Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 233 To the dark and stubborn, the guardian of the night! 【Subscription】

Lingzhou City.

late at night.

on a quiet street.

A graceful figure is making a phone call:

"Sister Li, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will take it well.

"I've already worked overtime to complete the company's report, and it's on your desk."

"No trouble, this is what I should do. 99

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Sister Li, bye.

A woman in a public attire, looking only in her twenties.

In the wasteland, although there are dangers everywhere.

But under the protection of the stronghold, people can live a stable life.

Zhao Xiaoyan just graduated, her father was disabled due to a construction site error, and has not been to work for three years.

As for my mother, I just do simple odd jobs.

Even so, they are still a warm family of three.

Although it was difficult at home, he was never stingy towards Zhao Xiaoyan.

Even though his father has inconvenience in his legs and feet, he still insists on cooking for Zhao Xiaoyan and his lover on weekdays, waiting for their return.

Although poor.

But as long as her parents are still around, Zhao Xiaoyan feels extremely happy.

Not long ago, she got a rare job opportunity.

As a well-known large company in Lingzhou, the salary is naturally good.

Zhao Xiaoyan knows that this is the only chance for herself and her family to live a good life, so she has been working overtime since she joined the company.

Although a little tired.

But the emperor paid off, and in the end, she still won the appreciation of the leader.

became a trainee assistant.

The salary increase is only one aspect, on the other hand, she has the opportunity to change her life!

Zhao Xiaoyan cherishes everything she has now, so it is more common to go home in the middle of the night.

Hanging up the phone, just when Zhao Xiaoyan was looking forward to the future, she didn't know...

A pair of sinful eyes locked it in the corner.

It was a man in black clothes.

Light and darkness coexist.

In peaceful times, there will still be some thugs with abnormal mentality.

Especially in this dark age.

Although under the shroud of special existence, the city has no source of pollution, but some people are born bad.

Men are like beasts lurking in the dark.

After a few days of squatting, he plans to do it today.

The man stretched out his hands, pulled the rope in his hands, and muttered to himself:

"You are unlucky to meet me."

"Don't resist."

"Please don't resist, just like this, just die!"9

Men's psychology has long fallen into the abyss.

Make no mistake, he wasn't the first to hunt alone innocents.

The man is 1.8 meters tall and has a burly stature. Once he gets close to Zhao Xiaoyan, the other party has no chance to resist.

ten meters.

eight meters.

five meters.

The distance to each other is getting closer.

But Zhao Xiaoyan didn't know that she had already been targeted.

Men are ready.

As before, at the position of each other, he only needed a dash to harvest his prey.

The man took a deep breath, and when he was ready to charge, he saw a dark figure rushing towards him in the distance.

The speed is too fast, and there is only an afterimage.

Without giving the man a chance to escape, he disappeared in place.

The sudden gust of wind made Zhao Xiaoyan seem to feel something, and she turned around abruptly...

But at some point behind him, a rope was left behind.

"Strange, when I passed by, was there a rope on the ground? 35

Zhao Xiaoyan didn't pay attention to herself, she shook her head, and walked home again.


There was a call.

"Well, mom is me, don't worry I'm off work. 35

"Five minutes to go.

"You and Dad haven't eaten yet? Didn't I let you eat early?

"Okay, I'll go back now.

As he said that, a happy smile appeared on Zhao Xiaoyan's face.

As everyone knows...

Just now, she was less than a second away from death.

Contrary to men...

At this time, it was subjected to an unimaginable horror picture.

He is flying.

The sudden black shadow pierced his lute bone with sharp claws.

The unbearable pain made him cry out.

And imagine the pain, he also needs to endure more serious psychological pain.

That is...

He actually appeared in the sky above Lingzhou City.

Out of a survival instinct, the man looked up.

But just at a glance, he seemed to be frightened, his pupils shrunk into a thin line, not only that, but his mouth trembled as he muttered to himself:

"how is this possible?"

"how can that be?"

However, he saw that the person holding him was simply a monster.

It had a smooth, slick skin like a whale, a pair of nasty horns bent inwards, and its bat-like wings flapped silently.

But surprisingly fast.

The wind was like a knife, and the man who slashed was extremely painful.

Behind the opponent, there is even a tail full of barbs.

This is a bat with a humanoid appearance.

And what scares men the most is...

There was no expression on its face at all.

Not that it has no emotion.

Instead, the position of the cheek was blank.

This is a faceless monster.

Man tries to call for help...

But the monster didn't even have ears, so how could he hear his voice.

In this way, until he flew away from the city and went beyond the base.

Different from the safe stronghold sheltered by Lingzhou City, the scene outside became terrifying.

0・・・For flowers O・・

dark night.

Originally, it was the time when the infected beasts were looking for food. At this time, all kinds of strange infected beasts were squatting around, hunting and fighting recently.

The strong bloody smell immediately made the man feel a biting cold.

"Please let me go."

"I will never dare again. 99

"Let me go, please. 99

This time, the faceless monster seemed to have heard his prayer and let go of its claws.

"Do not!"

The man screamed in horror.



He still fell directly to the ground.

Falling from a height of more than ten meters, he did not die immediately.

It just feels like all the bones in the body are broken.

After a short period of confusion, there is endless regret.

Falling from the sky, his legs were broken, and the blood flowing out undoubtedly attracted the surrounding infected beasts.


The infected beasts grinned, and there was a penetrating green light in their eyes.

no doubt.

Men become what they try to hunt.

The man who just called himself a beast just now had his identity reversed at this moment.

Regret filled the whole chest, but by this time, it was too late.

In desperation, his body was torn apart.

The monster, as if admiring, was quietly suspended in the air.

And at this moment, a heavy voice came from the side:

"He's damned, but it should be by the law."

The monster turned around.

However, he saw Wei Xun, who didn't know when, was standing aside in the air.

As the monster's inviter, Wei Xun has been observing each other's actions.

This is favored by the Lord God, and the existence of transformation, the real name is no longer important...

Now it only has a code name left...

Night Demon.

Lingzhou City has laws, and even those who have committed all kinds of crimes should be tried and then convicted.

But Night Demon doesn't seem to like these formalities.

In its worldview, evil means the death penalty.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen criminals have died in its hands.


It doesn't make any sense at all.

Facing Wei Xun's questioning, Ye Mo shook his head slightly.

Immediately, a voice appeared in Wei Xun's ear:

"I am the night guardian of this city.

"During the day, you come.

"The night is mine. 35

"Any criminal has only one end.

"That is...


Deep love, hate all.

Its lover died in an inexplicable catastrophe.


This has become Night Demon, the only stubborn four.

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