Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 252 The seal is lifted, the true god of fury! 【Subscription】

"Has it started yet?"


Mu You, who was guarding the corpse, looked up at the sky.

Although it has never entered the eternal realm of the highest in the world.

But Mu You was not at all afraid of the gaze of the gods in the sky.

She had no symptoms of orbital bleeding.

There is only one reason...

Different from Ren Peng's shallow belief.

In the process of contacting Chen Feng, Mu You has already become a fanatic of the other party.

In Mu You's heart, there is only one figure that can be called a god.

As for the rest of the gods...

In Mu You's eyes, he was nothing but a false god.

There is no qualification to compete with it at all!

Whether it is a lucky cat or a potted plant, these beings with the power to reach the sky are all devoutly loyal vassals.

Just pick one out, and you can compete with the false gods in the sky.

What's more, the true Lord of the Gods?

"I'm going to do my job too.

While talking, Mu You took out a branch from his arms.

This is a very ordinary branch.

It's like breaking off a tree.

But after the tree came into contact with the air, it softened, not only as in 407, but also cracks opened one after another.


Grim eyes also appeared in the world.

Under Mu You's feet was a sacrifice formation.

If you want to summon the gods to come, you must put in the corresponding sacrifices.

On weekdays.

It is in this way that the God of Judgment summons the God of Judgment to the world, and then sacrifices the city.

But now, Mu You decided to pay part of the other party's "salary" first

"I hope you like my offering.""

There was a strange smile on Mu You's face.

Without the slightest hesitation, she threw the branch in her hand into the formation.

Just a branch.

It doesn't seem to affect the whole call.

But what is intriguing is...

The originally bright formation around, at this moment, actually passed a dark color.

On the side, Dong Kui was still kneeling on the ground, she kept kowtow, praying for the God of Judgment to come soon.

"My stalwart my lord, loyal believers welcome your arrival."

Under the staggering of fear and anger, Dongkui's heart changed.

Unlike the previous indifference.

At this moment, Dong Kui had already fallen into an inexplicable frenzy.

She desperately prayed that the God of Judgment would come soon.

Only in this way, can I be ashamed and avenge my comrades.

But at this moment, Dong Kui suddenly felt a little itchy on his cheeks.

She couldn't help reaching out and scratching.

But who would have thought that it would get out of hand.

The more you grab it, the stronger that feeling becomes.

In this case, Dong Kui seems to be trapped in a mental maze, unable to escape.

When the time comes to react...

Dong Kui's cheeks have been scratched with blood.

The scarlet blood plasma dripped on the ground, and the delicate face became a dazzling piece of rotten flesh at this moment.

Immediately, a sharp pain spread over the soul.

"Do not!

"What the hell am I doing!

"It's so painful, my lord, save me."

What's even more bizarre is that in the bloody wound, a pupil appeared out of thin air.

The look in his eyes was extremely gloomy and extremely terrifying.

All the dark words in the world can be used to describe each other.

And this is just the beginning.

Dongkui's body was like a cracked wall, with more and more cracks appearing.

Even the top of his head was cracked at the moment, and a pupil appeared.

Eyes staring at the sky.

Full of disdain and ridicule.

Dong Kui was originally the main character who led this formation. At this moment, the believers were parasitized by heretics and naturally couldn't escape the eyes of the God of Judgment.

(adae) In an instant, they finished looking at each other.

Different from the previous indifference, the eyes that appeared in the sky this time have been completely overwhelmed by anger.

"Desecrator, die!"

A voice appeared in Dong Kui's ear.


This is the wrath of the true God.

Although the wrath of the God of Judgment is towards those hideous eyes.

But Dongkui and eyes belong to the same body.

Dong Kui only heard one voice and lost his six senses.

Dongkui squatted dumbly on the ground.

Not only the body, but also the soul, in the face of the wrath of God, is like a porcelain, directly shattered.

This is God.

No emotion.

No mercy.

The god of judgment is not worried about Dongkui being infected.

But as his own believer, he doesn't even have the least resistance.

It's a shame to stay in the world like this kind of waste.

The advent has now begun.

Believers like Dongkui have no meaning to exist anymore.


That's where she finally belongs.

But even though Dong Kui has become a living dead without the slightest consciousness.

But the eyes on the body still glowed with energy.

Those eyes were still staring at the one eye in the sky.

The provocation continues.


After a brief dead silence, a thunderous roar resounded throughout the whole world.

The sound was so loud it was deafening.

Rao is that the residents hid in the room and were also affected by this terrifying coercion.

"Mom, I'm afraid." 9

In the room, a child cried and ran to his mother.

Although the woman also felt extremely panic, but when she saw the child running towards her, she stepped forward and hugged him.

"It's okay, my lord will bless us. 99

under terrible pollution.

The whole city has become a believer of a certain being.

In the past, these beliefs were placed in the deepest layers of the soul.

But now, under the domination of fear, it was as if the seal had been broken open layer by layer.

The woman doesn't even know who the Lord in her mouth is.

But it is like the vines of trees that have long been rooted in the ground.

Faith in our Lord is also filled with the whole soul.

"My lord?"

The child opened his eyes wide and seemed to be very familiar with these two words.

The woman nodded, and although she couldn't hide the fear in her eyes, she still said loudly:

"rest assured.

"The Lord will deliver us all.

"Lingzhou will turn danger into danger.

At the end, the woman's expression gradually firmed up:

"As long as my lord is there, it will be fine!"

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