Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 245 Death fireworks, endless reincarnation! 【Subscription】

The wild vision when he came, lingered in his mind like a revolving lantern.

At this moment, these originally familiar companions ripped their throats and shouted at Wisteria in their sharpest voices:

But in the face of such a strange creature, Wisteria couldn't hold back the fear in his heart, and couldn't help but take a step back.

At the moment of touch, Wisteria's consciousness, like fireworks, exploded directly.

Wisteria looked down.

"Who is one with you?"

"new member?"

Some have more than a dozen heads, and there is no place on the neck, and even grow to the chest and waist.

It makes people terrified and afraid to face it.


Like a wall full of mold.

At first, Wisteria noticed the figure of the Wraith in the magic box.

The scary thing is...

Each one is oddly shaped.


But even so, the other party has not died.

Even outrageously strong.

Weird appearance, will be treated differently in an instant.


Wisteria prides herself on being worthy of herself and her companions.

They worship darkness.

Inside, it has long been corrupted and deformed and cannot be restored.

The impact of the formed field of vision made Wisteria's pupils slowly shrink for a while.


On weekdays, even the strongest of these evil spirits would not dare to take a step closer to the wisteria.


His mouth trembled slightly, and blood dripped on the ground.

The appearance of these evil spirits has already exceeded his imagination.

He wants to rebuke these ugly monsters.

A look that is about to hug wisteria.

The voice just fell.

Anyway whitewash.

There is no fear under the true God.

You can't go to the kingdom of God where you can't go to a certain mansion.

in a one-to-one situation.

Because of the strength of wisteria.

Because such monsters are not one or two, but thousands.

As long as it's not a terrifying god.

As a demigod.

"Stop resisting!"

This is the background of wisteria walking on this land.

Wisteria wanted to ask why the other party appeared here.

But the evil spirits such as these mutants in front of him still make Wisteria lose his mind.

But at this moment, they appeared in front of him with distorted expressions.

It was none other than Qingdai, who was also a divine envoy.

For inexplicable reasons, they were stranded in the world.

"Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time."

03 can't fall into the bottomless purgatory wrapped in death.

The picture seen in Wisteria's consciousness is the annihilation beyond darkness.

And the magic box is their habitat.

Wisteria has the ability to resist evil.

Even if it is an infected person, at least it belongs to the category of living beings.

A cold palm suddenly grabbed Wisteria's ankle.

It can be destroyed directly with just a wave of your hand.


Wisteria felt creepier.

Walking on the devastated land.

Wisteria never imagined that things would develop into what they are today.

But some infected people are not suffering from external changes, but their inner world has long been rotten.

What's more, a penetrating scar appeared on the neck, and the blood was still flowing.


It is the gift of wisteria to them.

But when it came to his mouth, he couldn't say a word at all.

Qingdai's body was suddenly enveloped in flames.

The magic box was opened.


Following the other party's suggestion, Wisteria discovered that even her own soul had been corroded.

If it's just pure evil spirits, Wisteria can endure it.

But this time is different.

Some of them were covered in blood, as if they were attacked by a beast.

Infected after being contaminated.

But even if you are used to seeing infected people.

They are like a bunch of dead people.

The fireworks in my mind are not the familiar gorgeous colors.

These heads placed on a body seem to share a consciousness.

Countless undead, accompanied by the sound of mourning and grief, surrounded the wisteria layer by layer.

Not only that.

"Are they still living creatures?"

But at this time, the figures that appeared in Wisteria's mind, without exception, were all twisted abnormally.

Wisteria is strong.

Some of the seven orifices bleed, apparently being poisoned.

"Clap! 95

Some bodies will mutate, grow extra hands and feet, or have a few more eyes.

In Wisteria's consciousness, one cold arm after another grabbed onto his legs.

The incalculable evil spirits perfectly explain why the ants kill the elephant.

More than a dozen voices overlapped together, and there was no sense of disobedience.

The work of Wisteria and the gods of the Lord of Faith Judgment is to purify the infected.

Until then, even staying in the world will become a luxury.

And will do a series of incredible things.

Even more bizarre is that...

"Let's embrace the new life together.

"The door to new life has opened.

But the more so...

Autumn mulberry, Dongkui, Su Ye...

"Bishop, join us.

Therefore, Wisteria has never had the slightest sympathy for this group of people.

So much so that Wisteria was even deprived of the ability to breathe.

next second.

This is not an unfamiliar term.

While talking, the other party even opened his arms.

Not just the body.

And when the monster rushed towards the wisteria, more than a dozen mouths were still muttering:

Fireworks can only reflect value when they bloom in the dark.

"Bishop, please be sure to join...

Tens of thousands of evil spirits rushed into Wisteria's consciousness.

Wisteria possesses the confidence to contend with any existence.

Rather, it was intense darkness.

The gorgeous picture, blooming in just a few seconds, is the most beautiful moment.

"Don't resist, don't struggle, we are all one.

But what he can't accept is...

Qingdai didn't have a single piece of intact flesh all over her body.

But at this moment, Wisteria's palm is like a key, just at the moment of touching...

Although this kind of infection is scary, it does not know how to hide, and the danger can be effectively controlled.

But now, the wisteria was just submerged in the fireworks of death in an instant.

Qingdai stared at the wisteria and said:

In just an instant, the 403-looking companion turned into a mummified corpse.

All of these people are the main force sent by Wisteria to offer sacrifices to God's punishment.

They seem to be completely cut off from the outside world.

But just as he took a step.

Some have slender limbs, like stick insects after mutation.

In the end, Wisteria still held the magic box.

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