wei Xun's face, but what made him uneasy was that Wei Xun, who was grabbed by the neck, had a strange smile on his face.

Millions of tentacles, like mosquitoes beside a stream in summer, are dense and creepy.

But there was still a street in front of him.

But now it is different.

"One minute? 35

This also means that the noble son standing in front of him is in the demigod realm for the last time.

"too easy.

In the face of any challenge, one punch is enough.

At this moment, Baal's speed has exceeded the speed of light.

If he was still in the Eternal Realm, he would have already become a cloud of blood when his first punch was hit, and he would have died completely (adae).

Just as Wei Xun was flying fast, Baer appeared in the headspace again.

his strength.

Time goes by.

If it was before, any hostile opponent would be directly annihilated by Behemoth.

"Three seconds.

Baal was naturally very angry.

The reason why He despised Behemoth was because He had already passed the era when he needed to rely on his brain to fight the enemy.

Extraordinary power.

An uneasy feeling grew in my heart.

His life seemed to come to an end.

Instead, its voice line is full of can't wait.

But at this moment, the red-clothed personality's expression was rarely solemn, and the tail behind him was even more raised.

But when Jiang Zhiyue was trying to give an order to let the rest of the night watchmen continue to guard the place, she saw a strange visitor from a distance.

So much so that even the realm was distorted one after another, completely turning into a tentacle's nest.

The other party was dressed in a suit, with proudly written on his face, just like a noble boy.

Afterimages appear.

Wei Xun's pupils tightened, he never thought that the opponent's speed was so sharp!

If this is a blood sacrifice.

Totally a waste of time.

Wei Xun's consciousness began to be separated from his body.

But there was still a winsome smile on his face.

Extraordinary speed.

Even the scalded part and the fallen devil's horn were restored one after another.

different from previous capabilities.

This was something that Weison knew the first time he was hit.

"Wake up.

Everything is disappearing.

What kind of eyes are those?

too fast.

"Didn't I tell you to wait a little longer?


Even Wei Xun's body trembled, and in the next second, tentacles burst out.

But even when he was at his peak like this, he was injured because of the deception of a mere demigod?

The wounds on the chest have all healed.

At this time, it is already in a state of preparation.

This is the true God.

However, Wei Xun's strength was far from the enemy's.

"You are protecting the city?"

"It's such a pity."

It doesn't seem to be affected by fear at all.

Once the other party is serious.

Everything that has just passed is still recalling in my mind.


Wilson was unafraid:

Barr's face was full of mockery.

And just in the middle of Barr's thoughts, Wei Xun suddenly opened his eyes.

"Three minutes? 35

Internal organs were shattered, ribs were broken.

Therefore, Barr stretched out his hand and immediately grabbed it towards Wei Xun's neck.

"Crack clap.

Obviously less than an hour, but it seems like a century has passed, making him feel a trance.

After being contaminated, Wilson's life has undergone a qualitative change.

When the words fell, Wei Xun only felt that he was hit by a shell.

"We go in.

Who is he?


"I want to end you here!

As he spoke, Barr stepped down.

He didn't want Wilson to die so easily.

Jiang Zhiyue nodded:

Being hit three times in a row, his body has suffered heavy damage.

"These tentacles are showing signs of rampage.""

The red-clothed personality was the first to react.

There was no expression on his face, he just stared at Barr and said coldly:

Baal was unlike any enemy he had encountered in the past.

Good luck.

After a brief period of surprise, Baal's expression returned to normal.

"I will kill you, and then destroy the city!


It was Baal, who was hit hard by the divine explosion just now!

What was even more astonishing was still behind. Just when Wei Xun was in shock, he suddenly discovered that there was an afterimage in front of his eyes.

Just three seconds.

"it is good."

Extraordinary time.

Barr didn't want to let Wilson go so easily.

The personality in red said at this moment.

"His strength is very strong."

It has long transcended the so-called life.

"not enough.""

"You can try."

The situation was worse than she imagined.

three seconds.


so that...

With ease, Baal caught his prey.

Weiss has not yet landed.

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