Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 215 Human prophets, inexplicable corruption of faith! 【Subscription】

Chen Feng opened his own properties panel.

[Code Name: Primal Chaos]

【Believers: 12】

[Reserve believers: 450,000]

【Subordinate: 5】

【Number of Summons: 1】

[Divine Reserve: 100] (belief conversion, can be summoned)

[The prototype of the temple: Lingzhou City, Xinghai Alliance]

[New Temple: Worry-free Town]

【Strange Talk: Wandering Circus】

What surprised Chen Feng was that this time he went out, and the number of his followers had once again reached a new height.

350,000 before.

And now, the number has exceeded 450,000.

Moreover, in one of the newly added temples, there is an additional city of worry-free.

Elephants don't care about ants at their feet.

The lazy Chen Feng didn't even want to think about how the other party became his believer.

By comparison.

Because of the increase in the number of believers, the increase in the divine reserve has attracted Chen Feng's attention even more.

With a full 100 points of divinity, you can summon.

This also means that Chen Feng will achieve a double summoning achievement this time.

Except for system rewards.

There are also 03 Summons with full Divinity.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng took out a mask from his backpack.

It was a clown-like mask.

The gorgeous oil paint makes the mask seem to have a unique vitality.

This is the fifth summon, the transformed item.

The last call caused a lot of panic.

Although the driver and staff did not say anything.

But from the eyes of the other party, Chen Feng could also judge that in that case, their state of mind was in a state of collapse.

If it is in front of the opponent, then summon two vassals to appear.

Chen Feng was very skeptical.

Will the other party collapse directly in the middle of the road?

Chen Feng was not too worried about the other person's body.

I just felt that it would be too unpleasant for the driver to collapse and affect his journey home.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng held back his summoning plan.

A vassal requires an item lodging.

Compared with self-renovation, Chen Feng's grocery store can undoubtedly provide more effective items.

Sea of ​​Broken Stars.

Different from the previous islands, the current island was full of people.

what's surprising is……

In addition to the well-known dark forces, the Justice League next door also joined it.


Standing in the front row, the old man in white.

The identity of the other party is extremely secret in the Star Sea Alliance, and it belongs to the existence of the real antique level.

Before the high priest became famous, legends about the other side began to circulate in this sea area.

The heart in the scepter houses the body of the high priest.

In addition to the body, the target of deprivation also has countless years of accumulated memories.

The high priest has already completed the fusion.

In its consciousness, there are two completely different life memories.

Scepter Heart and Tyrannical High Priest.

The real name of the prophet has long been lost in history.

in this sea.

On the contrary, the Prophet is better known!

The innate body knows everything.

Compared with land cities, the crises faced by coastal forces are actually more dangerous.

Those monsters in the ocean have already had the ability to land because of mutation.

Every year, the coast is attacked by terrible monsters.

They destroy human houses, capture life for food, and even occupy nests and doves, crowding out the living environment of human beings in a strange manner.

Not like these years.

With the growth of the extraordinary, the Xinghai Alliance has formed a scale, and began to effectively build strongholds to help the safety of the people.

And before.

When the high priest was still a teenager, the danger level of this sea area was far beyond what most people could imagine.

It can be said that every moment, ordinary people are under the coercion of life and death.

The family of the high priest was killed in a sea monster attack.

It is precisely because of the tragic situation in childhood that the high priest joined the tyrannical religion step by step.

Become a believer of the so-called evil god.

When the high priest was only the lowest level of the church, the reputation of the prophet had spread throughout the sea.

It can be said that in the darkest time, the other party resisted the triple blow of monsters, infected people and believers of the evil god by himself.

What's even more terrifying is that the other party is trying to promote the formation of the Star Sea Alliance.

so that...

In front of the Star Sea Alliance, even the once powerful and tyrannical sect had to retreat.

But what the High Priest never thought was...

It was such a legendary figure who even started to worship the statue standing on the island at this moment.

Lord of the Deep Divers!

For swallowing the world, the high priest has always resisted.

A long time ago, each other became grasshoppers on a rope.

But in a long-term relationship...

Not only did the High Priest not accept those creatures called Deep Divers, on the contrary, the more he knew, the heavier his heart became.

The deep diver led by the World Devourer.

It doesn't belong to this sea at all!

They come from an unfamiliar plane.

Better at underwater life than fish, more ferocious than beasts, more cunning than humans.

Moreover, the reproductive capacity of the other party is also extremely terrifying.

Young deep divers do not need human 383, more than ten years, or even twenty years of growth.

three months.

It only takes three months, and the other party will have the ability to shred the superhuman under the sea.

The high priest saw this with his own eyes.

Even if the high priest occupying this body is itself a heresy.

But when facing the deep diver and the commander swallowing the world, I still feel a little powerless.

Deep diver.

There is no doubt that it has the reproductive power of a locust and the explosive power of a lion.

And what really frightened the High Priest didn't stop there.

The high priest could not imagine...

Such terrifying deep divers are actually allegiance to the same existence.

Primal Chaos.

This is the other's name.

Not long ago, Swallowing the World even ordered to place the statue of the other party on the island.

after that……

The Star Sea Alliance took the initiative to contact and obeyed the deep diver.

These things, one after another, made the high priest feel like he was in a dream.

And now, with the appearance of the prophet, the surprise of the high priest has risen to an unprecedented posture.

It was really unexpected...

Known as Xinghai Hope, the existence of human prophets.

Inadvertently, he was corroded by the primordial primordial chaos and became the other party...

Faithful believers!.

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