Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 212 There is no hope of survival, a sacrifice that entered the cemetery by mistake! 【Subscri

Everything here is quirky.

Whether it is blocking the front, his eyes are like the true god of the sun.

It was still behind him, the monster whose body was rotting and covered with heads.

It made the Empress feel a great sense of oppression.

It's not pure fear.

Rather, it is an indescribable weirdness.

Countless years of accumulated confidence, worldview and indestructible spiritual will, under this kind of destruction, began to become precarious.

so that...

In a short second, the Queen Mother was really thinking about what it would look like when she merged herself with the monster behind her.

in an unsuspecting situation.

The Queen Mother was also contaminated.

This was something He never thought of and couldn't believe.

The people of the kingdom of God are sacrificed.

But the mother emperor is still the controller here, and as the controller, he is the king here.

But now...

However, he was influenced by a group of intruders into such a state.

"Get out of here!"

The Queen Mother was furious, and felt that the blood in her body was boiling at this moment.

The red gem on the forehead bloomed again.

The Queen Mother kept activating the divine weapon one after another.

He has only one purpose...

That is to break through obstacles.

Since the road has been tampered with and disappeared due to the influence of monsters.

Then, recreate an escape route.

The power of the artifact is unimaginable.

With a close-range blow, even the true god will be severely injured, and even fall into the realm.

Therefore, the Queen Mother must not dare to block the enemy in front of her under this kind of offensive.

A scene that made the Queen Mother miscalculated appeared.

However, he saw the rotting monster behind him suddenly making many sharp roars.

next second.

The other party actually teleported to the front of the mother emperor.

A ferocious Zerg cheek still maintained an angry expression.

But in an instant, he was hit by the energy of the divine weapon.


The terrifying explosion destroyed everything around him in an instant.

The head collectors and searchlight eyes who were standing in front of them also disappeared without a trace.

and at the other end of the channel.

Not pure darkness appeared in the eyes of the Empress.

At the other end of the passage, the same dark color, but slightly different, is starry.

380 is like the universe.

"What's that place?"

Although confused, the Queen Mother had nowhere to go.



Just when he hesitated for a few seconds, another footstep approached slowly.

Also, the number of footsteps was particularly noisy this time around.

The Queen Mother knew that the offensive she had created was too terrifying, and she had completely focused the distracted attention of the gods here.

The Queen Mother has lost everything.

Now, He totally thought that his attack had gone wrong.

So much so that such a bizarre way of survival was opened up.

But the pursuit of life made the Empress temporarily abandon her prudence.

It was his only way to survive.

Thinking of this, the Empress did not hesitate any longer.

A burst of boiling energy emerged from behind.


Accompanied by the terrifying thrust, the mother emperor galloped away in the direction of the new born.

Despite the rush to escape, the Queen Mother never forgot to stop the chasing troops.

He took one last look at his own kingdom of God.

His eyes were full of anger and resentment.

Abandoning thousands of years of roots is not an easy task.

But the matter has come to this point, the Empress has completely lost control of this place.

If you don't get it, you will be destroyed.

For the existence of the Queen Mother, this is the most rational choice.


A loud slaughter sound resounded throughout the kingdom of God.

At the same time, an evil will suddenly descended upon this corrupted land.

A more terrifying scene happened.

I saw that the land began to crack on a large scale at this time.

Earthquake is coming!

A series of explosions resounded around.

The worms that sacrificed their lives fell into the cracks just like Shashuo.

The sacrifice just now was too cruel and terrible.

The overwhelming number of bugs blew up directly because of the Queen Mother's order.

Countless wings, stumps, blood, and internal organs were scattered everywhere.

At this moment, because of the earthquake, the bodies of these sacrificers were all buried.

Of course, the purpose of the Empress was not simply to bury the corpse.

As the earth bursts.

Countless boiling magma appeared in the depths of the broken ground.

Seeing this scene, the Queen Mother's scarlet pupils were full of murderous intent.

His body even made an ear-piercing explosion.

"Burn me, the whole world!"

The Queen Mother is crazy now.

He didn't just sacrifice all his followers.

At this moment, the fire of hell was summoned.

As the wreckage continued to fall, the originally mild hellfire gradually became manic.

It's like a stove with countless coals added.

Under the gift of life, the temperature of hellfire even exceeded a thousand degrees.

A scene like a wave appeared.

The fire of hell that devoured countless wreckage actually set off a wave of 100 meters.

Layer upon layer.

Completely submerged the kingdom of God.

Under this terrifying deterrence, even the demigods cannot survive.

Among them, there are also a group of aggressive true gods who kill as much as they want.

But in the face of such a shocking scene, none of these true gods escaped.

They raised their heads and looked at this layer of waves composed of magma, and the corners of the mouths of some true gods even grinned strangely.


With the true God being submerged.

The entire Divine Kingdom could no longer bear the pressure, and was completely split into countless wreckage.

Everything happened so suddenly.

Even though the Queen Mother had already anticipated this scene, she still never thought that the power of the kingdom of God's self-destruction would be so terrifying!

Although the kingdom of God was destroyed by the mother emperor with her own hands.

But he also succeeded in getting rid of the enemy's pursuit.

The Queen Mother looked around.

This is a strange place.

Countless dilapidated planets are scattered around.

There is not a single creature on it.

But without exception, those planets seemed to have had a war.

The devastated appearance seems to have been baptized by the energy cannon without interruption.

"This is where?

The Queen Mother was slightly surprised.

He can be sure that he has escaped from the kingdom of God.

But when he came to such an unfamiliar place, he still felt a little uneasy.

In the past, He would not be bound by this emotion at all.

But now it is different. After all kinds of changes, the mother's heart is already on the verge of collapse.

He wandered aimlessly around.

But at this moment, the Empress suddenly felt a little cold in her body.

As if something was watching him.

The Queen Mother looked around.

Both eyes and the eyes behind him look for the target at the same time.

But at the moment when he looked around, he only felt a chill, which went up along the heavenly cover towards him.

But see around.

I do not know when there are countless pairs of dense eyes.

The owner of those eyes was full of playfulness.

This gave the Empress a very strange feeling.

I feel like an actor.

He stood on the stage from beginning to end and never went down.

And in these eyes.

The Queen Mother saw a familiar face.

It was (adae) a rotting body.

And there are many decorations on the chest.

One by one, the broken insect heads were imprisoned on the body by the opponent.

The monster's eyes have been squeezed into a slit by the horizontal flesh on his face.

But it was still ferocious and frightened the Queen Mother.

What is even more frightening is that in this case, the other party actually stretched out his arm.

The purpose of the monster is very pure, choose the pendant that suits you.

In his eyes, the mother emperor undoubtedly conforms to all his aesthetics.

Unlike what I just saw.

At this time, the rotting monster was still a little surprised.

That is, the other party's body is full of burn marks.

Looking at the dazzling wound, the Queen Mother couldn't say a word at all.

Destroyed the whole world, and even did not kill each other.

This is a very unusual thing.

And different from the surprised Queen Mother.

The rotten monster said again:

"Nice to meet you here.""

"The master will take what he needs, and all I want is your head.

"It is a very painful thing to meet death, so let me accompany you and go on. 35

The harsh invitation, even the mother emperor felt extremely disgusting.

But the most outrageous thing is that the other party is so sincere!

The Queen Mother really wanted to ask, how did the other party escape in that kind of environment and come here with such agile speed?

But the desire to survive made the mother emperor hold back these words.

For the Empress, there was only one urgent matter in front of her at this time.

That is to get out of here.

For this, He needs to devote more energy.

The red gems on his forehead gathered strength again.

The Queen Mother tried to break a crack here.

He originally thought that this move of his own would attract the obstruction of snoopers.

What surprised him was that these people did not stop their plans in the slightest.

Even the rotten monster that used his followers as a trophy was the same.

They just stared at themselves silently.

not moving at all.

The actions of many enemies completely angered the Queen Mother,

Repeated intimidation made the Empress no longer plan to spare any effort.

This time.

A more terrifying energy storm appeared.

The Queen Mother's body is slowly expanding.

His face also turned hideous.

The scarlet bloodthirsty eyes were full of destructive rage.

The Queen Mother knew very well that if she missed it this time, she would really stay here.

Even, it will become a collection of rotting monsters.

In the true sense, annihilation and disappearance in this world.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother squeezed the energy she had retained.

White smoke was puffing from his nostrils, and the corner of his mouth couldn't hold back his savage, beast-like smirk that gradually enlarged!

He never thought that he would be able to successfully release this attack in such an environment.

A desperate blow.

The Empress completely squeezed the energy of her body.

This time, in order to increase the chance of escape, the Queen Mother even began to squeeze life.

In this case, the destructive force formed can be imagined.

"Boom! 99

There was a burst of explosions.

The Queen Mother looked expectantly towards the location where the mist had dissipated.

But in the next second, He seemed to be frightened and foolish, and he never approached.

Because he saw that after the energy dissipated, there was no way in front of him at all.

The surroundings were still pitch black, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, the rotten body once again issued an invitation:

"You can't get out of here, come with me."

The Queen Mother was still immersed in her own state of surprise.

He couldn't believe what was in front of him.

The only good thing is that the surrounding monsters still did not pounce on him.

Do you still have a chance?

But just when the Queen Mother had a glimmer of hope.

Then came the sound of heavy footsteps.

Stepping on the ground makes a thumping sound, like a giant beast in the depths of the jungle, giving people the illusion of a behemoth just by imagination.

Then, the Queen Mother saw another creature that made her mind stagnate.

That's a black thing.

Not a tree, more like some twisted, weird creature.

It just sat there, as if waiting for something.

The rope-like arm wriggled and stretched...

On the other side's lower body, there are a pair of hooves like a goat.

He has a big name.

Black goat cub.

Vaguely visible, there are many black scales on the bark.

The opponent does not have the nose or ears of a conventional creature.

Only the eyes raised like toads are inlaid in every corner of the tree.

"Pfft! 35

"Pfft!" 9

"Pfft! 35

A series of voices resounded through the monster.

In just a few seconds, dense eyes appeared on the trees.

The disgusting appearance made the Queen Mother, who was used to seeing death, a little unbearable.

And the next sentence the other party said made the mother emperor more like standing at the core of a hurricane, swaying.

"The sacrifice did not choose to escape, but came to the place of sacrifice by himself."

"This is the power of my lord.

"Praise the Lord, now, our humble servants, we offer to you...

"Belated offering!

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