Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 240 No 1 was spared, and the demise of the apostles was adjudicated! 【Subscription】

The Judges who lost two of their comrades one after another.

Nothing weird was found.


Together with the God of Judgment, the formation is still going on.

But in a corner they had never seen before, the original Chanyi and Qingdai had already fallen in a pool of blood.

Their eyes were dull, and there was no expression in their pupils.

They didn't even know what happened to them.

They tried to pray to the God of Judgment for divine punishment to punish the sinners who killed their lives.


above the sky.

There is no light.

In its place is endless darkness.

Under the shroud of darkness, all messages could not be delivered.

Only the silk thread connected to the formation turned into a kite's rope, soaring straight into the sky, heading for the inexplicable kingdom of God.

And at the same time...

The rest of the employees who came out of the store also joined the hunt.

Su Ye suddenly noticed that the surrounding environment had changed.

I don't know when, there is an endless fog gathered around him.

Fog generation requires a process.

But these mists, like a silent moment, came to his side at a very strange pace.

Su Yefeng frowned slightly, and energy grew in both hands.

She is already on guard.

Adhering to the previous experience, Su Ye's breathing slowed down.

She is like a beast hiding in the forest, about to start her own hunting.


But despite slowing down his breathing.

But Su Ye couldn't help but change his face.

Because at this moment, she suddenly felt an unimaginable pain in her throat.

"This mist is poisonous!""

Su Ye was shocked and tried to escape from here.

But just took a step...

Su Ye stood there strangely.

Originally piercing eyes, this time turned into gray.

Even the corners of the terrified mouth grinned in an inexplicable arc at this moment:

"A new body.

"A new toy.""

The mist in the distance caught Qiusang's attention.

"what is that?


Qiusang saw that many figures appeared in the fog.

"Have our whereabouts been revealed?"

As a whole team, it can be called the existence of "forward".

Don't look at Qiusang's frail outfit, but he actually possesses terrifying explosive power.

In a very short period of time, she was able to mobilize her strength several times, even ten times.

"No matter who you are, you can't stop the coming of the Lord God."

"Drink! 99


Qiusang's entire body changed in an instant.

Her limbs became extremely thick, and a tail grew behind her.

That tail has no fluff at all.

It is a bone tail.

Who would have thought that Qiusang would actually use his extraordinary power to mobilize his bones, thus evolving into such a terrifying weapon.


"Pfft! 35

The tail slaps in the air with a powerful sonic boom.

Every attack carries a terrifying power of destruction.

Even the legendary transcendents with amazing defenses will instantly turn into a cloud of blood fog after suffering this whip-tail attack.

Just a few seconds.

The cloak on Qiusang's body was burst by the terrifying figure, not only that, but that delicate face also turned into a terrifyingly twisted monster.

"If I remember correctly, Su Ye is responsible for guarding the direction of the mist."

"The mist is coming too fast. With Su Ye's ability, he is obviously still persevering."

"Wait for me." 5

Qiusang no longer hesitated, and after fixing the formation, he actually landed on all fours, like a beast, and rushed towards the mist.

"Nice ability. 35

But what Qiusang couldn't imagine was that just as he stepped out into the air, an unusually calm voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

Just for a moment.

Goosebumps appeared all over Qiusang's body.

There is no sign.

An unfamiliar existence appeared beside him, and Qiusang didn't react at all.

If the other person is not evaluating themselves.

What about a direct attack?

Qiusang is worthy of being a mad believer who is proficient in combat. After a brief period of surprise, he responded.

But she saw that her waist was twisted 180 degrees in midair, and at the same time, her arm was swung out.

The sharp nails are as sharp as a dagger.

Following the direction from which the voice came, Qiu Sang slashed down with a ruthless blow.


The strength is so great that dark colors appear around the space.

Among them, a terrible liquid seeps out.

Like blood.

Obviously, Qiusang's concentrated attack successfully broke the shackles of space.

Unfortunately, Qiusang did not find the target.

"Are you looking for me?""

The sound appeared again.

Qiusang kicked out again in a flash.


The sonic boom is like the sound of a shell exploding.

But the enemy still has no whereabouts.

"The reaction is a little slower, and the appearance is a little ugly, but Qiang has a good potential."

"Well, let's make an exception to include you in the collection. 99

"Don't worry, I will nurture you well.

"Makes you stronger."

Anxiety began to spread.

Successive attacks did not hit, and the mysterious existence, between words, even described himself as a collection.

All this inexplicable, let Qiusang begin to feel fear.

He tried to calm himself down.

But inadvertently, he suddenly discovered that those figures in the mist began to slowly walk towards him.

At first it was only a dozen.

But every step is like a terrible reproduction.

A dozen or so became twenty.

Then it turned into dozens.

And after taking a few steps, these voices have turned into thousands.

The shadows occupied all the directions Qiusang could see.

On the ground, in mid-air, and even in the blue sky.

All filled with dense shadows.

But when they came to Qiusang, everything around them was filled with darkness.

"Do not!"

Qiusang has the ability to perceive terror.

An irresistible oppressive force completely covered her body at the moment when the shadows converged.

It's a primal fear.

Just like mortals facing floods, tsunamis, and mudslides, it is not a disaster that human beings can contend with.

Everything around is calm.

The darkness disappeared.

Qiusang also disappeared.

Everything is like an illusion.

It was as if Qiusang had never existed in this world.


The figure in the mist reappeared.


Different from before, this time, in the shadow, it was once again made.

The other seems to be wearing a cloak.

Delicate appearance, very like the original...

Autumn mulberry.

"Are you still there?"

As a wise brain, Dong Kui is an extraordinary person of perception.

She doesn't have agile speed, terrifying explosiveness, or weird abilities.

But under the strengthening of extraordinary power, he has mastered the ability to strengthen perception and brain domain.

Among the believers, she was able to connect brain waves together.

"We were attacked.

"I vaguely heard some scary noises."

"Report the situation, how are you?"

Just like countless times before, Dongkui tried to connect everyone and analyze each other's information.

But unlike before, this time it was a long silence.

Dong Kui's face slowly turned purple.

"anyone there?"

"Can anyone hear? 35


"help me!""

"Who can help me!"

A sharp voice suddenly appeared in Dong Kui's ear.

"Bai Shao? Is that you Bai Shao?!

"Where are you?"

The voice that Dong Kui heard was the voice of Bai Shao.

But unlike the other party's usual coldness, at this moment, this taciturn companion was talking to himself like a madman.

"I'm in a jungle.

"The trees here have life."

"They can walk, and the trees have terrible teeth."

"They are biting me, who will save me..."

"They still have tentacles that limit my freedom, ahem... help me... help me...

Bai Shao's voice disappeared.

at the last minute.

Dong Kui clearly heard the sound of coughing up blood.

And that's like a fuse.

"It's getting dark here, and a jellyfish has appeared in the sky, shining all over, God! It's a god!

"Suddenly there is a toad sitting on the ground in front of me. I want to escape, but why is it so sleepy?"

"Where am I? I've been traveling through deserts, oceans, land, and even the legendary purgatory!""

"help me!"

"God of judgment, please save me!

A series of voices appeared in Dongkui's ears.

There was a hint of powerlessness in these voices.

It seems that there are terrifying big hands that surround Dongkui layer by layer.

At this moment, she looks like an ant in a frying pan.

Every inch of reason, every inch of skin seems to be torn apart and crumpled into a ball, life is better than death.

And after that, there was no sound around.

Although I don't want to admit it, Dongkui has realized that...

Except myself.

The companions around, none of them were spared, all of them...


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