Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 235 The Dark Dimension, Wei Xun's Well in10ti1d Advice! 【Subscription】


It's not like a person's name.

Rather, it is more like a plant.

But in the entire justice judgment, this name is enough to make all the companions stunned.

Different from the Cthulhu Church, the meaning of its existence is to carry out disasters.

Whether it is the original intention of the establishment or the teachings of the evil gods, they are full of strong evil thoughts towards this world.

But justice is different...

They pride themselves on guarding the dam of justice.

But the behavior...

But even the Heretic God Church was discouraged and dared not compare with it.

Wisteria belongs to the adjudication camp, and in his worldview, there are only black and white.

There are no remaining colors at all.

Anyone stained with black, even if there is only a trace of human beings, will be mercilessly purified.

Purification, regeneration.

This is the oracle proclaimed by the ruling.

There is no doubt that the followers of this group are pure lunatics.

In their hearts, it seems that they do not feel how appalling it is to eradicate human beings or even a city.


They moved their hands with peace of mind.


There is no need to renovate the damp and moldy house. In their opinion, they just need to completely destroy the house.


Wisteria is here.

He saw the sin in Ren Peng's eyes. Originally, relying on the pupil technique, he thought that he could easily purify the sinful person.

But who would have thought that the other party escaped unscathed.


That guy also seemed to trigger some kind of soul protection mechanism, so that he got out of the shackles of Wisteria's pupil technique.

"Strange places, strange people."

“However, the occasional fish that slips through the net won’t affect the overall picture.35

After receiving the oracle of the ruling god, Wisteria went here to try to purify the city.

as the high priest of justice.

Wisteria had the power of a demigod a few years ago.

It is precisely because of this that He has the confidence to go here alone to explore the degree of pollution in this city.

Although he was mentally prepared, when Wisteria used his pupil technique to look around here, he was still startled by the dark energy of this city.

Wisteria's eyes, like starlight at this moment, shone with a strange dark golden color.

At the moment when the pupil technique unfolded.

A second ago, the city was full of people.

In the next second, it turned into a dazzling and terrifying purgatory.

However, he saw a huge black fog looming over the entire city.

Under the shroud of black fog.

Everyone, regardless of gender, age, or age, is covered with a layer of viscous black liquid.

That sticky substance seems to have life, attached to the body of ordinary people.

And when the wisteria stared at them, they slowly raised their bodies.

What kind of vision shock is this?

A terrifying energy radiated from the human beings that the naked eye could see.

Immediately, those silt-like things sent out...

"Gollum! 35

"Gollum! 35

Sounds like eyes opening.

On the silt-like body, more than a dozen eyes were opened.

And there are thousands of human beings around the wisteria.

In this way, tens of thousands of eyes stared at the wisteria like this.

next second.

These silt monsters also seemed to have discovered some clues, and they all made harsh sounds.

This voice does not spread in the human world.

More similar to a four-dimensional space, or even a higher-dimensional energy display.

no doubt.

The other party is asking for reinforcements.

These monsters attached to humans discovered the intruder of Wisteria.

If an ordinary extraordinary person saw this terrifying scene, his spirit would be destroyed in an instant.

But after a brief moment of surprise, Wisteria looked at everything in front of her with interest.

He has seen many humans who have been polluted by evil gods.

Some take on terrifying forms that are half-human, half-beast.

Some spirits suffer irreversible damage.

even more...

Some features were completely devoid of human features, but turned into brownish-yellow mucus.

But even so, even if those dark substances add up, they are not as "stunning" as the darkness in front of them.


Wisteria has been challenged like never before.

But as a faithful believer of the Lord God, and even got the trump card of the God Arrival given by the God of Judgment, it can be said...

Wisteria's mind remained absolutely calm.

He did not rush to take action, but waited quietly, looking forward to what kind of heresy these monsters could summon.

and this……

Undoubtedly, it is a great opportunity for him to understand the combat power of this city.

There is no simple role to be the high priest of the church.

Wisteria didn't wait too long.

Not even a minute.

far away……

A terrifying and stalwart figure instantly appeared in front of him.

People didn't arrive.

But the dark energy attached to the body began to expand.

In just a few seconds, Du Fang became a giant monster with a height of more than ten meters.

The monster was full of eyes.

The dense appearance seems to have thousands of them.

These eyes permeate every corner of the body.

what does that mean?

Wisteria is like being monitored by countless high-definition cameras, and any action can be completely locked.

Except for the eyes.

The energy carried by the monster is like an erupting volcano, full of despair.

At this moment, the figure of a man appeared in front of Wisteria.

Wei Xun, who received the news, rushed over immediately.

Someone invaded Lingzhou.

Although he thought it was a bit bizarre, Wei Xun knew that Ren Peng would not joke with himself about this kind of thing.

And at this moment, when Wei Xun saw Wisteria for the first time, he finally abandoned his doubts.


There are unknown powerhouses who visited the city without ever being invited.

Even if the opponent is strong.

The momentum is even more pressing, making Wei Xun rushed to the heavy pressure.


This kind of murder is really unacceptable.

Although he has fallen into darkness, Wei Xun still has a heart for mankind.

The strength of the woman in front of her was unfathomable, and even Wei Xun could not determine her true state.

There is no doubt that the other side is the rock of the human world.

It is the elite of the elite.

But if you dare to break into this place, are you really not afraid of death?

after all……

The owner of that shop hates being disturbed the most.

Thinking of this, Wei Xun lowered his voice and frowned even more threateningly:

"This is not the place you should be.""

"It's too late to leave now.

"Slow down a little bit, and be conceited!"

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