Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 288 At the end of death, a chance to survive! 【Subscription】

Behemoth just felt dizzy.

At this moment, it feels like drinking more than ten pounds of white wine.


Or blended fake wine.

As a true god, Behemoth would not be affected by everything in the world at all.

As Mu You thought before.

As a high-latitude existence, not to mention a dozen catties of liquor, even if tens of thousands of catties are poured into the stomach, it will not have any impact on Behemoth.

The reason why Beihemos was staring at the stars at this moment and his legs were weak was ultimately because of the young man's self-introduction.

"Old... boss?"

Beihemos only felt that the corners of his mouth twitched and shivered, and then he pronounced these two words.

Chen Feng, who was sitting beside him, nodded.

Floating as lightly as a reed, gently – swaying.

But it was this low lift that brought Behemoth's whole heart to his throat.

He was a little dazed.

As a leader in purgatory, Behemoth is undoubtedly an excellent devil.

Good at conspiracy, proficient in tricks.

Above the realm of the gods, the plan made by him even wiped out several gods.

Behemoth has an almost crazy narcissism and trust in his own wisdom.


When he was just outside the door, Behemoth thought he had an insight into the idea and purpose of the corruption.

The naive thinks that everything in Lingzhou is just a mist formation set up by the other party in order to hide his whereabouts.

But who would have thought.

The clown turned out to be himself?

The Fallen Corruption did not set up any fog formations at all.

It was the other party who really looked for a master to keep him in captivity.

"God's residence can become a vassal.

"But you won't be a slave to one party at all.

"It's impossible!"

Behemoth's heart was disturbed.

He suddenly thought of the cold appearance and tone of the girl before.

After getting along for a short time, Behemos naively believed that the other party was just being hypnotized by corruption.

Only then did he naively believe that there was an existence in the store who was cultivating a deity.

Therefore, Behemoth came here resolutely in order to get rid of the other party's "shackles".

But who would have thought...

Reality slapped Behemoth hard.

There really is a "boss" in this house

As for the strength, it is impossible to estimate!

At this moment, Behemoth suddenly woke up.

If everything is true, that is to say...

The corrupt really chose to surrender because of the other party, so he became a watchdog.


Behemoth wanted to despise the other as the shame of the gods.

How hard and difficult it is to be born as a god.

But in the face of life and death, the corrupted even abandoned everything.

What dignity and face?

All were left behind.


Behemoth's mind was running fast, and deep in his heart, he instinctively wanted to express some cruel words.

But in the next second, he froze in place.

He cannot deceive his own heart.

No matter how unwilling the head is, the body will make the right choice.


This is something that shouldn't be considered at all.

Take control of your time.

With a single thought, countless years may pass around, or it may return to the original starting point.

Like this kind of existence, Behemoth even released one maliciously, and in the next second, he would become the lowest-level evil demon.

The opponent controls time.

Once cast deprivation.

Behemoth's countless years of hard work will all be in vain.

As the lowest existence among the devils, the bad devils are the devils formed by the cursed souls who have fallen into hell.

In the shape of a mass of shapeless, trembling chunks of meat.

And this is the original form of Behemoth.

Whether it's a demon or a devil, it takes a long and bumpy road to get promoted.

Different from the order of the human world.

Purgatory and the abyss, as the breeding ground of sin, are recognized as the graves of death.

As famous as the worm, the situation of the inferior demon can be imagined.

He has come to the present step by step, and the hardships involved are simply unimaginable.

Behemos knew better than anyone that, facing the God Mansion that controls time, his strength is simply the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

The other party only needs a thought.

His growth, his kingdom, and everything about him in this world.

will all disappear.

Open your eyes again.

Behemoth may no longer look so noble, but has become a disgusting monster with many faces and a body like mud.

0... ask for flowers 0...

Even a small character like the Demon Hunter will see it as the target of ravages.

Forgotten memories, accompanied by countless panics, permeated Behemoth's heart.

He cannot accept the past.

He took the place of a depraved situation.

If you were replaced by yourself, how would you choose in the face of such despair.

Proud to lose everything or...

The lowly inferior, lose their liberty?

Behemoth was stunned.

As long as this idea appeared, a voice sounded in my heart.

"Choose the latter and lose your freedom. 99

He couldn't let go of what he had now, so...

He made the same choice as the Fallen.

"It's ironic."

Behemoth shook his head, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

"Another one without money?

On the other hand, when Chen Feng saw the state of Beihemos, he undoubtedly had an answer in his heart.

As the owner of a grocery store, Chen Feng has always been very Buddhist.

Several times the customer did not bring money, and He accepted the request of the other party in exchange for something.

Goods are appreciated, for Chen Feng, it is a meaningful thing.

Chen Feng had no intention of attacking the other party, but opened his mouth and said:

"You can look at it at will, even if you don't bring any money."

"I accept barter here.

"As long as you can come up with something of equal value."5

Hearing these words for the first time, Behemoth was extremely confused.

He didn't know what that word meant.

But obviously...

The other party gave him a chance.

Like the watchdog outside, Behemoth must seize this only chance to survive.

Behemoth forced a smile on the corner of his mouth and nodded.


He turned his head to the shelves displayed around him.

Behemoth didn't have the mind to choose, but like a dementia, he fixed his eyes on a certain area at random.

There is a roll placed there.

It looks like that item is a...

Calligraphy? Four.

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