Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 263 Lord of the Blood Moon, Punishment of the Blasphemer! 【Subscription】

"join you?"

Wisteria never imagined that this fierce beast, who was good at disguise, would actually invite him.

The red raccoon nodded:

"You should know the horror of this city.

"Without a backstage, it's impossible to move an inch.-"

"You, who have no foundation, are different from Piao Xu."

The red raccoon has the ability to bewitch.

Otherwise, he would not be the master of the forbidden land.

Even though Wisteria is a demigod, on weekdays, he is better at killing and attacking.

Therefore, under Chili's advice, he actually felt that the other party's persuasion was very reasonable.


The corners of Wisteria's mouth opened slightly, just when she was about to agree.

"It's really interesting, has a group of little guys started to hug together to keep warm?"

A dark figure came from the sky.

This time, not only the wisteria, but also the red raccoon's eyes looked in the direction the voice came from.

the same moment.

They saw a blood moon.

It's a strange experience.

A second ago, they were still in the city called Lingzhou, but now, they have come to the universe.

And in front.

The incomparably huge blood moon was reflected in his eyes.

The blood moon exudes an extremely powerful energy aura.

Although not as hot as the scorching sun.

But after staring at it for a long time, I still feel that my body is filled with an extremely cold feeling.

It was like jumping into an ice cave in the cold winter.

Trembling all over his body.

Whether it is a red raccoon or a wisteria, at this moment, he can no longer control his abilities.

Unbreakable Cage!

To be able to make a demigod so embarrassed, only a true god can do it.

And just when one person and one beast thought that he could not escape at all, and might even die here.

Above the blood moon, there was an extra black spot.

The black spot roamed, and around, there were countless bats covered with fangs.

Those bats are just foils.

But despite this, the other party exudes a very strong energy.

There are hundreds of bats in the densely packed army, and their strength is simply impossible to make a small glimpse.

This scene is too shocking.

Therefore, Rao is the two demigod powerhouses who are used to seeing the world.

The blood moon completely dissipated.

In the original position, there was an extra suspended baby.

The other side doesn't look big.

But unlike the clear eyes of a baby.

The other party's eyes exuded an aura of annihilation.

"God...God? 35

To be able to make two demigods so mad.

The strength of the opponent is naturally self-evident.

Only a true god can use such a terrifying means to make two demigods move their targets.

Compared to the initial, self patronizing time.

Today's Lingzhou City has become more and more lively.

The lunar eclipse is high above, although there is some interest in red raccoon and wisteria.

But the other party is only in the demigod realm, and going forward to ask will undoubtedly weaken the mystery of the lunar eclipse.


Chili's remarks made Lunar Eclipse simply think about it, and it appeared here directly.

Hug together for warmth.

The same applies to lunar eclipses.

Compared to the local faction, although Lunar Eclipse is expensive as the goddaughter that exists, she still has no power of her own.

The city's forces are intertwined.

In general, there are two categories.

They are the employees of the store as the core.

The other group is a team of night watchmen who claim to be righteous.

These two forces are deeply rooted.

As the mansion of the gods, the lunar eclipse is naturally very proud.

As for corruption...

Completely the scum of the God's Mansion camp.

Not to mention.

Therefore, for a long time, the lunar eclipse has been alone, and has never been associated with any force.

And just now.

When the lunar eclipse devoured the divinity scattered all over the sky, he overheard the communication between the two little guys, which aroused interest and appeared in front of them.

The baby appearance of the lunar eclipse is really amazing.

But in the same way, the shock in his heart could not be eliminated.

God's house.

Another god's house!

Especially the wisteria, there are countless waves in the heart:

"Are you sure this is the human world?"

"The demigods are everywhere, and even the mansion of the gods is endless.

"What is the Lord God going to do?"

As Archbishop of the Judgment Church.

Wisteria naturally holds countless secret materials.

So many terrifying beings gathered in one city.

It stands to reason that the surrounding space has long been unbearable and directly shattered.

But now...

Not only is the space unbroken, but hundreds of thousands of people live there.

Wisteria has never seen this happen.

Therefore, the indifferent face was completely replaced by astonishment at this moment.

Silly staring at the eclipse, motionless.

The red raccoon smelled an unusual breath.

For some reason, He suddenly had a feeling of being on guard against the lunar eclipse.

This feeling is very strange.

But for a demigod like Chili, the six senses have already been strengthened to the extreme.

It doesn't feel like a no-brainer.

Therefore, the back of the red raccoon swelled up, and it looked like it was fried.

It looks fierce, but in fact it is to cheer itself up.

Eclipse has no interest in going around in circles with the two demigods, so, bluntly said:

"I don't belong here."

"But there are reasons to stay here.

"Compared to the core faction that can't be squeezed in and the Night's Watch team that prides itself on being incompatible with us, I think we can unite and form a new force.

"As a god, I will invite you to become a part of this force, you..."

"are you willing?"

"You steal my resources!

Hearing this sentence, Chili's chin fell to the ground immediately.

Who would have thought that the aloof divine mansion would be so excessive.

These lines are so familiar, they are obviously a copy of what he just said.

0... ask for flowers‥

Chili instinctively wanted to refuse, but at this moment, Wisteria took a step forward slowly, leaned over and said:

"I am willing to join your forces.

The red raccoon's neck slowly turned, and his eyes seemed to kill the wisteria, and he said word by word:

"Obviously I invited you too, why do you want to...

"Want to join other forces?

Bewitched than before.

With the arrival of the lunar eclipse, the power of bewitching has long been dispelled.

As a result, the wisteria's brain regains control of the body.

"You are a demigod, and the other is a god.

"Is this a comparison?

With a backer, Wisteria looked at Chili with a look of contempt.


The red raccoon wanted to go wild, but in the next second, a touch of coercion was attached to him.

Not only that, but a playful voice sounded in his ears:

"It's your turn to make a statement, little guy.

"Agree or disagree?"

Even if he never looked back, Chili still had a terrifying image of a baby smiling gloomily in his mind.

People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

The red raccoon swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded extremely aggrieved:

"I agree."

After saying these words, the red raccoon slumped on the ground like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Sad to cry.

Chili never imagined that not only did he not expand his own territory, but he even entered it!

Only the face of the lunar eclipse, the gloom dissipated, and then a naive smile appeared:

"In the name of my lord, you will not regret your decision at this moment.

"My vocation is the moon, and besides that, I'm still..."

"My lord's goddaughter!"

compared to priesthood.

In the eyes of the lunar eclipse, the status of the goddaughter highlights his importance in this city.


The phantoms of the monsters have not dissipated for a long time.

After finally seeing a toy that fell into the world, I originally thought that I could have a good time.

Who would have thought that the other party would anger the Lord God.

Toys be damned.

But again, it was too easy to die.

If given to them, these monsters swear that they will let each other experience the real pain and despair.

Foul words of anger resounded around.

But just when the monsters were indignant, branches and leaves of vines began to sway for no reason.

Black goat cub.

This monster, which is composed of branches and flesh and blood, said at this moment:

"When throwing the sacrifice, I put a [twig] into the formation in advance.""

"The arrival and departure of the other party was very hasty, obviously leaving many flaws.

"Relying on the flaws, I found the final orientation of the [branch].""

"Want to go on a long journey?"

"I mean……"

The black goat cub's eyes flashed, paused for a second, and continued:

"Do you want to destroy, the lair of the blasphemers?!" Four.

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