Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

The 284th chapter is a big misunderstanding, the society is dead and corrupt! 【Subscription】

Behemoth wandered in Lingzhou City.

Behemoth took a step forward:

Behemoth had no time to pay attention to the Night's Watchmen who were attracted by their companions.

Behemoth finally couldn't help it and laughed out loud.

While muttering to himself, Behemoth reached out and pointed to the air.


"curiosity kills the cat."

Right now...

For the first time, there was a heavy will in Behemoth's heart.

Obviously, there are more prisoners than the silt in front of them.

As a devil, Behemoth is more cautious and serious while trusting his strength.

A god who was also hunted.

But when he was seen by other gods, his heart was still helpless.

"If this goes on, you may succeed, but unfortunately, you met me..."

So that the facial features are also placed in irregular directions.

But at this moment, a pale arm stretched out from nowhere and directly covered the opponent's mouth.

It was as if night fell, engulfing everything. Humans who didn't move, buildings without lights, and even the city were shrouded in darkness and completely disappeared in this wasteland.

The eyes are on the top of the head.

With a piercing sound, it disappeared without a trace.

"But unfortunately, you met me.


Iron cables stretched out from the dark cage behind him, piercing through the muddy body.

"Today's dog food has ham in it.""

At this time, the vision of the other party was exactly the same as those of the people in the coffee shop.

Behemoth smiled, his eyes still fixed on the sky.

His body stiffened, and he buried his head on the ground with a whimper.

The memory appeared pitch black.


He never thought that the worms lingering in the world were more cowardly than he imagined.

His eyes looked into the distance.

That opening, like a human mouth, keeps moving up and down.

But the strange thing is that when those terrible wills touched the sky above the city, they were like water droplets falling on a boiler.

A creepy scene happened.

This is a god's mansion.

Everything is as if it never happened.

An indistinguishable roar resounded from the prison behind him.

"Sure enough, the rules are fair, and the price of human beings enjoying a beautiful environment and delicious food is the loss of the most basic ability as a soldier.

It was not an iron lock, but a twisting tentacle.

The whole body was covered with disgusting mud, and there was no trace of appearance and features in the past.

In the long imprisonment, the other party did not know how much suffering he had said earlier, so that even part of his memory was missing.

Behemoth gained some valuable information.

Just going back to a certain point in time...

"Strange. 99


The door behind him opened.

He smiled and continued walking towards the store.

Speaking of this moment, Behemoth narrowed his eyes:

Behemoth discovers the truth of the matter 0...

A harsh sound like a needle piercing appeared in Behemoth's ears.

It is like a flower of evil that keeps spreading around.

Behemoth was using his divine power to let the suffering existence in front of him speak his mind.

It is the belief of all human beings in the city.

Fallen Corrupt didn't want to say more, but felt that the other party's head was a little broken.

I keep praying in my heart:

Silt's mouth trembled slightly, and he tried to say the name.

In addition, the attitude of the corrupt at the moment, in addition to being cautious, there is an unknown panic.

By now, all Behemoth's suspicions had been confirmed.

"Who made you look like this?"

Behemoth was even a bit shy at this moment.


Unlike a partner who is immersed in gluttony.

And as a bargaining chip for asylum...

"It's the same in other cities, and it's still the same here. 55

Behemoth said:

Accompanied by a tearing sound.

The silt kept rolling, and then a hole opened.

"really interesting."

"Even the rich darkness can't erase everything."

Behemoth couldn't wait to see the owner of that shop.


"Is it a demigod who exists in this city, erasing those memories?"

He is like a memory catcher, trying to obtain information that is beneficial to him.

A hole was opened in the mid-air shrouded in darkness.

after all……

In one step, it spanned a distance of several hundred meters.

Chaos, anger, violent and terrible emotions come together.

"How do human beings say something? 99

Just a few seconds later, the convenience crossed a terrifying distance and came to...

Those curious onlookers will become the victims of this blood sacrifice.

"Do you really have to fight like this in order to hide your identity? 35

"call out!"

They looked at each other in mid-air.

"By the way, the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

But the people around didn't seem to find his existence at all, and still lived in their own world.

Countless terrifying dead auras spread out from the cracks, and the will emanating from them seemed to imprison a demon leader who had been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years.

Behemoth's words seemed to evoke countless terrifying memories of the other party.

And pleading and mocking.

"Don't come out, don't come out first, otherwise, it's too embarrassing."


He laughed.

"As is the case in all dimensions, comfort means destruction.

The mouth stays beside the ear.

He didn't even remember what his divine name was.

"What happened that day?"

"Why do human beings always have no sense of reverence?"

Immediately, he looked at the corruption:


And this scene happened to be captured by Behemoth.

For demons, being unable to eat will undoubtedly make the mood more irritable.

But this did not make him timid, but aroused more curiosity in his heart.

Behemoth's pupils shrank.

Memory remodeling.


"What kind of courage does it take to make you look like this?"

"what happened?

And just when each other fell into some kind of dead silence.

All the scenes from the past appeared in his mind.

Unlike other food lovers, once you are full, you will enjoy the wonderful experience brought by food and clothing.

Behemoth knew that even if he was entangled in this kind of thing, he would not get any valuable information, so he spoke again:

What kind of courage does it take to abandon everything in the past and disguise yourself like this?

"Tell everything you know.""

The other party actually disguised himself as a...

And Behemoth was also stunned, there was only one thought left in his mind:

After thinking for a few seconds.

language authority.

But after more than ten seconds, Beihemos, who had been relaxed and comfortable, could not help frowning.

He seems to have seen a divine mansion that would not hesitate to give up all his dignity in order to return to the peak.

"You are very strong, I am talking about the state of mind. I have seen many worms, but they still have the pride of being a god, only you..."

next second.

He didn't want to speak, and kept looking at the shop behind him.

There is indeed an unspeakable existence in this city, which is sheltering.

And Behemoth didn't know the thoughts in the corrupted heart, and still said to himself:

Shaking his head, this "four three zeros" is the reason why Behemoth despised human beings.


Although already used to today's life.

"There are traces of existence."

They don't live long either.

The strength is not as good as that of devils and demons, and there is no certain ability to perceive danger.

"Sure enough, he is gathering faith, trying to return to the realm of the gods one day.

And what does this mean?

For him, this is the last fig leaf to be lifted.

"Capturing the faith of a city in order to return to the pinnacle again in the future?""

Rao is Behemoth born from purgatory, and he has never seen a similar twisted existence.

His companions will instantly fall into a state of rage, at this time only blood and death can soothe the anger in the opponent's heart.

Fallen Corruption seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but look back.

"Is this your human disguise? Ridiculous worm.

And the voice emanating from it is not only anger.

[Chen Ji] in front of him.

Cracks re-healed.

Behemoth looked down at the humans who were trampled under his feet.

Fallen: 66......99

Although the darkness blocked everything, He still felt a resentment from the sky.

After hearing this question, the disgusting silt first trembled, and then, in the eyes on both sides, a ray of panic appeared at the same time.

Sections of memory began to flash in my mind.

The endless darkness also disappeared from the eyes.

Continue to devour in human form, and there will always be a moment of fullness.


But Behemoth knew that what he saw was not a dream at all.


"Why does this exist in the human world?

This look, as if the existence guarding the prison found the prisoner to escape, seemed particularly angry.

The limbs are even more scattered.


A beam of light swept across, and the pair was pulled back to the original prison.

"Every time I come to those worms with a crushing attitude, just thinking about their expressions makes me extremely happy.

"The opponent's strength is very strong, not like a demigod, but more like a true god who came to the world with peak strength.

"Crack" sound.

The thoughtful Behemoth couldn't help but looked up at the sky.

Behemoth wanted to stop it, but the speed of those tentacles was too fast.

"A worm of the hunting god?"

Rather than saying that it was a living body, it would be better to say that the other party was a puddle of disgusting silt.

But I saw a miserable figure crawling out of the crack.

"Heavy portion!

"I am God... I am..."

This is each other's thoughts.

Then, He saw a dog.


Fallen Corruption also felt a terrifying aura. He, who was waiting for something, raised his head at the same time.

"Dog basin, dog food?"

Immediately, a young girl with a bowl appeared behind her with a smile on her face:

At the same time, a terrifying sharp roar came from the other side.

"In order to live, in order not to be discovered, I even disguised myself as a dog." 0.4

All locked in the location of the store.

memory recall.

"All pretense, after my arrival, no longer makes sense."

Behemoth relied on the power of God to restore some of the erased traces of history.


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