Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 260 The source of filth, the new vassal! 【Subscription】

"Has anyone been promoted to a demigod again?"

"This is heaven, isn't it?

A private house.

Wu Zhichao's eyes locked on Wei Xun, who was hanging in the air.

He recognized this man.

The so-called guardian of the city.

But, ironically...

He prides himself on being righteous, but his body spreads dark energy.

People can't escape the law of true fragrance.

But this is not a gift.

As the owner of the forbidden land, Wu Zhichao stayed in the world for countless years.

He is accustomed to the inferiority of human beings.

In the face of death, all kinds of bad roots will be manifested.

But Wu Zhichao was surprisingly able to understand each other.

Humanity will eventually be destroyed.

The blood moon hanging in the sky is the best proof.

It is a curse that one day this world will fall into the abyss and be ruthlessly destroyed.

What Wu Zhichao wanted to do was to gather more power before the world was destroyed.

But what Wu Zhichao never thought was...

With the advent of an existence, the world turned around.

Evil, spooky, scary.

Wu 03 Zhichao, who had thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years of knowledge, had few words in his mind when he faced that existence.

Obviously, the disaster in this world cannot be reversed.

So that even if the mansion of the gods comes, it cannot delay the final destruction.


But because of the arrival of the "shop owner", the world has a chance to gain a new life.

This city is the best proof.

The weak night watchmen, under the influence of unknown energy, successively obtained terrifying strength.

And now, because of the absorption of the blood of God, the power has changed again.

in a short time.

All realms are taken to a whole new level.

But their income is not simply to improve the realm.

Wu Zhichao stretched out his hand and let the blood drip onto his palm.

However, he saw the blood in his palm, as if it had life, and began to spin continuously.

After a while, limbs, a body, and vague facial features grew.

After a few seconds, the cheeks are shaped.

A face identical to the Lord of Judgment appeared out of thin air.

The Lord of the Judgment, who had shrunk countless times, stared at Wu Zhichao with rage:

"Damn guy!

"Look at what!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!

The Lord of Judgment is irritable.


Wu Zhichao clenched his fingers tightly, and the Lord of Judgment, who had shrunk countless times, was instantly crushed and turned into a drop of blood again.

Powerful breath of life.

This is the gift of God.

The horror of the gods is indescribable.

If it is normal, even if the blood is bestowed by the gods, those human beings who want to consume it are idiots.

Each other is not a dimensional life at all.

The blood of God can only be enjoyed by the heirs.

The rest of the people, in the face of that pure power, will only turn into mindless monsters or directly explode.

But now, because of the shop owner's shot, it was completely shattered in an instant.

God's body burst.

Every part of the body, every drop of blood, will be beaten into a pure atomic state.

Therefore, when humans take it, there will be no sequelae.

"What a terrifying strength to be able to do this?

Wu Zhichao couldn't even believe what he saw.

But it actually happened.

God's blood without side effects.

This is not heaven, what is it?

If Wu Zhichao stood in the rain of blood at this moment, his strength would rise further.

But all gifts are marked with prices in secret.

The most expensive thing in the world is free.

These decomposed blood of the gods are easier to temper.

But the more they absorb, the more loyal they become to the store owner.

Not so much blood.

Rather, it's a poisonous candy.

"Would you like to accept the gift?"

"Once a lot of these gifts are ingested, I will be completely bound to each other.


"That's a nice adjective."

As a god, thinking may be inherently cumbersome.

But the body is far more honest than the brain.

Just when Wu Zhichao was still thinking, his legs had already spread out and he walked out of the room.

Everything around me started to slow down.

Countless raindrops gathered around Wu Zhichao's body like iron fragments were attracted by magnets.

The Lord of Judgment sacrificed the power obtained by millions of people, but at this moment, it was occupied by magpies and all plundered.

"That's power!"

The realm of the gods has faced the most severe test in several Genesis eras.

Under the alliance of demons, devils and bugs, countless gods have suffered accidents.

And Wu Zhichao is one of them.

He wanted to accumulate strength and counterattack.

But how easy is it?

When he was a god's residence, Wu Zhichao was still unable to resist the attack and ended up in a tragic end on earth.

Now, with only the strength of a demigod, how could it be possible to counterattack the realm of the gods and avenge himself?

But everything changed after encountering that existence.

Just like the city's night watchman, after surrendering to the other party, 413 has a strange "guardian" power.

After Wu Zhichao devoted his faith, he also got his own second life.

The blood of God constantly transformed Wu Zhichao's body.

Gradually, his body changed.

The flesh and blood all over his body, like ice cream lit by the sun, was gradually melting.

In just a few seconds, Wu Zhichao's limbs and facial features were all fused into a ball.

He looks like the ultimate source of all distortion and filth.

The pale gray mass was constantly quivering and expanding.

The creeping and wriggling metamorphic creatures were schizophrenic and then fled in all directions, crawling all over the street.

The unilateral devouring of the blood of the gods has little effect.

At this moment, Wu Zhichao actually split himself up to absorb more energy.

This is the price of "free".

That existence represents an unknown civilization.

Wu Zhichao, who was fortunate enough to enter the shop, even saw a monster that could not be described in words.

Nameless smoke, twisted trees, squatting lucky cats.


Each one is different from ordinary creatures, and all are synonymous with filth.

But now, Wu Zhichao got his wish and became a member of the filth camp.

He became ugly.



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