Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 226 Spiritual storm, twisted world! 【Subscription】

Chili has never been so shocked as he is now.

As the master of gossip.

The red raccoon did not reach the sky in one step.

Just like a trainee night watchman, he wants to become a red glove, or even a leader at a higher level.

The hardships involved are far beyond what most people can imagine.

In the process of climbing, Chili also encountered numerous dangers.

But every time, the red raccoon can save the day.


After contacting Chen Feng, he climbed to the sky one step at a time, and has the strength of a demigod today.

Because of this, how could Chili not be domineering?

In the eyes of the raccoon.

Whether this is very Tailai.

Has entered the peak of life.

God blocks and kills gods, and demons block and kill demons.

Even if the abyss falls in front of him, as long as he has the protection of his master, he can sit back and relax.

Back to the store.

For Chili, although it is strange to the master of such strength, why does he still live in the human world.

He has a pet dog and runs a grocery store.

But adhering to the idea of ​​a servant, Chili still accepted all this calmly.

But who would have thought...

After experiencing it personally at this moment, Chili actually had the urge to escape.

The pet dog that was originally despised by him actually possesses the power of a true god.

Not only that, the opponent's legion is even more terrifying.

Too many to estimate.

When entering the store, Chili originally thought that he could finally calm down for a while, but the next second...

The ghost of the traveling Rubik's Cube appeared in front of Chili with a terrifying gesture.

A few meters of dark insects are covered with scales like a rock.

And in the center of the cheek, is a sharp one-eyed.

Locked by this one eye.

The red raccoon produced many illusions in an instant.

I kept jumping rapidly in countless spaces.

When you reach the realm of the red raccoon, you will naturally be able to distinguish between reality and illusion.

"It's not illusion at all.

"It's real!"

One after another, ancient, mysterious, barren, and mysterious worlds flashed before Chili.

He has an idea.

If the other party wants to.

In an instant, he will be detained in a certain space, and he will never be able to return to the human world.

"This is the power of a level 0 sealed item `~?"

Chili knows that, being able to easily teleport himself, this Sealed Artifact has already broken through level 1 and entered level 0.

Have a failed experience of corruption.

Chili's attitude towards the new companion who appeared in front of him was undoubtedly much better.

So much so that the arrogant red raccoon no longer has the indomitable temperament at this moment, but instead has a smile on the corner of his mouth, expressing goodwill to the travel cube.

But a scene that Chili could never have imagined happened.

The accompanying red raccoon spreads kindness.

next second.

Several gazes immediately focused on him.

at the door.

A black mist suddenly appeared above the head of the lucky cat that was swinging constantly.

next second.

A figure that seemed to be squatting on a cloud appeared in Chili's field of vision.

The pot-bellied monster is stocky and has a head that looks like a monstrous creature rather than a god.

With short hair covering its body, it looks like both a bat and a sloth.

His spherical eyes were half-open and half-closed, giving him a sleepy look.

But even so, it seems that because of the addition of Chili as a new partner, the other party still forcibly cheered up and smiled at Chili.

But this smile, like frost, made Chili almost faint.

And this is just the beginning.

In the corner of the shelf, a timid figure slowly appeared.

The other party is like a gate of hell, with endless evil thoughts spreading all over his body.

It was a kind of calamity that made the red raccoon try to escape. Once it got close to each other, the fate of the red raccoon would turn into pitch black.

On the side of the travel cube, a cloud of smoke slowly rose.

The smoke is changing all the time.

Every face is a lost soul.

Because they provoke existences that should not be touched, they are confined to the bodies of strange existences.

The most intriguing is...

The swaying potted plant in the corner slowly transformed into a terrifying form in front of Chili.

It looks like a huge and boundless seaweed.

But it hides black rope-like tentacles on its body.

Near its center, it has a large mouth full of sharp teeth for tearing prey to pieces.

The strong smell of rancid vegetation emanated from the monster.

Just smelling it, Chili felt dizzy and full of pain.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Grocery store?"

Chili once again questioned his own cognition.

This is nothing like what He learned from humans.

Compared to the so-called grocery store.

This is basically an exhibition room where the mansion of God is placed.

Whether it's the lucky cat at the door, the weird doll behind the shelf, the cigarette on the table, the Rubik's cube, or the potted plant in the corner.

These are common to uncommon items.

Its strength...

The minimum is level 0 Sealed Artifact.

In addition to this, like the corruption outside the door, they all possess the power of a true god.

At this moment, Chili's pride was completely torn apart.

The good yearning when we came here is like a beach hit by a tsunami. No matter how magnificent castles are piled up with sand, they will be shattered at the touch of a tsunami.

disappeared without a trace.

And under the gaze of these eyes.

In Chili's heart, there was even a sense of separation.

Seems like the next second...

The soul will be completely sublimated and completely stripped from the body.

And just when this feeling is getting stronger...

"'々 dong dong.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

The raccoon must be distracted.

Because after a few more seconds, it is very likely that he will lose his true self forever, and be trapped in the terrifying abyss, and he will never be able to escape.

Therefore, He focused his eyes on the door.

"Come in."

Chen Feng, who was packing up his things, said indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, a graceful figure walked in.

There was a baby in his arms.

The appearance of pink and jade carvings is simply a doll.

But I saw the woman smiling:

"As soon as we passed the door, she kept crying."5

"I took a closer look, and it turned out that it was you who came back.

The woman said while teasing the child:

"Did you also know the godfather was back? So happy?



The baby doesn't seem to be able to speak yet, just making milky milky sounds.

And the red raccoon who heard this voice finally couldn't hold back any longer at this moment, completely opened his mouth slightly, and fell into a state of madness.

"Teach... the godfather?"

Chili's strength is online, so he can clearly judge the extraordinary things about the baby in front of him.

"Adopt True God as a goddaughter?"

At this moment, Chili screamed in his mind:

"This world must be crazy!"

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