Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 247 Equivalent exchange, twisted fanatic! 【Subscription】


Wisteria's eyes are dull, like a hollowed out doll.

Completely lost consciousness.

He clearly remembered the entire process of his belief in the God of Judgment.

From the initial confusion, to belief, until becoming a mad believer with the identity of the archbishop.

These memories still exist.

This is not common sense.

According to past experience, once the soul is corroded.

The entire memory will be confused.

Family, friends, and even everything they have experienced in the past are completely annihilated from the moment they are polluted.

This is why.

The main reason why polluters don't hesitate to kill family members.

The conscience that belongs to human beings disappears completely from the moment of mutation.

And now...

The experience of wisteria is very different from ordinary pollution.

He still retains all his memories.

From joining the Judgment Church to the present, every scene is like a frozen picture scroll, re-engraved in the back of my mind.

He even knew the purpose of coming here.

Sacrifice the entire Lingzhou city.

But it was under such circumstances that his beliefs were reversed.

He no longer worships the so-called Lord of Judgment.

Instead, he dedicated all his soul to the immortal mansion called Primal Chaos.

"In the end what happened?"

Wisteria looked lost.

But at this moment, the boss on the side asked:

"Do I need to wrap it up for you?"

403" discounted, very cheap. 39

In Wisteria's mind, a light flashed.

He stared blankly at the magic box that contained countless heresies in his hands.

He thought of a word.

Equivalent exchange.

To get something, you have to give up some equivalent value.

Ever since he took over the box handed over by the other party, Wisteria's fate has changed.

The price of the box is really not expensive.

You don't even have to pay for it.

Because the price paid is...

Just your own soul.

Wisteria took a deep breath.

He tried to save himself.

But now, He is like a traveler who fell into a swamp.

The terrifying silt had dragged him to the bottom.


Easier said than done.

"Accept my Lord's invitation.

"This is your honor.

"Lucky ants, you should feel lucky, not frown like a bitter gourd."

There was a burst of sarcasm in his ears again.

The owner of the sound originates from the shelf.

This time, it was no longer the level 0 Sealed Artifact that made the sound.

But the ethereal smoke.

Below the smoke is a cigarette.

Very strange (adae) decoration.

No one will dedicate a spot on the shelf for a cigarette.

But the owner of the shop did just that.

Cigarettes kept changing faces in mid-air.

Even the wisteria is slightly uncomfortable with the appearance of open teeth and claws.

A terrifying deterrent, even the demigods can't take care of themselves.

Obviously, this one is terrifying in the cigarette, which is a bit more terrifying than the lucky cat at the door.

Smoke changes faces quickly.

But Wisteria still captured some familiar facial features.

Su Ye, Qingdai, Qiusang...

These people are the gods appointed by Wisteria outside the city.

Wisteria is not stupid.

After experiencing all kinds of changes, He naturally knew that his companions had encountered unexpected events.

Everything that has been done before has failed.

Wisteria originally thought she should be heartbroken.

It can be said that the believers who are going to Lingzhou City at this moment are all adjudicating the high-level combat power of the church.

It was wiped out at the moment.

Judgment that the church will be slumped from now on, or even completely wiped from the world.

But after witnessing the tragic situation of his companions, Wisteria not only did not feel heartache, but a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Wisteria stretched out a hand to the corner of his mouth in a daze.

Is he actually smiling?

Even more frightening, a voice resounded in my mind without warning:

"The blasphemers, die.

Wisteria knows that she can't go back by herself.

Where is this shop located in the city!

It's basically a devil's cave living in the world.

Demigods are strong.

But everything here has already passed through the cognition of wisteria.

He closed his eyes.

thought for a few seconds.

When I opened it again, there was no more confusion.

Instead, it seemed that he had obtained some kind of new life, and strange colors bloomed in his eyes.

"The primordial chaos.

Wisteria recited these four words silently in her heart.

Without thinking too much, Wisteria reached into her arms and took out a mirror.

He looked at the young boss:

"I went out without money.""

"Can I get this instead?

Chen Feng frowned slightly:

"Another whistleblower?

"It's okay to wear weird clothes, there's no money..."

Chen Feng looked helplessly at the mirror in the other's hand.

This is a relatively quaint mirror.

Only the size of a palm.

There is a handle below, suitable for women's dressing use.

As for the fan, some flowers and plants are also depicted.

Chen Feng concluded.

This item, so far, has...

a week.

"From the two dollar store?"

"Forget it, open the door in the morning to do business, and it is the most taboo to fail. 39

"As for the loss, it's not so much. After all, the purchase price of this bottle of freshener is only a few cents."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng handed over the mirror in his hand and immediately put it on the shelf.

"Okay, it's a deal."

And the moment the mirror touches the shelf.

The eyes around him instantly focused on the position where the mirror was placed.

Even the "lucky cat" who has been lazy all the time has slanted eyebrows at this moment, and moved his eyes towards the mirror a little bit.

Obviously, this mirror is not ordinary.

As the only level 0 sealed artifact of the Church of Judgment.

Soul Mirror.

It is an existence tempered by the Lord of Judgment.

Similarly, the other party also takes into account the mission of purifying heresy.

For countless years, the lives strangled by the Soul Gathering Mirror cannot be counted at all.

At the moment it was placed, the terrifying murderous aura leaked out instantly.

This is also the reason why the other party will attract the attention of many store employees.

Seeing that Chen Feng accepted his exchange.

The smile on Wisteria's face grew even stronger.

He accepted his destiny.

Weird though.

But it is like eating and drinking, believing in the Primordial Primordial Chaos, which is what He has to do and must perform!

Wisteria bent over to say goodbye, opened the door and walked out.

He did not choose to leave, but looked up at the sky.

The Annihilation Array that summons the God of Judgment has not yet been lifted.

But up to now, the existence of the control circle has already been replaced by blood.

At this moment, there was a flash of malice in Wisteria's eyes, and he seemed to be struggling in some way.


Impulsivity triumphs over reason.

Wisteria lowered her voice and muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear:

"I will offer sacrifices to my lord.""

"I want to sacrifice..."

"God of Judgment!

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